You could argue that it is in fact the most pure form of journalism. All they do is spew bullshit without being tethered to reality or providing anything useful to society.
I've played 5 Call of Duties, 4 Gears of War, 4 Halos, and 3 Dooms, it's harder to get excited about a new Destiny game. But something like a plot-driven, tough-as-nails platformer with a hang-up laden female protagonist (Celeste) is interesting.
Being an adult PC gamer is bad enough. But to be a console gamer as an adult? Those devices are literal toys for literal children. Truly the lowest of the low.
1 AutoModerator 2019-10-14
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-10-14
Have you posted bussy yet?
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1 TheColdTurtle 2019-10-14
People still defending j*urnolists in 201o smh
1 Zero5urvivers 2019-10-14
“Game journalists” are not journalists CMV
1 Redactor0 2019-10-14
You could argue that it is in fact the most pure form of journalism. All they do is spew bullshit without being tethered to reality or providing anything useful to society.
1 Giulio-Cesare 2019-10-14
Daily reminder that this is a prominent gaming journalist.
1 LedinToke 2019-10-14
they're the journalists that couldn't get a real job, just like how the shmucks who write for video games can't get a real writing job
1 El_Guero_Alto 2019-10-14
At this point gamer gate is an autistic take on WW3. G****s and Journos will be fighting for decades over the absolute most retarded shit possible.
1 trexmundi 2019-10-14
Future generations will have WW1 cut from the curriculum so they can learn about Gamergate.
1 911roofer 2019-10-14
I'm terrified you may be right.
1 LedinToke 2019-10-14
If that happens i'll laff
1 Platycel 2019-10-14
I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just saying you should die.
1 Kaiser-romulus 2019-10-14
Why is the thumbnail on that post a chick (maybe a tranny) leaning on a motorcycle lol
2 alphetaboss 2019-10-14
Imagine not knowing about the great trailblazing woman that is Brianna Wu.
Make sure to vote for her! I just donated all my 401k, match me!
2 Kaiser-romulus 2019-10-14
Sorry, I keep my retirement in crypto
1 Osterion 2019-10-14
thats brianna wu! one of the brave warriors who held the gates against the gaymer menace. Hopefully a future congresswoman as well!
4 KaaraRaven 2019-10-14
Space rocks 2020 ☻
1 Osterion 2019-10-14
also "maybe a tranny" 😂😂😂
1 Kaiser-romulus 2019-10-14
Ohh that is a tranny lol
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-10-14
That’s no moon
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-10-14
1 Redactor0 2019-10-14
CoD and consoleshit g***r has an opinion. 🤢🤮
2 trexmundi 2019-10-14
Being an adult PC gamer is bad enough. But to be a console gamer as an adult? Those devices are literal toys for literal children. Truly the lowest of the low.
1 Metatron58 2019-10-14
the ride never ends
1 Zozbot 2019-10-14
1 Zozbot 2019-10-14
1 Zozbot 2019-10-14
2 BlacJeesus 2019-10-14
Snappy 🤵❤️🤵Zozbot gay wedding when?
1 ryzyryz 2019-10-14
ppl should just drop all gamer journos. They add no value