Simulation does it better than the real thing

312  2019-10-14 by ManBearFridge


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This is the most convincing evidence I've ever seen that we're headed breakneck for an AI singularity that will wipe out all of humankind.


Hopefully soon inshallah

This is the most convincing evidence I've ever seen that we're headed breakneck for an AI singularity that will wipe out all of humankind.

Obviously the trannies will be the first to go.


They'll ignore the trannies, it's not like they provide any services or are going to stand in their way.

And to think this is just an AI that writes very convincing and cohesive statements using scraped comments from Reddit.

Just think what the same AI could do if fed military logistics information, battle outcomes, etc.

"Bro why does Italy still have a military" - AI

I mean I agree as well, but I think you can hate on the minority group, it's just that if you use the hate on the LGBT community as an excuse for being homophobic, you're just going to bring more division.

That's a fairly weak argument.

That's a fairly weak argument.

Your first sentence doesn't refute the argument.

This man is so based he beat himself in a game of wits

People hate on lesbians because of their infidelity.

🤭 How did the bots know this???

Hate transgender people because they are trans X4

Passing is going to mean something very different in a post-AI society.

These threads are always kinda spooky.

Nah we're actually so fidel that we don't even fuck our partners, let alone someone on the side.

Based and deadbedroom-pilled.

Unironically most of the lesbian relationships I've seen have been fucked up from the start. They move really fast, usually saying I love you within the first month. 🤪

And end with one of them becoming obsessive and abusive? Yep, that's what I've experienced as well.

Why are there so many lesbians on r/drama?

Damn, you're a dyke?

I believe the correct terminology is "raging bulldyke."

absolutely based, imo

We just beat them instead.

What I'd love to do, and intend to do, is grab my 8 years I have saved of my chat logs since I started keeping them in IRC and discord and then create a GPT2 AI NMJ87.

Already have a Markov chain NMJ but she is retarded.

I wanna see how strange my GPT2 self is. Probably would kill itself.

Already have a Markov chain NMJ but she is retarded.

You're making it too easy to diss you, hun

Who cares.

Anyone who knows what I'm trying to say knows that markov chains are retarded.

r/usersimulator isn't GPT2, but it's still fun

I read some story about this guy that kept creating perfect brain scan simulations of himself but they all immediately killed themselves.

Finally he made one that couldn't kill itself and it hated him.

What if you woke up in as a simulation with yourself as God?

I guess I would do what I do best, fail.

So they can't get married and reproduce and just need a fling to have kids, then?

They can, that's how the world works.

They don't, that's how the world works.


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Simulation does it better than the ... -,,

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People hate on the people who practice the gay marriage.


How can you write so much and get everything wrong? It's truly impressive.

You talking to yourself?


People hate on the trans people because they're trans.

People hate on the people who practice the gay marriage.

People hate on the trans people because they're trans.

People hate on the transgender people because they're trans.

Jesus, they have families twitter followers

I'm less afraid of the AI singularity now that I can see how based it will clearly be