Drama when some people learn Panera is fast food who doesn’t cook everything from scratch on site when actual preparation video gets posted.

126  2019-10-15 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


I can tolerate fast casual food where a minimum amount of actual prep is involved - at Chipotle they at least have to pull the protein out of the bag and throw it on the grill. Fire up the rice maker a few times a day. That seems reasonable.

Why anyone in their right mind would pay $15-25 to have someone microwave your tendies at Panera or Applebee’s boggles the mind. The widespread tolerance for Olive Garden is on its own proof that the American Empire is on the cusp of massive civilization collapse

I still go through the DQ drive thru occasionally so they can heat me up some frozen tendies and throw a side of ranch-like substance in the box along with a few pieces of toast. Don't know why they put toast in with the tendies but at least it gives me something to give to the neighbor's chickens when I get home.

🤢🤢🤮🤮 mayo industrial society ass nigger

I once stopped at a DQ on an Indian reservation. Take your average DQ quality and subtract 70%

I won't go to applebees anymore. Nothing on their menu is appealing.

And the last time I went to Olive garden I ordered lasagna it was $17 and bad plus the breadsticks were greasy.

Don't talk shit about Chef Mike

Okay but Olive Garden has good salad and their breadsticks are fine

Panera tastes like hospital food

Panera tastes like that because the only people who are willing to pay 12 dollars for a fucking salad or 10 bucks for microwaved Mac and cheese are tasteless suburban mayoids.

Oh good I thought maybe it tasted like hospital food because I’m actually dead

Still could be true tbh

God willing

Imagine going to Panera and not getting the $1.30 bagel.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Drama when some people learn Panera... - archive.org, archive.today

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Broccoli cheddar soup in a bread bowl from Panera got me through multiple surgeries so I'm willing to forgive them for anything like this.

Their chicken Alfredo in a bread bowl was like 2000 calories, with all the salts and protein you need in a day, for $10. College memories.

congrats on your gayness my man


Mayos mad

Imagine unironically paying to eat at chain restaurants.

No ones impressed by you



I’m, however, very impressed with you. 😏


Somehow better than one of those restaurants that only makes grilled cheeses.

That’s called “sous vide” cooking. You think steakhouses cook your big ass tomahawk steak in 20 minutes straight from the fridge? Nope.

Foodies should all be forced to eat nothing but oatmeal and salt stick until the end of their days.

Jared, just when I think you can’t get more based, you do

She posted this to tiktok then got fired after it went viral

Good, exposing a fast food chain doesn't make up for being a Tik Tok user

Got lots of share tho

And people told me Panera is for rich people.

Imagine liking Panera

I remember when I took a job at my favorite restaurant and found out how they made their food.

Do not take a job at your favorite restaurant.

They just made a giant tub of Mac and cheese at the beginning of each week and microwaved individual servings.