zoomers and boomers are gonna kill us all

71  2019-10-15 by Ghdust2


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"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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She's twelve and autistic

Why did they have to make a whole post when they already know the answer?


Wait, this is a thing? I taught a class in field geology this summer and this one girl fits this, she had a hydroflask she was inseparable from, birkenstocks, and hair scrunchies and 90s mom jeans. I just thought it was like a 90s ish look, didn't think much of it since that's pretty practical clothing. Even though I thought it excessive to lug a hydroflask around while hiking, I can understand cold water at 3pm in the desert.


I imagine this person is a unironically commie but loves capitalized water bottles

I stole one from a guy at a self realization fellowship. Thinking about him desperately searching the koi pond for his $40 bottle makes my water taste so much better.

Makes you more of a commie than most of r/communism

I stole one


self realization fellowship

but faggotpilled

nice gardens open free to the publicpilled

Is there something about that brand of bottle? I looked it up and it seems like a generic water bottle.

Nah it's just the latest trendy product to have. Usually they stick a bunch of stickers on the outside to personalize them.

It angers me 90s mom jeans are in style. So fuckin ugly. I LOL that scrunchies are back though.

she’s twelve and autistic

Imagine that

She's twelve and autistic and has tried to explain it to me but I really don't understand.

Lol. At least he doesn't need a paternity test.

This sounds like its coming from a millennial or Xer

if i had a kid and they followed tiktok trends id beat them and lock them away until theyre 18