Only days after ABC gets caught faking combat footage in Syria, some lizard who lied about serving in vietnam proposes felony charges for anyone attacking journalists.

208  2019-10-15 by unrulyfarmhand


Imagine thinking it's controversial that attacking someone should be a criminal offence

MDE/CA purge when??

Imagine thinking journalist should be a protected class.

A protected class because they shouldn't be assaulted?

Lmao burgers.

Bruh they already cant be assaulted.

Do you thin it's legal to violently attack a journalist?

I mean, leftist journalists that is. You can apparently gang bang a rightoid journo and it be cool.

So you mean this barely does anything at all but the rightoid are still massively butthurt?

Imagine my shock.

So you telling me writing laws that do nothing but virtue signal their supporters isnt very popular with constitutional conservatives?

It's like you people dont even attempt to look at arguments from other angles.

Look, i know anything with writibg is scary to conservatives, but uts tine you learned to read.

Cool nice talk. God bless you and God bless America.

That's the kind of patriotism that makes me want to put an American flag up Masterlawlz's bussy 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Article 1

Imagine thinking they're human.

Imagine thinking journalists deserve human rights

Nobody "faked combat footage" in Syria someone gave them the video and they're retarded.

I swear to god rightoids are some of the dumbest humans on earth. If they gave even 20% as much shit about their cult leader fabricating bullshit and producing fake news this country would be 10x better.

I was worried that dramacels downvote you, but they finally learned that we upvote lolcows

The best part of /r/drama is the low-information, low IQ, uneducated people that are perpetually wrong about everything but think they aren't the lolcows.

I’m always amazed that someone who looks the way you do can have a superiority complex

I'm amazed someone that can't formulate arguments and likely has a sub 80 IQ thinks I care what he thinks.

In no universe is your opinion even close to relevant to me.

When are you going to transition?

Who says he hasn't you gatekeeping scum!


He spends all day arguing with burger rightoids that could make someone with a hairlip feel like the godhead.

All of us are lolcows, just the stupider ones don't realize it.

now this is podracing

When we couldn't bring them in, we festered in our own stupidity and became them

Its pizzashill, we don't have to updoot him to make him stay like we do with your everyday lured cow. He'll never leave arr drama because becoming hopelessly entangled in retardation forever is the most pivotal part of his core nature.

I know, but how do we find new lolcows, now that only approved users can comment on the sub?

I don’t have an answer for this. But I can tell you when one comes along, it’ll be the greatest form of entertainment our extra chromosomes have ever glanced upon. Inshallah 🙏

I think the tard wranglers told them that the official talking point is that some troll did this or it was just an honest mistake. Been seeing it all over reddit.

whyd they crop the phones out of the bottom of the video that made it immediately apparent it wasnt syria

Someone probably gave them the fucking video like that. Are you actually retarded enough to think this was some intentional plot by ABC?

have you not seen american news before lol of course its intentional

imagine trusting american jew media companies jesus christ

Whining about American news being terrible and run by a few people.



i dont get it why do you think that disqualifies me from making fun of what you guys have on tv

australian news is p bad but its not a patch on americas "duct tape yourself inside your house with plastic sheeting to avoid anthrax" hilarity

who is this "4 chan"??????

Considering Rupert Mordoch is Australian, isn't he uniquely qualified to comment?

Your right. I guess what I was trying to do was remind him that it was breakfast time and if he missed collecting his murdoch cum helpings it would be another 5 hours until lunch was served.




Anyone talking about the "American jew media" and believing absurdly stupid shit like this isn't someone I'd consider credible or someone with opinions I'd consider.

they are all jews though its not really something you can deny even if you dont think its relevant

Imagine being so dumb you subscribe to ancient religious conspiracy theories.

ancient religious conspiracy theories like "nearly all american media is owned by jewish people even though they only compromise a couple of percent of the population, also they all say the same stuff"

I suggest you look into the origin of your worldview.


You know what I'm talking about.

tbh i used to be what was called a leftist back in the early 2000s, before they went mental with idpol and self hate

when everything was about elites and the 1% and bankers and how inequality stemmed from them

i was also heavily anti israel

i just incidentally saw how all that shit coincides at a certain uncomfortable point, and how hard certain groups deny it and try to stop people saying it

true story btw

also people get really upset and sensitive about jews on the internet for some reason so its an easy in if i want to talk shit

tbh i used to be what was called a leftist back in the early 2000s, before they went mental with idpol and self hate

Weird, considering the political right is more based on idpol than the political left is.

when everything was about elites and the 1% and bankers and how inequality stemmed from them

Weird, considering the "elites" are primarily right-wingers.

also people get really upset and sensitive about jews on the internet for some reason so its an easy in if i want to talk shit

I just find it funny that people today are dumb enough to fall victim to conspiracies that have been around since at least the 1200s.

Weird, considering the political right is more based on idpol than the political left is.

its not though, the left just projects about literally everything and tries to no u the right constantly

its like r/therightcantmeme in political form

Weird, considering the "elites" are primarily right-wingers.

according to who lol

I just find it funny that people today are dumb enough to fall victim to conspiracies that have been around since at least the 1200s.

do you find it odd that these conspiracies keep happening in completely isolated communities that dont contact each other over hundreds of years

theres a tribe in the south american jungle that ejected jewish settlers for instance

I can’t imagine a more retarded place to be serious posting than here.

its not though, the left just projects about literally everything and tries to no u the right constantly

Yes, it literally is. This is especially true with conservatives, for example:

Again my own related work uses the term “constrained.” If you have a “constrained” set of issue positions, then all of your policy preferences consistently swing to the left or to the right. The people with well-constrained issue positions often have more extreme issue positions also. But for many voters, an identification with an ideological label means something different than holding a constrained set of issue positions. You might call yourself a conservative, and feel very, very strongly identified as a conservative, and still not actually hold consistently conservative policy positions. In fact, a number of political scientists have found that the American electorate, as a whole, prefers on average left-leaning policy positions. But on average, this same electorate calls itself conservative. And because we do have these generally left-leaning policy preferences as an electorate, conservative politicians feel the need to double down on conservative social identification. Matt Grossmann and David Hopkins published a book called Asymmetric Politics about this difference between Democrats and Republicans. So we might anachronistically think of Democrats as the “identity politics” party, but it actually makes much more sense for Republicans to campaign on identity.

You can't see it because you're the target.

according to who lol

According to objective reality? Have you ever looked at political funding and international conservatism?

do you find it odd that these conspiracies keep happening in completely isolated communities that dont contact each other over hundreds of years

I find it hilarious that you subscribe to 800 year old conspiracy theories that came into being due to religious extremism.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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Conservatives are smarter though and don't have fat activists. Did you consider that?

How are conservatives smarter? They have lower levels of education on average.

Cos they're based

Yes, it literally is. This is especially true with conservatives, for example:

lol whos speaking spanish in an official capacity and crying about illegals to get hispanic votes though

which side supports blm and antifa

hipster blog

lol dude

Her research on partisan identity, partisan bias, social sorting, and American social polarization has been published in academic journals, and featured in mainstream media outlets including the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, and National Public Radio. Mason received a 2017 Emerging Scholar Award from the American Political Science Association (APSA).

def sounds like someone to listen to

no american leftists understand the right at all, its kind of hilarious

You can't see it because you're the target.

im not even conservative im just racist

i think social spending is entirely necessary but that only deserving citizens should have access to it for instance

According to objective reality?

oh its one of these

I find it hilarious that you subscribe to 800 year old conspiracy theories that came into being due to religious extremism.

yeah the religious extremism of the jews

look you cant kill kids and drain them without making medieval peasants angry at you, it is what it is

I'm done with this, when somone starts rejecting academic research on a subject and making dumb ass arguments about spanish that person is a lost cause.

You're sick, and I hope you get the help you need.

academic research

being in "academia" doesnt automatically make you right nigga

theyre teaching pepes and feminism out here

You're sick, and I hope you get the help you need.

sick as in fully sick brah

thinking the right isnt about IDPOL

i shouldnt be surprised a take that retarded is coming from someone who believes all scientists are secret commies but i am

its amazing how many mayos vote against their own interests because some feminist on twitter said means things about them

tf are you even talking about lmao

its amazing how many mayos vote against their own interests

my interests are stopping people like you from having any influence though

i dont want to empower people thatll just wreck shit

my interests are stopping people like you from having any influence though

yes because neoliberals ruined the economy that neoliberalism brought about, damn neoliberals they ruined neoliberalism what we really need is retarded baby boomers screeching about gays and foreigners

neoliberalism is whats wrong with society, not whats right

the economy doesnt mean shit when its like 5 people profiting

what we really need is retarded baby boomers screeching about gays and foreigners

no you just need to get rid of illegals and stop teaching kids to be trannies and you can have all your social stuff

the economy doesnt mean shit when its like 5 people profiting

when the horseshoe is so real rightoids spout tankie propaganda and ignore the reality that people have never been better off globally

stop teaching kids to be trannies and you can have all your social stuff

REEEE TRANNIES boomer memes, classic

when the horseshoe is so real rightoids spout tankie propaganda

nigga thats not tankie thats reality, youre boasting about jeff bezos rubbing your money on his dick and balls

neoliberalism is trash and why everyone hates america

people have never been better off globally

lol who has never been better off exactly dude

which class is living better now than a decade or two ago

also ignoring the facts that its retarded conservatives like you who always make taxes more regressive

im not conservative though i just hate communists

conservatives are unbelievably stupid when it comes to any fiscal policy

do you mean like saying lets have healthcare for all and also let illegals in

REEEE TRANNIES boomer moral panic memes

no im serious, you cant have proper healthcare or social safety nets until you eliminate all the things that are going to wreck the system

illegals, frivolous surgeries, etc etc

the trans stuff is important to sort out first because otherwise the system is going to be flooded with insane people

skunk fursuit fart fetishists are probably more common.

oh do they demand surgery too

what we really need is retarded baby boomers screeching about gays and foreigners

proceeds to screech about trannies

like clockwork

lol can you even read

im saying you cant have all your social systems working until you remove the elements thatll stop it from working

whereas neoliberalism is being gay and pandering for the sake of it and will never achieve anything important

the truth of something depends on who said it first

I don't think you fully comprehend how retarded these conspiracies are. Rob Brotherton in suspicious minds:

Superstition and prejudice toward Jews dates back to the earliest years of Christianity. Saint John Chrysostom, a fourth-century preacher widely admired for his eloquence, eloquently denounced Jews as baby-killing devil worshipers. In 1215, Pope Innocent III was concerned that Christians might find themselves unwittingly having relations with Jews. His solution was to make Jews wear distinguishing clothing, leading to the yellow “badge of shame” that many Jewish people around Europe were required to wear throughout the Dark Ages—and again under the Nazis. A couple of decades later, Pope Gregory IX established the Inquisition, a formalized effort to prosecute heresy against the Roman Catholic Church, which eventually led to mass executions of Jews, among other accused heretics, and mass burnings of their holy books.

According to the pious logic of some medieval theologians, the Jewish Talmud was both blasphemous and, paradoxically, a testament to the truth of Christian teaching. Just as the Devil knows the truth of Christianity but is determined to deny it and destroy those who believe it, so too, Christian scholars argued, do the Jews. People came to see Jews as being in league with Satan, possessing arcane knowledge and black magic, and harboring an unquenchable hatred for Christianity. Allegations that Jewish people were plotting against Christians became commonplace.

One popular theory had it that Jews were in the habit of poisoning Christian drinking wells. When the Black Plague ravaged fourteenth-century Europe, outbreaks were often blamed on the international Jewish well-poisoning conspiracy. In some cases, torturers coerced confessions from a handful of Jewish suspects, on the basis of which thousands more were burned alive. The worst of the pogroms was in Strasbourg. Fear-stricken locals, desperate to prevent the plague from reaching them, decided to preemptively slaughter the town’s Jews. (Some of the town’s nobility were also in debt to Jewish money-lenders, and may have seen an opportunity to clear their tab.) City authorities attempted to intervene but couldn’t hold the mob at bay. All told, around nine hundred Jewish people were burned alive, and the rest were baptized or banished. The plague soon swept through town regardless, leaving sixteen thousand people dead in its wake.

There was also the “blood libel”—the allegation that Jewish people routinely murder Christians and drain them of their blood, which they allegedly used to make the Passover meal, to make medicine to heal their physical defects, or to perform unholy rituals. The myth was invented in the twelfth century, when a young Christian boy was found dead on the outskirts of Norwich, England, the day before Easter Sunday. Thomas of Monmouth, a Benedictine monk turned amateur detective, offered a convoluted explanation. Jewish teaching, he claimed, asserts that Jews must spill Christian blood in order to regain their homeland. Thus, a secret council of Jewish elites convenes once a year to select a sacrificial Christian child. Monmouth’s idea caught on. For centuries thereafter, whenever a Christian child went missing or turned up dead, local Jews were often the first suspects.

These religiously motivated fears circulated for centuries. Meanwhile, Jews in many regions were denied citizenship and property rights, confined to ghettos, or banished from Christian society altogether. This began to change in the wake of the French Revolution, when many Jewish people were granted basic human rights and began to emerge from isolation. They naturally tended to favor liberal and democratic political policies that represented their best hope of increasing liberty. Still sidelined from traditional occupations, many migrated to the cities and pioneered inventive new ways of making a living. While most remained impoverished and out of sight, a few became extremely wealthy.

This all led to new social tensions. A lot of people weren’t thrilled about the radical changes taking place around them. For some, the newly integrated Jews became a defining symbol of the modern world. The age-old prejudice that had given rise to the blood libel and well-poisoning myths was reinvigorated and updated to reflect modern anxieties and resentments. Jews were no longer enemies of God, but enemies of man. In 1879, a new word, antisemitism, was coined to reflect the fact that what was once a collection of primitive medieval superstitions had become a fully-fledged political ideology.

That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Imagine being so dumb you think the reason the news is full of fake shit is because the jews run it

it at least doesnt help lol

all i know is that the people that run it are untrustworthy liars and theyre also all jews

any other conclusion is optional

even though they only compromise a couple of percent of the population


Have you ever wondered if the fact that you believe in all those conspiracy theories and the fact that you're shunned by your family and neighbors and the fact that you can't spell properly all have the same cause: that you're really fucking dumb? And not a pleasant dumb like some downies, but the rambling about niggers on the train while wasted kind of dumb?

lmao im smarter than you though i dont care if i put the wrong word in there in a rush when i was typing

if you dont have an actual argument just keep quiet instead of being a faggot

lmao im smarter than you though i dont care if i put the wrong word in there in a rush when i was typing

"i just put a wrong word", "i just peed my pants", "i just forgot my grandson's name", sure, all absolutely normal things everyone does 😜

lmao im smarter than you though

[X] doubt

Much like with nobels prize, where jews got 50% of them, media company and billionary belong in disproportionnate rates to jews.

This is entirely due to socio economics factors.

turns out nannering your children to work white collar jobs instead of "finding themselves" and having a cultural obsession with achievement results in Jews being overrepresented among coastal elites, who knew?

lmao yeah theyre just really really smart thats why theyre disproportiontely over represented by like 1000% in all higher education and government positions and media positions

not too smart to stop draining baby blood in front of people and getting their whole community ejected repeatedly though huh

like what?

why wouldnt the media fake footage?

its not a new thing

They didn’t make the vid themselves but also didn’t check up enough bc it fits their narrative

lol you would definitely accept these excuses if Fox News had done this

Fox news makes mistakes all of the time, I've never attacked fox news like this because only idiots view the world in this way.

“It’s real news to me, dammit”

Are you illiterate?

Ok rabbi, you’re the boss!


Just like it was Trump's job to fact check his fake black crime statistics and all of the other disinformation he spewed.


It's relevant to this because they're reeing about "liars" and "fake news" and have no issue with the king of both.

What if, and bear with me here for a second because this might blow some minds, it's possible for both Trump and the media to be lying, and to be angry about both.

That might be possible. The difference is the media issues retractions after making mistakes, Trump doubles down on said mistakes and repeats them over and over after being told they were lies.

His base does the same thing. What is being attacked here is the faux outrage of dumb ass internet conservatives that are always ready to sperg out over mistakes, even when they're corrected, yet gives their cult leader a free pass, even though said cult leader isn't actually making mistakes but deliberately spreading disinformation.

the media issues retractions after making mistake

LOL, yeah, they do, but they do a half-assed job of it. A front page story get a page 8 retraction a week after an error is found. I'm still finding, among other things, idiots who think The Washington Free Beacon paid for the Steele Dossier. The media will run with anything they think will help their pet causes, and if it's wrong, they don't give a shit. Retractions in our current climate aren't corrections, they're a means of covering your ass so you don't get sued.

Why do you feel it’s your duty to defend a Neo liberal new conglomerate that’s making shit up, and getting caught red handed? This is a genuine question, no ad Homs necessary

Doesn't mean the medias responsibility is somehow absolved

Pizza are you denying FBI crime stats?

No, I'm denying the literally fake statistics Trump linked.

So you accept 13/52?

insofar as the number exists, but I'm not low IQ enough to think randomly invoking statistics supports my worldview.

How about the new 90/10

Nice whataboutism.

I'll take "has no idea what the term whataboutism means for 500, Alex."

No, this time some idiot on Reddit got it right. A Whataboutism is generally an apples to oranges comparison meant to deflect blame or draw attention away from an honest critique by accusing the critic of hypocrisy without refuting their argument. Comparing ABC News, which has an obligation as a news agency to be objective and honest, to a politician who is well-known for making statements ranging from the ridiculously hyperbolic to outright wrong is definitely apple-to-oranges, and made no sense in the context of the conversation preceding it.

I’m sure they would have had the same level of scrutiny over a video showing Kurds supposedly attacking. Why do all the mistakes go in one direction 🤔

The media just spins the Kurds into whatever group they are selling them to. On conservative outlets Kurds have conservative western values when selling them to the left the Kurds espouse the same beliefs they have. The psyop is actually really impressive best thing the alphabet agencies, mossad,and the (((media))) have done in ages

I'm sure ABC, one of the largest and most respected media organizations in the country, just made a "oopsie daisy nothing to see here move right along".

The best part of this is how low information idiots think these big companies are invariably competent.

The best part of this is the mental gymnastics leftist are willing to perform to suck the cocks of their media masters.

The president himself is producing and sharing fake news. We have bigger problems than the media making a mistake.

One of the largest media organizations is partaking in counter-state propaganda and baiting support to expend American lives for a small sliver of land in sand country. At best, it's just tryna stick it to mean ol' drumpf, and at worst it's War propaganda for the military industrial complex.

I'm not surprised you're sucking their dicks to defend them, though. Your entire worldview is dependent on them having your best interest in mind, so it makes sense why you'd desperately try to submit to their constructed narratives. I've never actually seen you hold any political opinions that diverge from mainstream media, so it's pretty obvious you are just a product of the machine.

How does it feel being a useful drone willingly submitting to tyranny in this brave new world?

I honestly don't understand how you people are just this uneducated, this low information, and this absurd.

A media company making a mistake they retract is not anywhere close to as bad as a president:

A) Tweeting fake racial crime statistics to dog-whistle white nationalists.

B) Sharing doctored videos to smear the speaker of the house as a drunk.

C) Making up random conspiracies to assault the institutions of this country.

D) Breaking federal law and trying to cover it up, and then coming up with even more conspiracies to protect himself and rile up his unhinged base.

ABC made a mistake, they issued a retraction. Trump has issued exactly 0 retractions and to this day is still doing most of these things.

The only person that has put American lives in danger is Donald Trump, he did that when he let Turkey invade Syria, slaughter our allies, shell our troops.

He put them in danger, not the media.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've read this exact essay on CNN somewhere. You should become a writer for don lemon, cause it's pretty obvious hes a huge influence of yours.

Pizza, you really need to lay off the propaganda. Your arguments are indistinguishable from the toilet you drink them from.

Point out a single claim I made that is factually incorrect.

It's not the facts that's the problem, it's the spin.

You're definitely ingesting the information, it's the language you use to describe the facts that is straight from your media master's mouth. You havent a single original thought in your life. You are the product of the media you consume, which honestly just means you're a mindless drone submitting to what you're being spoonfed.

Like just honestly consider the media might be lying to you or at the very least trying to influence you. It's not such an impossible or illogical thing to consider.

What fucking spin dude. These are all facts, these are all things he's done, I didn't hear about them from the media, I watched them happen with my own eyes.

Explain to me how anything the media has done is worse than Trump.

Go back and read what you wrote. Literally every thing you wrote is spin. For example,

tweeting out fake racial crime statistics to dog-whistle white nationalist.

The facts:

Trump tweeted out racial crime statistics that were not accurate.

The spin:

To dog-whistle white nationalist.

That is the don lemon coming out to talk for you.

You literally wont even CONSIDER that mainstream news outlets are misleading you. The immediate dismissal of my viewpoint with "you're in a cult! Le_donald poster so whatever! Please dont make me think creatively out of my own opinion" Is about as obvious of an example of a thought-stopping cliche as anything. You're almost militant in your defense of the media! You want to sit here and act like you're the smartest person on earth while vomiting every talking news head's rhetoric you can.

You'd make a great Maoist communist party leader! You would rather die defending corporate media before getting up off your knees.

Friend, he tweeted fake racial crime statistics that had a picture of a black guy with a gun on the side of it. When confronted and told they were fake, he claimed they were credible.

You are completely oblivious and retarded if you can't comprehend why he tweeted those. Even if they were accurate, why is someone running for president tweeting any form of racial crime stats on twitter?

Who do you think that was directed at?

It's becoming more and more obvious you are not able to recognize media spin. That's hilarious. You literally just called yourself a person with a higher than average IQ and in the next breath are trying to say that facts and information inferred from facts are indistinguishable. Putting the moral aspect of the subject in matter aside, you have no idea why Trump posted those statistics or who he was posting them for. Unless you have proof of him saying "I put that out for my white nationalist supporters" than saying that he was dog-whistling white nationalist is an inferred opinion.

Your inability to distinguish opinions from fact is probably why you cannot consider any possibility where the media might be misleading you. You're no better than the braindead redneck mindlessly following Fox News.

It's insane watching you people just lie. When did I say I had a higher than average IQ?

What opinion was advanced here?

Of the 2 of us, which posts on a political cult sub?

You've gone too deep off topic and are now arguing pedantry, so imma just chalk this up as a W.

To summarize, I said that the media is lying, to which you responded with "trump is bad" and ignored the media topic, to which I had to bring you back on topic about media trust, then you continued with "trump is bad" and again ignored the media topic, to which I called you out for mimicking the language of your media masters and again had to bring you back to the topic of media trust, to which you asked me to disprove anything you just said about "trump is bad" and again ignored the topic of media trust, to which I called you out for confusing fact for spin and tried to bring you back to the topic of media trust, to which you cried about me misrepresenting something you said and again ignored the topic of media trust.

Great argument, pizza.

You've gone too deep off topic and are now arguing pedantry, so imma just chalk this up as a W.

Lmao, stopped reading. Translation: I have no real response.

Let's see if you can stand me getting the last word in.

lol you definitely read the whole comment

There's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.

You need to stop posting, you're embarrassing yourself at this point.

Can you point out what in that comment is factually incorrect?

I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. Only days after ABC gets caught fak... -,

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Damn that guy looks like he is made if leather

Calfskin to be exact

WorldAroundEwe, analysis?

that is one not sexy boomer 🤢

I could get behind this, but the drama it stirs up makes me think otherwise. When those may0 terrorists chanted threats in Tucker’s front yard, that was entertaining.

lets be real this isnt about that, its about people questioning bigger channels authenticity

thats what theyll say "attacking" is

Oh I agree 100%. As questionable as veritas is, that CNN investigative reporting was damning, and ABC making fake news out of clips from the knob creek gun range machine gun shoot. They want to make people fear calling out their BS.

Also this type of law would definitely get that guy in cuffs for calling cuomo “fredo”

Yup, lmao I can’t wait till legacy media finally dies. I give money to yt channels like chinauncensored and a few others.

Rightoids are pushing this story hard to justify their "all whitehouse leaks are untrue" cope.

Federal crime /= felony charges

What's funny is you know 80% of the people screeching about this tried their darnest to stretch their obese, diabeetus-riden bodies into pretzels to defend Meth Barbie when she dropped her scorching hot 'alternative facts' take 2yrs ago.

Not me. That shit was hilarious.

Trump is a retarded liar, but pretending he’s the only retarded liar is nonsensical.