The bedroom of an average redditor

16  2019-10-16 by Wraith_GraveSpell


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. The bedroom of an average redditor -,

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I don’t really see the problem.

Have sex

Gaymer bedspread

Shark cutouts smacked unto wall behind bed

Practically half the wardrobe dedicated to soyshirts

Cardboard box as nightstand

Naked, cold white lightbulbs in light fixture for that serial killer lighting


And hes 40. Also this is Maddox. Yes that one.

Evidence? I thought his account was maddoxreddit (I can’t ping).

Did it ever come out why he changed so drastically? He went from full edgy bro humor, and actually pretty funny at that, literally joking about beating women and children to... Apparently full-on soyboy and definitely not funny from what I've seen. I assume it was some combination of a foid and a failing career?

Shark cutouts smacked unto wall behind bed

At first I thought those were some fish he caught at mounted, but nope they're fucking shark posters. That's so much worse

I hope this guy likes trannies


it’s like the jokes write themselves

Is this crime scene footage from a child pornographer? No idea how else anyone could have they creepy bedspread

I think it's g*mer shit

It's Maddox's fucking hovel LMAO