Young Britbong doesnt believe that trannies are women, gets CANCELLED by fellow bongs

76  2019-10-16 by Ultrashitposter


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Young Britbong doesnt believe that ... -,

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Not entirely true, medical transition is to change your sex as much as is currently medically possible (sex is a spectrum, not a binary).

hold the fuck on. When did "sex" become a spectrum? I thought the whole "spectrum" thing was for gender, which they claimed is a social construct so it can be anything. "sex" they always claimed, is binary. When did we move in to this whole sex isnt binary thing?

Baby steps

Sex isnt gender now watch as i twist to the point of making sex gender

Sexuality on a spectrum has been a thing since the 1960s.

They don't mean sexuality, they mean sex.

The act?

Whether they're male or female smh 😒

That’s gender isn’t it?

smh. watch more contrapoints 😤

No thanks.

They changed it. Now it’s sex but also gender. Also biological gender is now on a spectrum and fluid. Penis is a social construct.

Can I socially construct mine to get bigger?

I don’t know the specifics tbh. Go ask contrapoints

Lol just identify as someone with a bigger penis

Ken Jeong

umm, sweaty, gender is whether you like wearing trousers or skirts, educate yourself

Don't worry Hodor. These mongoloid zoomers may not appreciate you, but I do.

lol according to my downvotes they are seething 😤

Words don't mean anything but I can pretend they do if I keep using them until some monkeys listen

Since Klinefelter syndrome and it's variants were a thing. Although, "strongly bimodal" might be a better way to describe it.

Fair but it's clearly not a "spectrum". Its A, B and genetic deformity.

Klinefelter Syndrome isn't exactly normal.

What part of "strongly bimodal" do you not understand?

Because strongly is an overstatement. People with chromosomal deformities are far in the minority and for the most lean heavily towards one sex.

I was agreeing with you. A "weakly" would be an overstatement. A "weakly" bimodal distribution would have 2 modes, but be smeared all over the place. A "strongly" bimodal distribution would have 2 clear peaks, with nothing much around those peaks.

I was agreeing with you.

Well that's where you messed up. I'm retarded and have bad read

The number of fingers humans have is a spectrum.

I identify as having 4 arms.

Reminder that accelerationists were right all along.

Hahahahah dear God. I feel like I'm in arrested development.

The goalposts are always shifting, now they think that biological sex is a social construct

Jokes on them when they need accurate and successful medical care.

Like all fascist ideologies, modern weakness is completely nonsensical and contradictory.

Real feminism is intersectional. It's about female empowerment and equality. Trans women are women, and if you want a place free from them, that's your choice. The problem is becoming transphobic, and that sub is just an echo chamber of hate. On another note, while feminism is about women, it's important to recognise that the patriarchy also affects men (albeit much more positively) and the whole point is for everyone to be equal. Read my reply below about safe spaces / trans women.

okay but reading the title of the linked post, i have a bit more faith in the future of humanity

faith in the future of humanity

Fortnite default dance!

would rather that

Humanity will United Under Allah. 🕌🙏

The west needs an Islamic caliphate

Iran turns innocent fags into suicidal frankenstien monsters for no reason. Islam is not the answer.

That website they linked to is cancer. I have a 32" monitor and only about 10" in the middle had the article, the rest was filled with ads.

> not using adblock in 2019

How's that even possible?

Work machine, don't usually browse with it.

Your sys admin is monitoring your browsing habits and they are very disappointed.

Highly unlikely.

They find the one british guy with some common sense and he gets canceled.

Anglos 🤪

to think that at one point in time not that long ago the sun never set on the british empire

how the mighty have fallen

What England has become is unironically the most ironic event in history.

Pakistanis roam the street, raping and killing as they please, while the British Bobbies, a decaying mockery of what they once were, confiscate any means of self-defense from the now-spineless populace.

That's because the Krauts firebombed away every last shred of their dignity.

Yes but what does this mean for my prospects with trappy