It’s over for trad femcels

78  2019-10-16 by Llamayoda


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I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. It’s over for trad femcels -,

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Terfs and incels need to have sex with each other already

This is how we end up with Sewer People.

How do men just get to leave

Because its easier run than fight a losing divorce case

Also to avoid catching a fake rape allegation.

GC posters strike as the type of people who would spit out one of those without the slightest hesitation.

I think they say 50% of men have raped and other half is just waiting for the opportunity to do so.

Wasn't there a thread yesterday where one claimed 50% of men are libertarian?

Yes, indeed there was. There was some study that said 1 in 32 and that became 1 in 2 once the femcels got ahold of it.

Lol yeah that’s why i said that


Generally speaking it's probably because men in marriages are more likely to have a skill set they can use to support themselves after they flee where as the women tend to spend more time caring for the child or being a stay at home mom.

Things are changing a bit now that having two working parents has become the norm, but traditionally wives didn't work and so they couldn't just up and leave unless they had someone else who could support them.

Why do men always get to just leave?

Cause foids have this stupid tendency of getting older and uglier.


A women’s worth is based solely in her looks and that’s a good thing.

drop the shero and get with the xero

Based on what I’ve seen of other’s stories, be sure to file ASAP and get accounts frozen, including his 401k if he has one. He will blow your children’s futures on surgeries and fetish wear and dragon dildos and won’t experience a moment of shame for doing so.


Okay now that’s based lmao.

TERFs are the most tolerable mentally ill ideologues.

It's fucking odd how well I get along with them.

We love u 2 bb

What is based is blowing kids money on massive dragon dildoes, tho.

Just think, in five to ten years there will be an entire generation that's going to start exploring the internet and find tweeted pictures of their dad shitting in a disopsable diaper while wearing thigh high rainbow stockings.

That future is here today.

Please forward further discussion material to Inmate #04475-046

They're not wrong lol

ok that sounds awesome tho

where's the lie tho?

Imagine losing your house and having to go on food stamps because your husband wants to grow tits and surgically mutilate themselves.


In all seriousness, I have mixed feelings about GC, but I kind of feel for them. I think that many/most men today are simply failures at being men, and I think a lot of GC is pushback against that. I see a lot of women there that very clearly have zero positive male influences in their lives. It's natural that they would be kind of fucked up as a result.

But on the other hand, they accept and push most of the more ridiculous tenets of modern feminism, and they really only push back against the trans thing. If men are being brow-beaten and nagged 24/7 by the women in their lives for things like showing masculinity, wanting to have sex with women and see naked women, etc., isn't it also natural for them to be kind of fucked up in turn? I don't think there are any winners here. If nothing else, it's definitely a canary in the coal mine telling us that we need to work on gender relations and the average person's relationship with their gender and sexuality. And, apologies to the trannies of /r/Drama, but I don't think hormone blockers and programmer socks are the answer.

Modern man are failures because of the women that raised them since most father were too busy being wageslaves to look at their kid or they pumped and dumped the mom

Don't forget that male testosterone levels have been plummeting over the past 50 years and no one has any idea why.

It's not just a rightoid 'soy boy' meme, or a boomer 'back in my day men were men,' thing. It's an actual observable scientific fact that western men are becoming more feminine.

Some of the symptoms of low testosterone include:

Constant fatigue and low energy

Hair loss

Lower semen count

Smaller testicles

Loss of muscle mass

Mood swings



Higher levels of body fat

Poorer eyesight

Lack of confidence

So basically, picture someone who is: Lazy, balding, weak, fat, overly emotional, hysterical, depressed, doesn't sleep well (up all night playing vidya,) has zero confidence, and wears glasses.

Does that remind you of anyone in particular?

I thought high test was linked to more hair loss, not low test?

Your mostly correct, hair loss is caused by follicle exposure to dihydrotestosterone, and dihydrotestosterone levels are correlated to testosterone levels. It's not really enough to make bald people super virile though, and some people have follicles that are also more or less sensitive to dihydrotestosterone.

However this is only when t levels are within normal range of variation. If you have low to to the point of it being a medical issue it has the opposite effect.

DHT levels aren't directly correlated to testosterone levels. Plenty of low T men have high sensitivty to DHT (you can tell by how much facial hair grows out) and will therefore start balding. Likewise, there are plenty of men with high T who have lowered sensitivity to DHT, so they have typical masculine traits but are very unlikely to lose their hair at a young age.

It's not 100% but it's correlated. I otherwise explained most of the other variation in my comment.

It's not related strictly to testosterone. It's linked to your skin sensitivity to DHT. The more beard hair you can grow, the more sensitive your skin is to DHT, and the more likely it will be that you bald. You can still have high T but low sensitivity to DHT, so you have high-testosterone traits like a deeper voice, broad shoulders, improved muscle building, etc. but you take forever to lose any hair on your head.

I was deadass convinced that picture was gonna be zhcyiD9

You and me both lol

Does that remind you of anyone in particular?

disappointed there's no zhcyiD9

Not me, I don’t have any of those problems. 20:20 vision, in great shape, muscular but lean, confident and assertive, a full head of hair, normal balls, etc. I guess my genes must have missed this. 🤗

I need to stop the seriousposting. The contemplation brought about by my post, and the replies to it, has had me in a noticably poorer mood tonight. It's all just so tiresome.

i personally think it has alot to do with people who cant disconnect from the internet

and dragon dildos

Quick reminder to all hubbies leaving their wives, brand new dragon dildos can be super dooper expensive. Thankfully you can purchase used dragon dildos on reddit for a discounted price

Just pop that sucker in some boiling water and you're ready to shove it up your pooper. If you want to be real eco friendly like me, you can clean your dragon dildo while cooking pasta. This has the added benefit of giving your pasta a nice little flavor.

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

oh jesus that link is a goldmine

Cucked and chucked

This woman managed to get pregnant after her husband had been hormones for over a year. Smh

That was just the last of his masculinity escaping.

None of this ever happened.

TIL trannies were a thing 17 years ago 😯

What's worse for self-esteem, your husband turning gay or trans?

You know how it can be kinda humiliating to have someone else step in like "fuck it, I'll do it myself" because you keep messing up? Now imagine that, but instead it's about the entirety of being a woman.


Women's sports were pretty boring before the trannies showed up.

People misinterpret the husband turning gay thing - they say "oh so the sex was so bad he decided to go for men haha", when really it's "your husband was gay but you are such an amazing woman that he still enjoyed being with you despite liking men!". If anything, it should be a boost to the foid's self esteem.

Good take!

There's a trans widow support forum on mumsnet

This is apparently such a common thing that there are quite a few support groups and sites for it.

Anyone who would use a support group deserves their sissy husband taking off on them

trans widow


That sub is very based, wow

This is bait, and they all chomped on it.