Audiophools type condescending screeds at each other over whether spending more money on cables makes headphones sound better: Round 96,042

53  2019-10-16 by dongas420


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What a moron do you have to be to think a fucking cable changes the sound of your headphones? Why cant these people waste their money on overpriced watches instead of overpriced headphones like normal people?

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Audiophools type condescending scre... -,

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If you can't hear the difference between a good cable and a bad one you probably just have shitty ears from listening to shitty rap music all the time.

If you can tell the difference, you have autism.

Nah, just plain brain damage.

Probably both

I was going to say you have defective hearing, but it occurs to me that the shit you listen to is probably just so awful that sound quality is meaningless because there's no functional difference between undifferentiated garbage and staticky undifferentiated garbage.

Lmao autist.

If the quality of your comebacks is any indication of your musical taste I'm gonna go ahead and say this one's in the bag.

I'm not autistic to care about winning online arguments or what alloy of copper my headphone cord is made of, so I really don't care.

Imagine this being your "hobby".

Spending money isn't a hobby

Looking at you too, /r/mechanicalkeyboards

I can't imagine being as boring as these people.

Agreed. Now let me buy my $200 keeb in peace so I can type on an autistic drams forum


Do they really believe it's a hobby or is that just a cope to justify dropping $6,000 on tiny speaker shit?

They're boring and autistic. Just like everyone else who confuses buying things with a hobby.

Audiophiles are one of the groups that will drink from separate water fountains in my dictatorship

"The softness of this water is really amplified by the filter, and I'd be underwhelmed by anything other than a stainless steel finish on this fountain. Can I get this water distilled?"

【Buy Sennheisers Bro】

is writing rabid diatribes about headphones and cables a more autistic hobby than being a warhammer 40k aficionado? or are they about the same?

WHautists understand that Games Workshop’s marketing copy is referring to a fictional work, while audiospergs are more concrete-minded, so I’d give this one to the grown adults who play with tiny plastic men.