SRDines literally play with toys 🤢

142  2019-10-17 by Ghdust2


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. SRDines literally play with toys 🤢 -,

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Holy shit look at this, SRDine bussy ravaged by lolbertarian cartoons:

Years fucking later and well after the damage was done.

I was in high school at the time of that fucking episode and my peers ridiculed me relentlessly for my work on climate change modeling for a saltmarsh restoration project because "ManBearPig!"

I'll never fucking forgive those fucks for that bullshit they put me through, all because they wanted to masturbate to their "Anyone who cares about anything is an idiot".

Remember "Scause for a cause"? That's also yet another piece of that long-term "Caring is for idiots!" fractal.

This thread made me miss pinging so bad. I want to shoot spitwads at this guy while laughing at him and when he calls me a philistine, because that is for sure a word he has used before, I want to laugh even harder.

Yeah, too bad we couldn’t behave.

I do wonder how much antagonism was a result of his dedication to the cause. I know woke wasn’t cool back then, but I really can’t picture that alone causing people to harass him. I guess it could be another instance of the “all obnoxious progressive redditors were raised in shithole rural towns and now have a permanent complex and must compensate” phenomenon I’ve speculated about. I’m gonna shorten it and just call it the SRD Effect.

I just think he's always been an obnoxious sperg that annoyed the piss out of everyone around him and got picked on for it. In return he choose an identity that allows him to feel superior to everyone around him. That's why he dedicated himself to fixing global warming, why he picked the nerdiest of nerd hobbies, and why he's a SRDine. I bet he unironically gets excited about Ren Faires and thinks inviting everyone to everything is a good thing.

Could be. I’m always too nice to those guys irl. I feel bad when everyone bails on them.

Why do you feel bad for them? Seems like they always being it on themselves to me.

Idk sometimes they are just so clueless they can’t help it. Besides maybe I prevent mass shooters or something.

too bad we couldn’t behave.

Imagine victim blaming on behalf of reddit superjannies

Lmao that comment stood out to me too. It's times like these when you have to wonder if the entire SRD isn't just one giant bit or a secret circlejerk sub.

He started babbling about death of the author in a context where it made no sense and was completely irrelevant. Maybe he was bullied in school because he's fucking retarded?

This is the game where people spend like a couple of grand to play with dolls right?

Lol I got banned for this....

Have no idea what this game is but I’m assuming they are right due to downvotes and ban

In the same way that PC Gaming is people spending a couple of grand to play with childrens electronics

So, yes.

This example is ridiculous assuming he's talking about the computer itself. Not only does it serve as a multi media platform but I can also work and do homework from my computer. He also goes on to compare biking (exercise and transportation) to spending entire paychecks on little figurines and painting them so they can sit and collect dust in mother's attic.

Way to go SRDines, a plastic toy is just the same as the machine that I use in my profession to put food on my table.

my profession to put food on my table.

Foreign concepts to the srdine

lol are you a bike courier

No sir, I draw furry porn on my tablet and use photoshop to enlarge the bulges.

ok in that case I'll being PMing you soon for some customs

I specialize in sugar gliders fucking aquatic mammals. It's messy (but sexy).

It’s just wargaming, except in space. You know those people that recreate ancient battles with rules and shit, it’s the sci-fi version of that. So yes, they’re right.

Wow imagine being such a pathetic hobby that you pretend it's the same as the much less but still lame war hobby guys or train guys

Imagine being looked down on by model train people

Cycloramas are the true gentlemen's hobby

No, you don't understand. It's literally the war game old guys + 20 somethings who are way too into the lore.

It's basically like the little green army men you played with as a kid, except it's like 50 bucks a dude.

Bahahah every time you think srdines can’t get more pathetic, they one up themselves

How dare they bismerch the good name of South Park >:(

Also kind of unrelated but I miss when we used to describe ourselves as South Park Neutrals. It really did wonders for pushing off both leftoids and rightoids.

I've seen some progressives and leftists liking South Park again few weeks ago after they made an episode shitting on ICE. Filthy partisans always shift their opinions on SP based on how much fun the show made of them recently.

South Park Neutrals

I was never comfortable with this because the guys who make it aren't really more smart or insightful than... well, your average dramanaut. They just happened to be in the right place at the right time to make a show where you didn't have to pander to everyone's political agendas.

They just happened to be in the right place at the right time to make a show...didn't have to pander to everyone's political agendas.

What a completely retarded take, how have you managed to blank out the entire graveyard of similar shows that were hosted just on Comedy Central alone, Drawn Together only lasted 3 years lmao

Drawn Together is an American adult animated sitcom that ran on Comedy Central from October 27, 2004

That's several years after South Park was well-established. 🙄

My god you're not doing a bit you're actually this dumb.

Maybe I was too busy watching McNeil-Lehrer to be an autistic fanboy of whatever Comedy Central was playing in those years? And if you're gonna resort to an ad hominem like this, I'd just like to point out that at least I don't know anything about MtG lore.

South Park succeeding obviously would make it much harder for competitors to gain any traction even if they were better. They won because they did it first and immediately got a huge audience. I wonder if perhaps you weren't old enough to notice how big South Park was in its first few years. 🤔

So mad you lurk my post history weeks back

Nice job proving you aren't retarded

They won because they did it first and immediately got a huge audience

> He says about entire network upstaged by Nik at Nite

I wonder if perhaps you weren't old enough to notice how big South Park was in its first few years. 🤔

Peak Upsetti wow

So mad you lurk my post history weeks back

I RES tag people when they admit to one of two things, nationality or an embarrassing devotion to some kind of nerd culture. You walked into that trap yourself. 😎

As for all your cope, all I can tell you is that South Park was a really really big cultural phenomenon in the first few years, much like Beavis & Butthead and the Simpsons had been. If you weren't around to experience it, I guess you wouldn't understand what a profound impact those shows had.

Wow what a strange little pathetic lie to create to make yourself look less retarded.

You walked into that trap yourself. 😎

I'd kill my self if I ever typed something this lame out.

If you weren't around to experience it, I guess you wouldn't understand what a profound impact those shows had.

You're a complete fucking retard.

I called you dumb because Politically Incorrect was Bill Maher OG show on CC and this is your response?

My god you are literally too dumb to talk to.

You seem to be taking this extremely seriously. Why are you so highly invested in TV shows? You're not Lawlz so who... 🤔🤔🤔

Make better posts guy who lectures the person talking about the shows that aired before SouthPark about how things used to be in his day.

I assume your brain is completely smooth

This is the game where people spend like a couple of grand to play with dolls right?

Lol I got banned for this....

Alarmingly based for a sardine.

Too based = ban from the can

40k was more fun when they suggested that, if you can't afford a tank, you make one out of a used up deodorant stick. Now most of their fans don't use deodorant, so that wouldn't work today.

None of their fans have ever used deodorant, that's the joke.

Adults who play with toys makes my blood boil like I’m a bully in an 80’s movie.

bully in an 80’s movie

Maybe they were the heroes all along

Dude heresy lmao

If they could just say "yeah, I paint dolls like a little girl, this is probably not my finest hour" I would be fine with that. But every waking moment of a SRDine's life is deadly serious. If you don't fully support every choice that they make, then you must be personally attacking them.

If they could just say "yeah, I paint dolls like a little girl, this is probably not my finest hour" I would be fine with that.

If they weren't so mentally castrated they'd counter troll somehow.

Like when I occasionally shit on people here who shit on gaymers by calling them bad at videogames, it's usually a pretty good time and makes people unironically mad (because they are unironically shitty at games).

Literally just be like "Okay bro sorry you're jealous because you're too stupid to understand it" or some shit. But whatever, that doesn't fly in fragilityland.

I was in high school at the time of that fucking episode and my peers ridiculed me relentlessly for my work on climate change modeling for a saltmarsh restoration project because "ManBearPig!" I'll never fucking forgive those fucks for that bullshit they put me through, all because they wanted to masturbate to their "Anyone who cares about anything is an idiot".


That original thread though, they are roleplaying as space fascists while talking about being respectful and not being whatever-phobic. Too funny.