Georgia school backtracks on trans bathroom policy after school starts getting death threats. /r/News Doesn’t even need to be sorted.

63  2019-10-17 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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The reversal means transgender students will go back to using single-stall private bathrooms that were once reserved only for faculty members.

What kind of a world is this where I cannot wag my girl-dick at other kids? What's the point of being mentally ill if I can't go and make people uncomfortable?

Mentally ill is whoever decided to "upgrade" quite a simple and bulletproof single-use solution to a collective multi-use solution. If I wasn't a newcomer to US politics, I'd say someone did this on purpose just to get some well deserved attention. Well, mofo, you got it!

Honestly how many kids does the rules apply to? Like 1 - 3 maybe 5 max?

If you're under 18 and call yourself trans you should be put in the retard house

This is the dumbest fucking ‘issue’ that has billionaires rubbing their hands together saying “yess”, “yessss”.

I am most certainly in favor of totally separate bathrooms, preferably with a new symbol identifying it as such. Maybe a dress figure outline likes Ladies, but with a 5 o'clock shadow?

actually trans women have girlbrains

My 6 year old daughter doesn’t want to see your disgusting hairy ass waddling out of the stall after 20 hard minutes of ripping taco nagasaki

but thanks

homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Georgia school backtracks on trans ... -,

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I support tranny bathroom rights if it means I can go in the ladies room and drop foul hangover diarrhea all over that bitch

The line would be too long. Don’t sacrifice the efficiency of the men’s room.

See 2 women standing in queue for women toilet and 10 for mens'.

All men are done before the first women

Something that actually happened to me.

What kind of retard send death threat to a school over tranny bathroom use. I am pretty lolibertarian into watersport think less about kids going to the bathroom than rightoids do.

Giving a shit about bathrooms is peak burger mental illness. I honestly can not fathom giving a shit which bathroom trannies use.

As far as I can tell conservatives saw something they could use as a wedge issue, something they could use to rile up the dumbest members of our society and went for it.

Jonathan Yaniv liked this post.

how is that tranny doing anyways

Haven't checked up recently. Last I saw there was a bunch of court stuff going on which grinds on slowly. I usually keep tabs on the TERFy subreddits because every time something new comes out there's a big uproar and I know to go read about it.

I honestly can not fathom giving a shit which bathroom trannies use.

Well duh you never are going to have to worry about taking your daughter to the swimming pool, how is women don't want anything that makes them uncomfortable around them or their kids a hard concept for you to grasp?

Retard, if you're going to rape someone, or assault someone in a bathroom, do you think a sign out front is going to prevent or change that?

So at a gym I go to we had a creepazoid man harass (read: grab sexually) a woman at the pool and then try to follow her into the woman's bathroom where she went to get away from him. He was prevented from entering the women's bathroom by another man who stepped in front of him and told him he's not supposed to be there. The woman was all right, but understandably scared to death.

If that guy had been worried about being politically correct and whether that man was a BRAVE STRONG TRANSWAMMEN, he wouldn't have stopped this obvious predator from going into a women's space and this woman would have been much less safe and very possibly been assaulted.

You're absolutely retarded if you don't understand the problem here.

I can't tell if you're trolling or what. If a tranny sexually assaulted someone at a pool do you think said tranny would be allowed to continue the assault?

I honestly can't comprehend how you people are just this low intelligence. It's like you aren't even people, but inanimate objects with no higher order thinking skills.

Again: Many places have unisex bathrooms. Do you have literally any proof they cause problems? If what you're saying is true, there should be proof. For example, a higher level of assault at places with unisex bathrooms.

Do you have this proof?

Moron, I'm saying that if you don't need to actually look like a woman to get into the womens room, random men can just waltz right in there. This guy wasn't a tranny, but it doesn't matter because if we went with this retarded "gender identity" shit, nobody would have been allowed to stop him.

The guy, at the time, didn't know Mr GrabbyHands had been grabbing the woman at the pool. He just knew a guy shouldn't be following a chick into the womens bathroom.

Your argument makes no coherent sense. Had that guy not been there, then the offender likely would have gone in any way.

The point is, if someone assaults a person, nobody is going to let the assault continue because the person is legally allowed to enter a bathroom, that's pants on head retarded.

This guy wasn't a tranny, but it doesn't matter because if we went with this retarded "gender identity" shit, nobody would have been allowed to stop him.

This right here? It's non-sensical. If someone assaults a person, you are in fact legally allowed to stop them.

The guy, at the time, didn't know Mr GrabbyHands had been grabbing the woman at the pool. He just knew a guy shouldn't be following a chick into the womens bathroom.

Oh fucking please, now I know you're making this entire story up. I've literally never, not one time in my life seen anyone stop another person from going into a bathroom, no matter what gender they are.

So I'll give you one more comment to support your claims. Do you have any data showing unisex bathrooms have higher levels of assault?

I don't even know how to respond to this. If you were anyone else I'd think you were trolling me because absolutely nobody is actually that stupid. Since you're pizzashill, though, I'm just gonna have to go ahead and admit that yes, it is actually possible to be that dumb.

Your particular brand of retardation isn't fun tho. You should try taking some drugs or something to see if it makes you the funny kind of mentally disabled.

I've literally never, not one time in my life seen anyone stop another person from going into a bathroom, no matter what gender they are.

He's having a hard day today, I've never seen him say that if something didn't happen in front of him it never happened at all ever in the world.

How much of a loser do you have to be to have never seen a drunk guy try to force his way into the bathroom his ex is in at a party.

Right? I've seen this happen countless times in a variety of places.

tbh I think every day is hard when your IQ is single-digit

Again: Do you have literally any proof to support anything you have said here?

Any proof at all? This is a yes or no question.

Trying to virtue signal about foids to justify your delusional worldview isn't fooling anyone you mouth-breathing mongoloid.

It's cool, I'm sure one of your handlers will be by in a minute to explain to you what I'm saying in words you can understand.

Exactly what I thought. Take a seat. Go virtue signal about foids to someone that gives a shit about foids.

You've been put down, in the future please refrain from discussing topics you have no education in.

No, no. If I were to interpret his thoughts, I think he believes that a conjunction of societal pressures around publically acceptable behavior, legal consequences, and community vigiliance will substantially deter the vast majority of would be offenders from this particular route to gain access to vulnerable individuals.

I mean, a sign? Come on, we know you're not that obtuse, that was a blatant reduction to absurdity. If you're going to argue in bad faith, at least have the decency to be slightly entertaining.

Nigga nobody cares about societal pressures when they're raping someone.

We've had unisex bathrooms for years in most countries. Do you have literally any proof they're in any way bad?

Nah, they care about society pressures when they're escalating or planning, not during the actual commision of it.

And gee, where are all these unisex bathrooms you seem to be posting up and down this thread about? As functioning adult, I have a job which I go to, patronize numerous local businesses, and have travelled quite broadly across the nation. It's been a very long time since I've seen a unisex restroom at any one of these locations, if one excludes single-seaters at hole in the walls, which I think you should.

As a matter of fact that last unisex bathroom I can recall encountering (that wasn't single occupancy) was at the Eagle in Los Angeles, which I was last at probably around a decade ago. That was a gay leather bar though. I only ever saw one woman use it. The stall didn't have a door, but she had this absolute mountain of a man on a leash who stood in front and blocked it off. Could it be that these unisex restrooms are very uncommon?

They aren't very uncommon, many countries have them on the regular and in the US many schools do.

You should know that countries other than the US are lost causes and don't count.

Isn't Oregon also home to the weekly LARP fights? You people are far from sane

Yes and Yes but threre are a lot of unisex bathrooms not even counting all the "family" bathrooms that are around.

Trexmundi is from the south where they can't afford bathrooms tho

Wow, what a stellar job missing my point as normal for you.

do you think a sign out front is going to prevent or change that?

No and it's never going to happen I just assumed you were going to be able to understand me of course my mistake.

Every. Single. Time.

Yea, it'd be nice if you stop posting out of embarrassment again now.

I honestly can not fathom giving a shit which bathroom trannies use.

Here's the part I quoted that to maybe help you understand my post you somehow interpreted as screeching about signs.

Lurker, I can't take you seriously lol. You're so absurdly mentally ill it's like beating up on a child.

And you've deviated from the subject matter at hand because you'd have to admit you were wrong yet again.

Lurker, you're literally impossible to deal with. You do the exact same thing every single time, it's completely pointless even engaging you.

Get help, you need it.

Here's the part I didn't quote where it'd be fair to screech about signs if my post had anything do with it at all, you've reached your breaking down and crying point instead of actually discussing the matter or having a conversation with me yet again so ttyl

As far as I can tell conservatives saw something they could use as a wedge issue, something they could use to rile up the dumbest members of our society and went for it.

that's exactly what they did lurker. Do you seriously think conservatives give a shit about women?

It's like when Trumptards claimed they wanted muslims banned from the US to protect gays.

How are you just this blatantly retarded?

that's exactly what they did lurker.

Yes I know i'm not disagreeing with that point, that's why I didn't quote it.

How are you just this blatantly retarded?

Because you literally are too retarded to understand my posts and fight a invented strawman of what you think the point i'm trying to get across is.

Because you are retarded and do this every single time I try and talk to you about literally anything.




Go on


I don't care which bathroom tranners use, but until women can learn to sit down instead of spraying piss everywhere I'll be anti unisex bathrooms. Teach women not to hover.

mom doesn't want teenage daughter to have to deal with cheeky pricks pulling a Jon Yaniv

Woketards demomize mom and child for not getting fucked by fenis

"Omgggg wedge issue 😴😴😴"

We've had unisex bathrooms for years. Many western countries have had them for years.

There's no epidemic of trans bathroom creeps. Rightoids have seemingly just made this shit up and pulled it out of their asses to rile up hicks.

If what you're saying is true, you should have no problem citing your data showing unisex bathrooms are bad or cause problems.

It's not my job to educate you, you can access this data on respected database websites like and

So that's no relevant support for your dumb worldview. Who could have predicted this?

You're not even trying to debate me. Go to the websites I linked.

No, link me the data showing unisex bathrooms are bad.

It's not my job to educate you.

How can you be this retarded