Is it gay for ex-Special Forces, tall, jacked men to sit in their buddies' laps and blow kisses and to wear shawls?🤔🤔🤔

108  2019-10-17 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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Seems like special forces are all either psychotic train wrecks or elite bussy bois. Were the Spartans and samurai on to something all along?

Also I have no clue how he didn’t expect his ex to get shat on epic style over this. That’s blood in the water for redditors.

special forces


Enby death squad cuties would like a word, truscum.

(Welcome back btw, haven’t seen you since the funeral)


I missed you too. I've been trying to provoke pizza into entertaining me.


Trappy your back! We missed you!

ive been around friendo

Yeah I been busy at work. All the drama with you getting suspended was on my last day of my vacation, and last I heard you didnt want to come back. Glad you changed your mind 😊

i wanna see how many perma unbans i can collect


"""Special""" forces

Seems like special forces are all either psychotic train wrecks or elite bussy bois. Were the Spartans and samurai on to something all along?

Meta-ironically yes.

Bussy bois are the superior human race. Soon we shall be free from breeders, inshallah !

So while I was in a shop with a roommate a few weeks ago he saw these really cool shawls that we both couldn't get out of our heads

Said no straight man ever

You mean you don't go shawl shopping with your bros and then go to the bar for appletinis?

Only if you’re a bigot

Guy was probably someone that dropped out of SWC, became a water purifier attached to a special forces unit and tells people 'technically im SF'

Either his entire posting history is bullshit, in which case he's not any SF, or he's Israeli SF. Which, still (x).

I only went back about 6 months because that's all I could take, and he just seems like your average default reddit poster talking about how AOCs green new deal is great and critiquing watches, nothing about military service or anything

Clearly master of OPSEC

Please make shawls a part of drama's mandatory dress code

I'll put up with a lot of things for a foid. I'll stop calling them foids, I'll stop accusing them of hypergamy, I'll suppress my own understanding of the black pill to make them happy.

But over my cold, dead, rotting body would I ever give up my shawls.

That sounds about right. It's entirely within the character you've built online for you to wear shawls and sit on your friends' laps to blow kisses.

I'll put up with a lot of things for a foid.

This is a lie.

Unequivocally based.

No step on shawl, foids.





And that's a good thing.

Someone's fap fodder is getting posted on the internets again. At least it's not on r/AITA.

Yeah I totally believe this twerpy looking twink was in special forces lmaooooooooooooooooooooo

Tbf, Butti Daddy was in Army intelligence

You either die on the battlefield or live long enough to see yourself become a complete fucking gaylord.

The only possible conclusion to this story is for them to get back at their gfs by dating each other. As a no homo prank

I bet you’re gonna kill your self eventually because you’re confused and hateful as fuck and other’s happiness infuriates you

I'm glad we're not overreacting here lmfao

I bet you’re gonna kill your self eventually because you’re confused and hateful as fuck and other’s happiness infuriates you


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Is it gay for ex-Special Forces, ta... -,

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that's so gaey. I mean, guys for some reason will get geay, especially military types, so the blowing kisses is kinda funny, although I wouldn't sit on my buddy's lap that's pretty geay. But the shawl... no. just no.


Definitely call of duty special forces.