Lmao news sites are attributing Bernie quotes from the debate to Elizabeth Warren

153  2019-10-18 by slugulon


Imagine being such an inept geriatric that shitty fake news sites punk the shit out of your larp tier effort to become a president.

git gud and just buy them off like shillary and pocahontas and then suddenly they'll stop making "just a honest mistake, we'll issue correction in 24-48 hours".

Not like you can get anywhere in USA politics by role playing the good, non rapey grandpa. I mean jesus fuck, even rapey grandpa biden is ahead of you!

What exactly does he spend all those NEETbucks on collected from Redditors?

Obviously not on paying off "news" organisations so they don't fuck him in the ass without lube. again.

I don’t think it’s about paying them off, as much as it is about being for sale. Bernie and Hawaii mommy clearly aren’t for sale, and won’t do what the people that run the five media corporations want. Same reason Rand and Ron Paul got cucked by the media as well. The DNC gives the media its marching orders, the DNC doesn’t consider Bernie a Democrat, and Tulsi fell out of favor when she quit the DNC for fucking Bernie in 2016. So don’t forget to tell them all to fuck off and vote for drunpf in 2020 🤗

I love when rightoids defend commies.

News flash: I’m radical centrist 🤗. I’m single handedly taking on an entire sub of alt righters atm. Before that I had circo sperging about how the right uses idpol the same as the left.

A lot of private jet service and office supplies.

Increasingly luxurious new houses.

Rapey grandpa leads the pack. Democrat-Americans seem to believe that the party only thing that can stop a bad rapey grandpa is a good rapey grandpa.

And that's a good thing

He's been losing steam to Warren and is at a spending deficit really early in the campaign.

He's going to be hard to beat as long as he hangs on to a significant plurality of the black vote in the South and the white vote in the Rust Belt. Liz can probably overtake him with the former, but probably not the latter.

I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Lmao news sites are attributing Ber... - archive.org, archive.today

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For the record, r/bernieblindness is an untapped source of drama about this shit!

We all know Pete is the media darling. Why else would they keep running stories about how great he is and his campaign is picking up steam when that's clearly not true?


Lol keep pretending literal entrepreneurs are part of the spirit of nazbol

Yang is Cathbol not Nazbol

we definitely not gonna have a fág pres before a foíd pres.

although if i'm being honest, i'd prefer the fág

I think you're right but imagine the drama if you're wrong.

it will (would :( ) be glorious. There will be some extremely angry women out there lol

0% black support lol

Or some intern took to much depression meds and made a mistake. Now twitter wants him to be executed communist China style lol

President of cnn already admitted on Veritas that Warren is the person they want to win so they throw her softballs probably. I assume others want Biden out too.

admitted on Veritas


What it was his fuckin voice