The SS13 subreddit is under assault from libertarians.

29  2019-10-18 by caliberoverreaching


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Anyone who plays that game is a pedophile scumbag. Full of horrible people who are a drain on society. Whiny zoomers who piss their pants because someone dared to use their 3 lines of code. Retard jannies who think they are hot shit. Actual children who should be kicked in the teeth as well.

t. Someone who played that shitty game

Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. The SS13 subreddit is under assault... -,

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All I know about SS13 is that it's infested with ERPing furries so I take OP's word for it. :v

That's just the English speaking part. I can assure you that the Russian speaking part makes furries look like modest, heterosexual boyscouts.

Please tell us more. Do they reenact the little green elephant as a matter of course in all possible circumstances?

the good servers those people get their limbs cut off and dragged around as a trophy kill, i miss hippy station.

You used to be able to drug people and forcibly give them sex changes as well. Not sure if that's still in.

that was pretty funny.

The only good server is /vg/station. Zero tolerance for the rest of the community's disgusting ways.

Oh no did sseth make a new video for them to cry about