More evidence of libertarians trying to infiltrate pure ss13

17  2019-10-18 by caliberoverreaching


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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. More evidence of libertarians tryin... -,

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Mods should ban everyone on that sub for being underage hopefully the lolbertarians will expose themselves again

God damn. I look away from SS13 for one week and this is what happens? This isn't just ordinary SS13 depraved insanity. This is Russian SS13 shit. This level of sick and vile isn't suitable for the general internet. To give context: Russian SS13 server LifeWeb has a fully implemented child rape system in game. This is not drama in the context of Russian SS13, this is an every day thing not worthy of much comment, save for the occasional regular player who is disusted by it. Whitekitten would be disgusted by these guys.

I have to concur with the scepticism about reporting to Discord though. Discord has already demonstrated that it's pretty pro-pedo over the events of the past few years.

What is ss13?

Space Station 13, a video game for turbo-autists

Ah weeb shit.

No weebshit, though weeks might comprise a chunk of the population

A vaguely roleplaying oriented, absurdly elaborate simulator game that runs on a pre-Web-1.0 pile of shit called BYOND. It has similarities to Roblox, in that it allows people to implement custom games and play them in multiplayer. Turbo-autism simulator doesn't even begin to cover it, as the game has decades of development and modifications of it. It has split into an entire family of related games and servers, each with their own ruleset.

It is a drama geyser that erupts irregularly. About half the game's fanbase are depraved furries who have modded weird furry sex shit into the game and engage in erotic roleplay on it. It always comes back though, as the players both take the game quite seriously, and have about the same level of reverence and respectability as a drama regular.

So what you're telling me is I should boot up the ol gateway tower pc and my crt monitor and download this game?

If you really want to. They've been patching the thing along for years and it will just straight up run on modern Windows. Doesn't look pretty though.

I don't have modern windows will it run on 98?


You are a pathetic freak for playing that game btw

While pathetic freak will get me off, I much prefer being called a disgusting faggot. I expect high quality topping with that though.

Ok pedo