Tulsi Gabbard: "Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain."

582  2019-10-18 by itsnotmyfault


Where’s the lie?

“The best part about having female presidential candidates, as serious contenders, will be the cat fights”

~Harry S Truman

"Despite being 13% of the population and committing 50% of murder, we still elected a black man to president before a foid."


Imagine the first trans woman president, there’s a 40% chance she dies in office.

41% now

Really? Links

The trans 40% thing came from this study


Among the starkest findings is that 40% of respondents have attempted suicide in their lifetime—nearly nine times the attempted suicide rate in the U.S. population (4.6%).


Looks like the one you linked is from slightly earlier but depending on the sample size being 1% off from one another isn't that strange. Could be easily 40 or 41 depending on the methodology and groups making the studies.

Serious posting? In my drama?

It's over for statistician posing cels

It never even began

I’ll serious post for sec, that’s pretty sad. I figured it was just a meme

Statistician posting can be pretty funny. A lot of people think 13/50 is actually just a meme but then you slap them in the face with the FBI stats. They do basic math, freak out and try to blame the FBI for creating false FBI stats.

Ya man, I had a clever quip, but nah. Serious posting bigly

Source is Heartbeat 41% discount

Imagine the first trans woman president

You mean Trump the day the Senate trial starts so she can yell that they are just against the first woman president.

13% of the population and committing 50% of murder

damn mayos cannot get anything done these days, even when they agree to participate in a conspiracy to commit murder, they are there just to be there, with blacks and latinos doing all the heavy lifting

latinos doing all the heavy lifting

Last time I checked we weren't apart of that 13% 😠

damn mayos cannot get anything done these days

Do you know how many different IPAs there are right now? Hundreds.

Trumptards OUT

I never knew Harry S was so bad at commas.

Imagine not knowing Harry s Truman was a retard

well he was a rural like you

He was a fucking stock boy (((new deal))) shill tbf. Don’t take my understanding for ignorance you weird faggot

/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. Tulsi Gabbard: "Thank you @HillaryC... - archive.org, archive.today

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"Don’t cowardly hide behind your 7 proxies." - a serious presidential candidate.

Daddy has really lowered the standards. :v

She's as much a serious candidate as the gaymer guy or the "the rent is too damn high" guy.

They're meme candidates to swindle simpleminded idiots.

A meme candidate won last election, maybe another one will win this one

the gaymer guy

Beto? How is that guy NOT the legalize weed candidate?

a serious presidential candidate.

For their wedding anniversary, Hillary tweeted about Bill

Forty-four years later, and he still cleans up pretty well.

I only wonder what body count is she referring to - lmao

he still cleans up pretty well.

She's referring to evidence of crimes


Shes referring to him cleaning the cum off the lower back of an underage prosti

Okay I might actually slightly care about who this is now.

Slay Mommy

Twitter Waifu Mommy. All I know is that she was in the army or something and posted a video of her sweaty workout. She's got the degenerate vote locked


what i wouldn't do to get bodied by mommy tulsi 😍😍😍

She’s my brap queen

Hell yeah drag her Surfer Mommy.

It's a shame the only DNC candidate with decent Twitter skills has literally no chance to win and only gets into news cycle when Russia or Assad are mentioned, I want to see her get into more fights.

Also the only hot candidate (not counting Bernie)

You don't think bussygeek looks alright too?

Unironic yaaas kweeen

Beat me to it

I hope this really pops off.

I'd rather have Pizza/Lawlz 2020 than a woman in the White House.

Pizza/snally would get my vote

Only if snally is actually the one running things like the female cheney

I root for Hilldog

Unironically hate Assad stans. Get this uppity bitch Hilldawg!

🤷 I root for Surfy Mommy

Look either way the president is going to be a retard so might as well pick the nicest one to look at. I'm with Tulsi.

Based and heteropilled


Yikes and breederpilled

Go off, surfer mommy! Drag Killary!

Headline Tomorrow: Tulsi dead by suicide

Tulsi comin'

Go awff queen

"Thank you (((Hillary Clinton)))"

-Tulsi 2019



The only way this can possibly become bigger circus is if Hillary joins the race.

I'm cutting off Netlix, Prime Video and HBO.

There's no candidate that could possibly beat Trump at this point. It's insane, they're picking the most goober people to run. Can you imagine Warren introducing her pronouns to the steelworkers in PA trying to get them to vote for her? When did they become so it of touch?

They depend too much on social media for their campaigns I think. Tweeting isnt reaching an important percentage of the voter after all.


>reads other discussions


i love how reddit lefities can screech about muh russians and drumpf conspiracy for years and then when their darling gets called a russian plant HAVE THE EXACT SAME TALKING POINTS as trumptards "fuck the establishment" "fuck the mainstream media"

WITHOUT A SINGLE FUCKING HINT OF SELF AWARENESS LMAO, SOMEONE POST THIS SHIT TO /R/SELFAWAREWOLVES, although theyd downvote/delete it because god forbid those people look in a mirror

Those were interesting choices of words to put in capitals.


This slaps

Mod tulsi?

They hated Hillary because she spoke the truth

Maybe she is a Russian plant. Shitting on Hilary is shooting fish in a barrel just like shitting on Bush was in 2008.

Someones been added to the Clinton 'to do' list.

She needs to join republicans and become the first female president before the Dems do it just for the leftist seethe.

Trump's gonna win again lmfao

lmao those replies are the reason why US is FUCKED