Stupidpol Shitshow

31  2019-10-19 by slaydastream


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In case anyone wonders, many bans recently happened.

The way you fear a rightoid Other takeover is just handling Left vs Right as another idpol facet

That doesn't make sense at all. Everything I say and do is justified.

You acted like a fag tbh

I don't care about your opinions.

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Stupidpol Shitshow -,

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Circo literally sperged at me in this post all day. He’s pretty bad ass at boomer posting

I replied to Circo all day

here’s your retard award 🥉

Thanks 🤗

are we the only ones on here rn? Just realized the two inbox pings i had were both us talking in deprecate threads.

Yeah you are

suck my juicy balls

Sir yes sir

Man cirques kind of a faggot now

Cirque did literally nothing wrong.

Based Circo

anti-idpol sub

Cmon, let’s be real; Stupidpol loves idpol.

I love how our moderator is so dumb he cant tell he just got 10k upvotes from leftist that nazis were in fact socialists.