Grandma is telling lies again

188  2019-10-19 by unrulyfarmhand


This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Grandma is telling lies again -,

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Oh God she’s running again isn’t she.

You know she is seriously considering it.

Yeah, this twitter post was designed to be reported on. Or something.

I fucking hope so at this point. Run her and put Warren as VP and they'll lose again in spectacular fashion

Just imagine the dramacoin explosion when Clinton ruins everything and Trump wins again.

Maybe Hillary was the russian asset all along... Maybe the russians used her as a dummy for trump to stomp on and ultimately, as a wedge to cause a second american civil war 🤔🤔🤔

She does seem to project her insecurities onto others a lot...

More believable than most Russian asset stories tbh.

She may be delusional enough that she's hoping some movement will build up to beg her to enter the race. Perhaps nobody in this country is surrounded by more sycophants besides Trump.

Her favorability is in the toilet. She'd struggle to pull more than 5% in this field.


I need her to, the spergouts all over the place will be amazing. Plus she might pass out in public again

Oh lawd she coming

For years Hillary Rodham Clinton has told people that she was named for the first man to climb Mount Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary, but as Esquire magazine recently pointed out, Sir Edmund did not climb Mount Everest until 1953 — six years after Hillary was born! However the first lady does have a good explanation for the discrepancy: She loves to lie.

Norm's the greatest

That's a real shame, because there are millions of people who would love to see you blasted into outer space.


I watched a completely true and accurate documentary called hidden figures that said three women single-handedly got a rocket to the moon.

How are you so based nmj?

Has any foid ridden her husband's coat tails in history as much as this one

I don't know why people say this shit, it seriously makes me suspect the feminists are right.

She, herself, is super accomplished.

something something cope LMAO

I don't even like her, she's still more accomplished than you or 99.9% of the people reeing at her.

It's been at least 6 months since I last shit my pants

She is a good cuckquean, sure.

everyone shes ever worked for has said shes a corrupt manipulating piece of shit lol