r/news ponders the Jewish Question

94  2019-10-19 by BlacJeesus


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  1. r/news ponders the Jewish Question - archive.org, archive.today

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"I can't belive someone is gatekeeping oppression."

The sheer lack of self awareness eludes me.

“Hi, I would like a teaching position at this fine institution.”

“Got a degree?”


There's a reason god damn near half of transgender folk have attempted suicide.

Lmao this is such a brainlet take that I see all the time. I bet black suicide rates at the height of segregation weren't even that high.

Wow people with mental issues kill themselves if you never loved yourself to begin with what makes these people think putting on a dress and growing tits is gonna fix it

Also most trannies rely completely on other peoples validation for self esteem which is how to start along the miserable road to suicide 101

Jews in auschwitz didn’t get that high

What were they going to use? A stick?

A brisk walk toward a fence?

Thinking too loudly near an SS officer?

Blacks at the height of slavery had lower suicide rates.

Sorry to interrupt the circlejerk but social isolation plays a big part. Enslaved blacks had other enslaved blacks to talk to and fall back on who loved and respected them even if the whites didn't and the trans folks that commit suicide don't have that. They are often completely isolated or have a very small circle of other trans folks and sustain off of exploitation of their bodies.

To add to this therapy for trans people shouldn't tell them that having a beard and a dress is cool and good and anybody who looks at them weird is evil. Cis people will never understand gender and will always look at not normal people weird. Therapy for trans people should be training on how to look and be normal as the opposite gender and be a almost bootcamp of training required to keep your prescription of hormones.

A very large part of why trans people are often so isolated is their inability to "Pass" or look like a cis person which makes people around them uncomfortable. A majority of trans people I've met fail to pass because of reasons that they are capable of fixing for little to no money just a fair amount of effort.

I live as a cis woman nobody in my life besides my husband knows I'm trans not for any other factors than the fact that I know how cis woman are and I understand fashion hair and makeup because I learned how to do it right

First off, if you're implying the living conditions of a trans person are worse than a literal slave, then you're fucking dense. There are also huge echo chambers anywhere you look on the internet for trans individuals, and if they don't have friends in real life that's kind of a personal issue. Regarding "passing" and making people uncomfortable, anyone who is made uncomfortable by a dude in a dress is probably the same person who is uncomfortable when a minority is in the same elevator as them. All in all, if you have a mental disease and resort to tumblr or related subs, you're issues aren't going to get better until you seek professional help.

anyone who is made uncomfortable by a dude in a dress is probably the same person who is uncomfortable when a minority is in the same elevator as them.

Big brain take

Is that swollen brain take pro or anti trans you think?

most likely, the person uncomfortable by a dude in a dress is a minority

You missed the whole point the living conditions of slaves was far worse but they had normal support networks and trans people do not. Online interaction is not a substitute for real life people if it was NEETs would be just as happy as everyone else.

Also that's bullshit if bearded woman didn't make Cis people uncomfortable there literally wouldn't be transphobia

Seek professional help The pro help is literally just giving you hormones and telling you do whatever the fuck you want no guidance or anything.

The help you really want is to not be a kissless incel anymore. But that's impossible.

I'm married. Do you want to see my marriage certificate?


Ok let's pretend then that slaves are just normal, paid laborers. Their only interaction in this case is still coworkers, which don't really serve as a support group. I am at a bit of a loss to explain the whole irl friends aspect to you, because the only trans people I know (I'll admit I can count on one hand the number I knew personally) had decent friend circles. I've read about possible links between autism and disphoria, so maybe that is a possible explanation. Lack of social awareness/skills = lack of friends/support.

Also that's bullshit if bearded woman didn't make Cis people uncomfortable there literally wouldn't be transphobia

I'm not saying that nobody is made uncomfortable by trans people. Again the whole uncomfortable part could be applied to sexism, racism, or homophobia. A lot of men and women are also offput by the idea of somehow being transphobic for being unwilling to date a trans person. Going further on this topic is touchy because I would need to generalize the opinions of an entire group, and that's not a fair or valid argument in my opinion.

For professional help, it's not about hormones. In my opinion, hormones should be the last thing to worry about if you're dealing with depression, anxiety, or other related mental health disorders. It seems most of these issues have root causes in the previously mentioned disorders, but a reliance on self validation for your main source of self esteem can only keep you going for so long.

There was time when they weren't working and after they were done working they didn't just get locked into solitary confinement or something they had friends and family and group meals and social events.

I'm not trying to say it wasn't awful because it was but they still had lives outside of work shitty as they may be.

Are you in college or met these trans people in college by any chance? Because that changes it a lot. Colleges tend to be a lot more LGBT friendly and softer than the world outside of it. Most of the trans people I know are relegated to prostitution and pornography because how hard it is for them to find jobs.

Why are you trying to argue that transphobia isn't a thing when you acknowledge that homophobia is a thing? That's fucking dumb as hell. Of course Third Wave Feminist's play into what makes people not like trans people. But I fail to see how that makes the suffering of trans people any less valid.

Hormones are absolutely necessary as soon as possible because the later one starts the harder it becomes for them to pass. I agree hormones should be accompanied by other therapy but that is already the case.

I guess it's hard to explain how dysphoria works but getting misgendered or deadnamed feels almost the same as getting really bad news like a family member died or something. It also just causes a big dysphoria spike and despite how feminine you look your brain won't let you see it. It's a terrible awful feeling and it totally makes sense that trans people are so focused on validation from strangers to get away from that feeling.

The trans people I know I met through work or through mutual friends so I can't really speak on the differences. I wasn't trying to imply transphobia doesn't exist, but drawing parallels between other minority groups, along with stating that it seems that the trans community defines transphobia to different extremes.

What I'm seeing you say here is that we should enslave transgender people.

Do you have any data to back your claims? Or are you just planning to pull the entire argument out of your ass?

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

Jews have the highest hate crime rate and rising crime rate vs any other minority group.


Whatcha doing rabbi?

Does it count when they do it to themselves

Lol that guy is good

Jews have the highest hate crime rate and rising crime rate vs any other minority group.

People respond with comments about how Jews got all the money and then how if there were hate crimes against Jews is doesn’t matter cause they are rich.

Reddit is so dumb

lmfao I love that article

waitress fired for refusing to waitress, news at 11

I'd say Jews might be the most oppressed based on the fact that both the right and left hate them.

Lol that article tho.

Fat Joe’s Bar and Grill in the town of Fond du Lac

This is the hill they wanted to die on.

Oh baby oh baby...

Where to even begin.

Good Lord I wish we could ping.

The transgender community I think has a lot of commendable qualities amongst themselves.

They are exceedingly brave - I cannot imagine the bravery it takes to change your body forever in an irreversible fashion. I want to do steroids so bad because I want to be strong but I am so afraid of the consequences. These people don't even flinch.

They also think very highly of themselves - everything must be about them at all times. I think this is a sign of ultimate self-love.

Some call it narcissism and some people view narcissism as a negative quality sure, but I think they could use a break right?

Anyway, the weird part about crowning them first place in the oppression Olympics is that they don't seem to face too many repercussions aside name-calling.

Maybe the occasional waitress refuses to serve them but then they get showered with acceptance you know as they should in these scenarios.

But like we know how black folks get locked up for their skin color at a higher rate.

We know that synagogues gets shot up.

We know black churches get shot up.

We know shopping centers where Hispanic people frequent get shot up.

The homeless on the streets.. the mentally ill.. the state openly wishes these people dead. My state's governor is demanding that it be made illegal for them to sleep in my city.

A transgender person probably gets called all sorts of nasty names. Many of them have been murdered too, that's true, but it's actually a lower rate than the general population.

So what oppression are they actually facing? Nasty looks? Yeah. Name calling? Absolutely 100%, hell I support their cause and I call them trannies.

There are the few cases where they get refused service, where they don't have employment protections, and where they are denied medical Care or housing etcetera - those must be addressed.

But holy crap man there's a lot of people ahead of them in the shit list lol

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Tranner Bullying Real Hahahaha Bitch Just Walk Away From The Restaurant Like Bitch Close Your Eyes Haha

Good job bobby, here's a star

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are Blacks disadvantaged?

Of course! Look at how poorly they tend to do relative to other groups!

Are Jews privileged?

uhhh no they're just naturally smarter and harder working :^)

Goyims destroyed 👏