Falling down the cringe hole

141  2019-10-19 by MagicHoudini

This is not drama as much as it is pointig finger and laughing at someone, but

The post about AHS going after EpicAirConditioners brought me to the EAC subreddit, where a couple users are brigading trying to tease actual racist shitposting. As the AHS users are not very smart and they can't take a joke because humour anywhere is a danger to feelings everywhere, their teasing limits itself to saying "you're not fooling anyone by writing JU!" and other weak banter, while the normal users mock them for their inefectiveness

One exchange in particular caught my attention: a user by the name of u-genericmetahub tries his best and calls them cringy (sic), only to be immediately put down in the very next comment because he posts some embarassingly unfunny boomer memes.

Now what caught my attention was this exchange, in which he thanks his harrasers and invites them to a visit a sub I never heard of, /r/catdad

Mind you, these are the same people he told to leave reddit forever a comment above in the chain and that he is so disgusted that he has to bridage their discussions. At first I thought this was some kind of unfunny /r/familyman situation, but no.

This meme master has been trying to push this sub for 4 years. The sub is supposedly about cats looking like middle aged man, but it's actually Facebook humour attached to picture of cats.

Almost every post on the sub is by him of his buddy, u-F1A, which I believe is his alt since every post for the first three years of the sub are from our hero. Sadly, after four years of shilling and heavy memeing, only 10 subscribers have noticed his efforts and the sub is almost dead outside these two.

Some highlights include:

First post ever on the sub: "When your girlfriend brings his shitskin girlfriend to our families christmas dinner"

Coming to terms with my cancer diagnosis

When U Poop Ur Pants

The one with the funny gif, but real cringe in the comments When Your Wife Doesn't Let You Have Fun With Your Internet Friends (bcc: u-F1A )

Then it gets even weirder because the only text post in the entire sub, titled My resignation letter, says that our hero has to pursue his programmer career sadly and can't handle all the duties of both /r/catdad and /r/catdadofficial, then proceeds to continue shitposting like nothing happened. /r/catdadofficial is a dead sub with 0 subscribers and 2 posts.

He and his buddy/alts also moderate /r/runescapedad (unfunny sub with zero readers with the same shtick of catdad, but about Runescape) /r/DGAYWADCTBP (Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy which contains some Jap Porn) and two other subs that I have no idea what they are about and can't be bothered to find out.

In conclusion, when someone comes to your shitposting discussion to virtue signal this is who you should picture in your mind.

Friendly reminder that with pinging we could have some healthy discussion with the guy.


womp womp


  1. Falling down the cringe hole - archive.org, archive.today

  2. AHS going after EpicAirConditioners - archive.org, archive.today

  3. cringy - archive.org, archive.today

  4. in the very next comment - archive.org, archive.today

  5. this exchange - archive.org, archive.today

  6. /r/catdad - archive.org, archive.today

  7. /r/familyman - archive.org, archive.today

  8. "When your girlfriend brings his sh... - archive.org, archive.today

  9. Coming to terms with my cancer diag... - archive.org, archive.today

  10. When U Poop Ur Pants - archive.org, archive.today

  11. When Your Wife Doesn't Let You Have... - archive.org, archive.today

  12. My resignation letter - archive.org, archive.today

  13. /r/catdadofficial - archive.org, archive.today

  14. /r/runescapedad - archive.org, archive.today

  15. /r/DGAYWADCTBP - archive.org, archive.today

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Well deserved, it's just so narcisistic of the guy to go to EAC to bash them and then turn around and invite those same people at the first sight of a compliment.

we bash trannies then invite them to be our mods

yeah but we love our trans brethren that's why we bully them, to be noticed by tranSenpai.

Good find OP, you're hired!

It’s like snallyposting, but just for the fellas 😎

Its difficult to make a judgement call whos more sad the guy with 2 accounts trying to make a cat dad sub for 4 years or the guy who spent 20 minutes explaining it all

Where would you put the guy trying to feel superior with weak banter?

I actually like that sub lol. I made a post to bait kippot

Is this really what they teach you in marx university. Realize your complaining about a guy making fun of a guy making content that consists of making fun of a guy for making fun of cats.

Like do you drink with a straw and wear a helmet?

That’s a little better way to repeat the same exact comment you just posted. I have no problem with banter, I don’t like it when it’s as weak as your two previous attempts.

To elaborate: the Marxist remark has no bite, as it is unrelated to what I posted and to me as a person. The last joke is funny and it’s a step the right direction. It’s just too vague and stems from the Marxist remark m, so it doesn’t use anything to offend me specifically.

3/10 you can do better.

How long did it take you to think of this response? Did you write it out an erase it 12 times in the last 30 hours from my comment? And this is all you came up with? Knowing when to admit defeat is a huge part of becoming a man. So is understanding when your around greatness to be silent and listen

See? This one’s better, I can feel your emotions.

Some tips:

You again feel into irony, which indicates you have poor understanding of yourself and the place you are participating in. Not unlike Darqwollf or Pizza do. But at least Pizza is informed of what he is talking about. So avoid it.

You again assume stuff about me, which would be a good way to get to me if you had any hint. Like this you’re just guessing (or projecting, maybe?) and hoping something hits. Sad.

if you said or did anything that indicates greatness I would shut up and listen.

4/10 this has more bite for sure but it’s too pathetic and ironic. Try again.


you seem to have forgotten where we all are

This place is like 80% crapping down the throats of men who try


Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


The internet is a magical place

this is the good shit

Credit where credit is due, this one is actually kinda funny

Sometimes the cringe transcends itself and becomes non-cringe

Sadly, after four years of shilling and heavy memeing, only 10 subscribers have noticed his efforts and the sub is almost dead outside these two.

Pretty sad considering I got 2 subreddits dedicated to cartoon bird porn above 50 subscribers within the space of a day. :>

Yeah thats just foid power

bird mom > cat dad :v


This is pure autism