The only good Jannies

65  2019-10-19 by MG87


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A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. The only good Jannies -,

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They do it for free way too much money

I wanted to use Janissaries but my opponent had only played 3 games so far so I opted for monk spam from 9 monasteries instead

Dude, Hussars, Lmao.

Turks are never good.

How fucking dare you, you're probably a dirty armeni or a Yunan.

Lol no I'm fill born lard. Scuttle away little roach.

That's the outfit i put on when i log into reddit to do some jannying

Do you have a pineapple hat or a feather hat I want to make sure.