New Sidebar Images

40  2019-10-19 by BasicallyADoctor

Reddit for some reason only lets you have 50 images in your subreddit's stylesheet so for years now like 20 of them have been taken up by sidebar images. I decided to combine some of them into groups of 4 images so we now have 36 sidebar images (Plus a secret bonus one for if you're logged out) that take up only 9 images. This means 2 things:

first of all check out the new sidebars because some of them are funny

second if you have any suggestions for better sidebars then give me them and I will replace the worse ones with them

third, we can now be more generous with flairs and shit because now we aren't at our limit for photos

To see the new sidebars just refresh the page a bunch of times.

Also because of reddit's totally reasonable 500 KiB limit I had to compress some of the sidebar images so thats why some of them look shitty now. There was no other way. If you're submitting an idea then make sure it is 300px square or less.


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. New Sidebar Images -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Power janny coom has medicinal properties.

Oh the subreddit style isn't cancer right now

They lost the weird rotating thingy?

Imagine being a PCcel lmfao. The future is now, boomers. You can up the size of the letters on your phone.

In the maybe 3 times I've ever visited this sub on a computer, I remember the CSS being so cancerous that I had to disable it immediately any way. Imagine keeping that enabled.

Hey you're the stockmarket wiz, right?

Derivatives only

I dont know what that means. Can I message you for some advice or are you not cool with that

Sure. I usually have a backlog of PMs to get to but I answer everyone eventually.

Ok sweet, I'm not in a rush or anything, I appreciate it

I don't want advice, you can just send me money.

derivatives only

Oh so like the stock market 😘

Watch out, Queen Trappy takes her CSS seriously

lol, imagine being out in the real world and pulling out your phone to check drama. 🀣πŸ€ͺ

Imagine sitting down and dedicating time to browsing drama

Of course, my time on drama is sacred, and not to be sulled by things like the people behind me in line waiting for me to pay and gtfo, or the doctor's nurse calling my name for the fourth time.

How am I going to tell other people on the train the latest hot goss?

excellent point

Friendly reminder I’m still waiting for my tay flair.

check again!

I only see like the top 1/3rd


Hey Doc do you still have the old Cigarette flair instead of the new one?

Hey doc can I get a flair identifying me as some important sort of faggot? Thank you

I just want a flair showing my love and devotion to Lawlz

Is there a pizzashill one? Because there should be.

I'd also like a familyman one

Familyman is way too heteronormative for this place.

it’s a heteronormative show!

Only the one of him licking some chick's tongue.

Implying I even have the Subreddit Style turned on considering the jannies decide to fuck it up every other week.

Yeah, I love the CSS style of this subreddit, so it'd be appreciated if whoever has stylesheet persmissions stops fucking doing stupid shit with it.

no ones fucked with it in months u mong

But when they were, it was annoying. You mong.

Still not enabling it ^_^

You're like that boy who cried wolf and then got upset that everyone calls him the sheepfucker.



put your face on the sidebar

You are suspiciously crafty

A few months ago you took down the picture I made of trappy, ML, and commy mommy fucking pizzashill and I'm not happy about it

Goatse only with a πŸ˜™ face and "Welcome to r/drama!" covering up his fruit basket