/r/science takes the blackpill

42  2019-10-20 by Zero5urvivers


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jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. /r/science takes the blackpill - archive.org, archive.today

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For instance, clinicians and psychologists working in prison settings have long known that inmates with more psychopathic features tenaciously try (i.e., are preoccupied with sex) and often succeed (i.e., must offer some attractive qualities, even if faked) at seducing prison staff, including clinical staff supposedly equipped with the tools to not be subverted by manipulation and charm that psychopathic men deploy.


It's unironically really easy to manipulate women.

It's unironically easy to manipulate anyone, lol.

You know Sadaam Hussein won over basically every single one of his prison guards. When he was hanged some of them cried and had to be held back from assaulting the Iraqis for being disrespectful to his body.

Video of the execution was recorded on a mobile phone and his captors could be heard insulting Saddam.
