Zoomer gets triggered by obvious boomer joke. I really really really hope xe reports the boomer to the fbi and they do a follow up

79  2019-10-20 by Dramabanevader


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When Mediterranean life guards see someone drowning at sea do they have to ask for their visa documents first before saving them? Or do they just go purely based on skin color?

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. Zoomer gets triggered by obvious bo... - archive.org, archive.today

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Imagine being so braindead you cant even pick up on boomer humor

Hey look there I am with 8 upvotes. Those were the good ol days, not like these days, these days suck

Can’t wait till boomers and zoomers eradicate each other

I know the man responsible for the post and he isn’t the type to be sarcastic. It could be a lie since I have no way of confirming his story. I suppose I could check online to see if any local girl was arrested for attempting to pay bail with counterfeit money.

lol zoomers

Imagine believing your average boomer has high quality counterfeit money on hand for pranks like this.


zoomer got out zoomed by the boomer

zoom zoom