How I uncovered a supremely stupid conspiracy to get r/drama Banned!!

655  2019-10-20 by pewkiemuffinboo


Hey my pootie patooshie teetshies!

I know it's only been mere days since I discoverd that r/teengers was filled with hot big dicked men you def want to bang. But I have moarrr to share.

Being my fabulous self, I was granted access to various super seekret discord channels inhabited by the REDDIT ELITE that lyke totally decide whether you all live or die and stuff (duh). One of these channels was inhabited by so-called "leftists" and after much begging and promises of secrecy I was allowed into this channel. Boy oh boy what did I discover? They hated r/drama.

These fucks don't just hate r/drama, they have been launching a campaign to get the subreddit banned by abusing the report function. These are all of course mods of our FAVORITE fan subreddit (you can guess which one).

They are using and reporting old posts to the admins. They are literally scraping our entire subreddit for the 8 years it has been a thing and looking for naughty keywords so they can report them to the admins. No, seriously.

They don't even care that they are breaking the rules of Reddit by abusing the report function. They are reporting literally anything they can get their grubby little hands on.

The best part is when they find something (that doesn't even break the rules) they use their discord to report it EN MASSE.

This is all very clarifying for us mods of our gracious subreddit as we have been getting bizarre reports on YEARS old posts for months.


Who let that piece of shit join this channel. This is absolutely fucking unacceptable.


The internet is serious fucking business, y'all.

They're S E E T H I N G, lmao.

Somebody's programmer socks are in a twist.

They want power so bad.. They would be scary except that they're all likely malnourished from eating chicken nuggets for breakfast and haven't seen anything green except mountain dew for 3 years.

Dude I want to agree with you, but you need to leave the nuggets and Dew out of this, kthx?

Thank you for your service.

I wonder if Reddit admins will ever realize that drama mods actually cooperate with them but the psychojannies are going to keep abusing their system. Maybe it's less work in the long run for them to drive the powermad lolcows off the site than to ban everyone they don't like?

They already drove all the good content off the site. I am pretty sure theyll only be happy once reddit is just a shitty r/aww photo app.

Well your not wrong, this is all an attempt to sanitize reddit of anything not 100% positive and in agreement with their """values""", and the adm*ns let it happen because it means more ad revenue. Good work though, these crazies need to be shown for what they are.

the default subs are all lefty circlejerk shitholes. Now that the liberal facists in the powermod cabal have accomplished that they can move on to more obscure subs. Call it conspiracy theory nonsense if you want but i've watched the site slowly descend into madness for the past 6 years. Entertaining sure, but still kinda sad.

Oh god this gonna get good

These people are mentally ill.

I see Belle is still at it. lol

This is why drama autists are best autists.

Wow, what a strenuous job. I have to imagine they are all well compensated for doing putting this much time and effort into something!

tfw you finally get a date and go out to dinner with her and when she asks you about your hobbies you can't say anything like tennis, or woodworking, or playing an instrument but instead proudly proclaim you spend all of your free time orchestrating plans on discord to get no-no words banned from obscure subs on

I can't even imagine the type of person who cares this much about fucking reddit.

On the other hand, us /r/drama thads can proudly announce that our hobbies include repeatedly saying nigger on the internet

Some of us have other hobbies, too. Instead of repeatedly using the gamer word today I went out and spent $120 on lumber, bags of soil, hardware cloth and other materials and built a giant radish garden.

Just planted the little guys a few hours ago. Can't wait for them to sprout.

The Virgin SEETHING Jannie vs the chadish farmer

I'll make sure to post a picture of my enormous Chadishes for you guys once I harvest them next month.


lol, my friend joined a food co-op and she was always complaining about the mass quantities of radishes she got every week. She was even trying to find recipes to cook them.

Fuck I'll just eat a radish raw, shits fire

I'll mail you a radish when they're ready.


Apparently they're one of the quickest and easiest vegetables to grow, with some varieties being able to be harvested after just four weeks. They're also extremely hardy and can grow in colder weather and depending on the area you're in you don't have to water them too often. A lot of people who first get into vegetable gardening start out with them because of this. They're basically the beginner veggie.

That's probably why she's got such a surplus.

I only planted about 60, and I'm sure I'll lose a few, but my vegetarian dad and his girlfriend are we living with me atm so I'm sure they'll be able to put them to use.

It's weird, but there's something really serene and fulfilling about growing your own food. Even just going out in the morning to see how big the sprouts have gotten from the day before is nice.

Great hobby. Tomato growing is my joy. Only 2 months before the new seeds get started.

My grandmother actually grows tomatoes and when I saw hers I had the urge to start growing something of my own. Her tomatoes are the reason I went out and bought / built all that stuff.

So whose posting this to modsupport asking the admins what they can do about this?

Lol the actual mods and admins don't care. They want us gone.

Ehh lets be real if we didn't have some admins who like us we'd at least be quarantined by now. The power mods hate us for sure, but I just want to see the shit fly if the admins got pressured to make a statement on this.

Edit: They have since banned like 5 people and still havent banned me from their discord lmao.

You know you have to post screencaps of their witchhunting right?

I had to do a lot of surgery on those screens just to post them as they are.

but think of how funny it will be for us to see

think of the children fam

What are those little blue squares and stuff for?

They're just parts of image manipulating tools from the program joan used to erase names and such. They're for moving the image around and whatnot. He just left them in because who gives a shit.

Oh gotcha, I thought there were some random ass identifiers that I never noticed but that makes more sense.

You using light mode is worse tbh

This is the most autistic shit I've seen on reddit in a while.

Good job, OP.

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. How I uncovered a supremely stupid ... -,

  2. r/teengers -,

  3. hot big dicked men you def want to ... -,

  4. r/drama -,

  5. They are using and rep... -,

  6. No, seriously -,

  7. They don't even care that they are ... -,

  8. literally anything they can get the... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers


Over for not-being-able-to-change-preferences-cels.

It's annoying to be switched back to nuReddit when you log out.

underagedcels cope

More like pedocels cope

Are you calling AHS pedos? Cause I am.

This post has nothing to do with AHS

MODERATOR OF r/BlackPeopleTwitter r/AgainstHateSubreddits r/downvotesreally r/BPTmeta and 26 more

Do you know it's rude to lie like this?

Lower than the lowest of worms, the internet janitor continues to try and justify their worthless existence

I like that you stopped at 26 more because you can clearly see they are nonexistent meme subs with no activity

good job

No, I stopped because that's what your profile said and I didn't expand it.

But now that I expand it:

MODERATOR OF r/ProHateSubreddits

LMAO, are you really squatting on that sub so no one will ever make use of it?

Damn lol imma have to reddit request that shit

with no activity

Yeah cuz everybody hates you bro lmao

I'm a failure of the largest regards but at least I'm not an active sub moderator.

Why else would you deign to grace us with your damage control?

because I saw WRD had linked this post and assumed that a bunch of morons would jump to conclusions and start blaming AHS because some pedos are salty at JWG

But... u guys are the pedos...

I hope you get those brain worms taken care of while you still have 5 cells still left up there

Mmmm ok kidfucker lol we all know you have a folder(s?) of CP to spam into the subs you wanna shut down for wrongthink πŸ˜‚

Spams other subs with child porn they conveniently had laying around

not pedos

Hmm πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

shares a made up accussation without any evidence

Yup, just about the level of critical thinking that I expected

I'd love to find the thread with evidence again, but my search engine throws me a "no results" when I search for "braincels child porn".

Guess I just got myself onto some lists.

good job

I'll take "things your father never said to you" for 1000 Alex.

Lol didnt you actually get outted as a pedophile? Oh nevermind he just pretends to fuck kids and looks at child pornography

these trannies did the same shit to 8ch fyi

Cope harder

By all reports this campaign predates operation pedos mad [X24]. This kind of sustained snitchathon just screams you guys

If thats true, then its probably some group that has actually gotten upset at r/Drama in the past

But who’s ever been mad at us?


dindu nuffin but report abuse things to save the internets from baddies

We report their abuse, and they abuse our reports πŸ˜”

Flood mod reports to ownnnn the baddie subs. I bet they wait at least 30 minutes for the 10 year old post to be removed before reporting to admins that r/drama mods aren't doing their jerrrb.

a bunch of morons would jump to conclusions and start blaming AHS

AHS is always at fault for literally everything

Lol yeah sure buddy. Go cry more about internet nazis in your safe space now.

Fuck off, retard.

Lying is a sin. Is it really worth going to hell over lying about your coworker jannies who don't even recieve monetary compensation for their actions?

Also, unironically I need to know. Why do you moderate subreddits? Like, I am not even being a dick right now when I ask, I just do not understand what your motivation is when you dedicate your time and energy to doing this.

How do you feel now? LOL.

Hi are you calling ahs pedos? cause i am., I'm dad.

Yes, the robots are on our side


People wonder who will be the administrators in the communist revolution and it would be these people.

These people would get their heads blown off for being bad soldiers.

If I were a totalitarian dictator hellbent on ruthlessly suppressing all opposition, I would absolutely use reddit powermods to my advantage.

They were the people saying they won't give 3 years old kids passports because it's a threat to national security.

Chancellor Ocasio-Cortez will review everyone's Reddit post history to decide their position within her regime

they hate us cause they ain't us

They hate us cause they prefer child anus πŸ’…

We need more screenshots c'mon πŸ˜’

Agreed. This is as good as when Belle was leaking modmail from r/FuckTheAltRight to PK. If only we could see all the powermods scramble to figure it out like we did with those leaks.

Was that confirmed to be Belle? I thought it was up in the air.

Not confirmed Belle. I just like to say it because I know she reads here and obsesses over this place. There were only a few people it could be though and she was one of them. It's a good possibility it was her. Not confirmed though.

This is why I relinquished my janny status with leftist subs.

It's weird being on the other side

Radical Centrism has no sides.

I was speaking in regards to cancel culture

I cant even imagine what it must be like to live in constant fear and rage that people are having fun on the internet in a way that you dissaprove of.

It's exhausting.

And tiring


Cancel culture is fine because it never works. The controversy always just gives the thing they are trying to cancel more publicity. And most importantly it is good for dramacoin.

And most importantly it is good for dramacoin.

I had never considered this angle before. I've changed my mind. Let's cancel everything until there's nothing left to cancel

not always being on the other side

Get on my level ya fat fukn casual

Well we're glad you're here now. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

Aww thanks 😊😊😊

Holy shit. Pedocels coping so fucking hard.

We had the nerve to attack pedos. We attacked pedos!

The commie rape limo pedo ven circle is complete.

These chomos have lost they damn minds

Unironically would be sad to see this place go, so let's not

I wonder how much money they're making doing all that work.



Are you saying that those people do it for free?


They do it for negative cash, once you consider that time is money.

Implying Jannie neets aren't on welfare

Based and econpilled.

It's over for opprotunity-costcels

Well that can’t be right, that would mean they are doing it without compensation of any kind.

moderators of many online forums are hired and paid around 30k

30k good boy points? 🀭


Can you even buy tendies with that?

U Suck Dick

basically, no. it’s good for egirl BJs only

Lmao, these dudes dont get head, these dude if anything only give head

I woke up at 8 pm today

Did you sleep well?


Is this what these people do for fun? Report shit to le adminz and hope we get banned? Are they that lonely?

They probably think of it as a form of activism.

To put things into perspective, they've been reporting shit that must have taken hours to uncover. iirc there were at least two instances where /r/drama jannies were suspended over innocuous years-old posts that had to have been discovered and spammed with reports years later.

Which leftist subs are doing this a lot exactly?(that pew is referring to) I am pretty sure quite a lot of lefty subs hate this place.

Gotta be AHS and probably chapo/LSC/the tankiesphere

FuckTheAltRight has a hate boner for r/drama too. If you post here, they auto-ban you. Guaranteed Belle and Dev are a part of the report abuse.

Oh yeah I sometimes forget that AHS and FTAR are different subs lmao

devavrata still going strong on one of his many alts

He'll never give up the fight, this site is all he has left.

yeah, he seems like the type who would flood the report system just in a rage since he lost so many accounts lol. He's a very ragey angry man, and since Belle will do whatever he tells her to do, she's definitely helping him out.

this site is all he has left.

Well, that and his diapers.

Don't kink shame deva!

lol Looks like he got his post removed. I'd love to see the conversation between him and the mod who did it.

Every now and then I check in on KubrickIsMyCopilot. He's by far the most schizophrenic person on this site, surpassing even devavrata.

Doesn't look so bad upon first glance. Whereas with dev, within 1 or 2 comments you're immediately disturbed.

The tankie fears the radical centrist.

It's beautiful.

this has nothing to do with AHS

Damn you are in full on damage control mode lmao get rekt pussy

is calling me some middleschool insults like cuck and pussy supposed to offend me?

You literally run entire subs based on things that offend your delicate sensibilities lmao. Oh god, the irony is gonna kill me πŸ’€

Have sex u fragile incel.

YIKES! Who hurt you, sweaty?

You sure about that one fam? Because this seems exactly like the kind of autistic crusade you guys would pull.

sounds more along the lines of some salty pedos or certain mindless morons that have no understanding of nuance

idgaf about r/drama

along the lines of some salty pedos or certain mindless morons that have no understanding of nuance

...yeah that's why we think it's you guys lmao

I have to imagine that JWG knows who this group is and would be more than happy to laugh at AHS if it was us

Please stop diddling kids

Everybody already laughs at AHS man

stop downvoting the lolcows you assholes

Transwomen are women.

Imagine being delusional enough to think that is making a difference.

This is a dangerous subreddit because wrongthink isn't just allowed, it's encouraged.


Somewhere someone right now is saying something I disagree with. This can not be tolerated, and must be stopped at all costs

~These Tards

Lol they don’t do it for fun they do it because they’re power hungry narcissists but they’re also fucking losers so being a power janny is the most power they’ll ever have

Misery loves company. They're fundamentally unhappy people that see us having fun and it tears them up inside, so they try to destroy our sub and bring us down to their level.

This is literally all they have going for them in their lives, and they do it for free Γ“vΓ²

Smh they see us kangz and kweenz slaying and they just mad mad mad

So basically they're always seething and they want everyone else to seethe with them?

Thanks for explaining like I'm a dramatard.

It's easier to understand with these well known terms


This is 100% the most fun subreddit in existence. And the fun is available for everyone of all politicope ideologies, with the only barrier to entry being not to take yourself so goddamn seriously.

Outside of this sub and maybe the college football sub I have literally no other use for this website.

Don't crosspost CFB drama here; you'll get banned from their sub

source: banned from their sub

do you watch college football so you can fantasize about the players taking ur wife (/u taking their tight buttholes)

no comment



the only barrier to entry being not to take yourself so goddamn seriously.

Fuckin millenials always butthurt

Guess you haven't been to r/cumtown

They're also exhausting to deal with. There's several of them in a modmail I'm in and it's just fucking tiring to deal with their shit all the time. They think they're modern day crusaders and that they have to somehow save reddit.

Mental illness and an obsession with people who they can't control, so they become that which they hate.

Implying they don’t love authoritarians

Hey man, everyone has their own hobbies. Some of us play tennis, or build furniture, or fish, or play guitar, or spend all of our free time orchestrating plans on discord to get no-no words banned from obscure subs on

Well, they also defend literal pedophiles...

There is nothing more pathetic than the left reddit janny

BAHAHAHAHA YEP! Belle is in that screenshot. Fuckin Belle and her little vendettas.

Don't link to that silly.

Stay safe Pew. There is literally nothing a pedo won’t do to combat any risk of not being able to molest children.

I never let people forget that someone from AHS (or IncelTears, they overlap a lot anyway) was spamming child porn in r/Braincels in hopes of having it banned. Probably from his own personal folder.

The Laurelai tactic? I wonder where she is now.



last I heard he was still on that commune in rural Vermont that somehow has internet access.

he's probably raped someone by now and moved on to somewhere else though.

That's also what they did with those early DeepFake subreddits.

And to their own fapfolders.

Damn one report a day how can the admins possibly ignore such a deluge.

This is possibly the most pathetic thing I’ve seen the powerjanny cabal do. Wait the banout was probably worse because they tried to pretend it was just an epic troll

It's even more fun when you realise they spend literal hours doing it, then go to talk about it in their discords.

I can't wait until the FBI shuts down discord. There will be a great severance as all of these weird little cliques are scattered to the winds like the people of Babel.

Jannie drama πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ if you're reading this and you're involved just remember you're a bottom feeder πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Innocuous? Hey fuck off

AHSer cries as it strikes your back.

Doing allah's work


The real scandal here is unironic usage of the discord light theme. Gross.

Yes. Good. Let the rage bubble over.

Wow this is nuts.

Alexa play swerve city by Deftones

I want to know which discord server is this.

its kind of sad you have nothing better to do, but i still appreciate it ofc. Great posts OP

That explains the incredibly retarded ban I got for a three month old comment that was your apparently "sexualisation of a minor."

😑 Big 😑 Bad 😑 rDrama 😑 at 😑 it 😑 again 😑