Should Catalonia be independent?

29  2019-10-20 by CommissarCletus


pretty centrist results

As much as I hate Catalans I'm proud of r/Drama's commitment to radical Centrism.

Like it matters. They will both continue to be vassals of the US either way.

no. we have enough nations. too many if u ask me.

¡Viva España, viva el Rey, viva el orden y la ley!

Also vote no to make leftoids mad

I don't know anything about the politics of this. I voted yes because that seems like it would create more drama

France should offer to absorb them tbh.

¡Viva Christo Rey, viva los Cathbols!

I eat ur gay ass reddiquette for breakfast and shit it out on Alexis Ohanian's wife stomach while having kinky sex with her


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carpet bomb the whole place and use it as a land fill

No. But neither should España. This would be the best time for the Netherlands to finally turn the tables.

Or instead of being a filthy prod I think it's about time for a Spanish Netherlands.

lol no

I’m all far breaking up Western Europe so that Russia can more easily annex Ukraine with little opposition

All people should form their own nation states with a population of 1. Catalonia would be too large of a government.

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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