Marco gets so close to naming the president. As our Syrian troops are getting resettled in Iraq and not coming home after all.

28  2019-10-20 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Lil Marco would never actually name the president lest his plan to be the hero of the US's Venezuela policy be crushed by a vindictive Daddy

The tides are turning dude. My mom, a hardcore Trumptard, recently called me to talk about how Trump is a con artist and working class people hate him now.

She literally told me she's voting for Warren.

I cant imagine flipping that hard on your politics

It makes more sense when you realize burgers never actually give a shit about policy.

i genuinely do forget about that frequently

She's not really, her reasoning is "if whites are gonna be discriminated against at least we can get healthcare"

She's also mad Trump is "too moderate."

mayo oppression


I don't think people realize how indoctrinated middle aged, upper-class white people are becoming from social media and fake news blogs.

its pretty easy to understand, they get their news from facebook and have 0 understanding of "captioned images and wordpress sites are not news or the slightest bit reputable"

Warren did 😏

That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. Marco gets so close to naming the p... -,

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