Nazis love Tulsi Gabbard. Look for reddit nazis posing as “centrists” supporting her.

121  2019-10-20 by hyledog


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Locking this. The Borscht Brigade has orders to promote Gabbard, but they’ll have to do it elsewhere.

til there are people who still buy the muh Russia narrative

Their queen Hilary said it so it must be true! Putin is a mastermind that controls the whole world.

"Hillary knows something and is calling Tulsi out. That's enough for me. Maybe Hillary doesn't want to reveal how she's getting her info. because it's connections she still has to people in intelligence and State Dept."

These people are real. It's incredible really.

Wouldn't suprise me if it was a dramatard's alt.

And that connection? Q.

Replace Hillary with Donald and it would sound exactly like something a MAGAtard would say 🐴👞💊

Daddy Defense Force and the Hillary Artillerys are two sides of the same coin.

What? Soros controlling the world? Jews controlling the media? How absurd, go out on your tinfoil hat you fucking racist loon

btw russians are controlling the world and the media with AIs with human-like speech patterns, so that drumpfptft could be elected.

Not realizing Surfy Mommy is the great granddaughter of Anastasia.

I see the Russian bots are up early.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

Go on Twitter and every other blue checkmark is a HillDawg stan.

surprised that democrats like the democrat that the majority of democrats liked

thats some bernie brained takes

can god make a word so racist he cant say it

til there are people who still unironically say "muh russia"


Subhumans to be more accurate

Lol @ the mod telling a fellow Chapoid to go back to T_D

They're going to drive actual leftoid Tulsi supporters to vote for Trump or just sit the entire election out, lol.


She may be our new queen tbh, both sides fear her and think she's a Nazi or Commie.

actual leftoid Tulsi supporters

Query returned 0 results.

Actual leftoids, maybe you're right because they're all focused on free gibs from Pocahontas or the walking heart attack, but there's definitely support for her from the center left.

Not much when basically any polling you look at has her 1-3%

1-3% can win an election.

Beto has the same polling numbers but wait until he gets his campaign really rolling.


That was enough to swing 2016 to Trump


but there's definitely support for her from the center left.



Yes! She has no chance of becoming the nominee but she does have some dedicated followers who are going to get turned off by all of these attacks from the neolibs. Even a few percentage points can be enough to swing an election, Trump won Michigan by 0.3%, NH by 0.4% and Wisconsin by 1%, these little numbers add up.

support for her from the center left.

all of these attacks from the neolibs

The neolibs are the center left tho.

Really though there's two center lefts right now imo, one being neolibs with Biden being their only viable nominee because Warren moved too far left, and the other being people who hate both neolibs and socialism but still lean left, an admittedly much smaller group.

How would you classify Tulsi? She's not a neolib nor a socialist and is being smeared for being too right wing by neoliberals.

people who hate both neolibs and socialism but still lean left.

Retards. They're against both planned economies and free trade? They'd have to be some bizarre left-leaning market mercantilists.

How would you classify Tulsi?

Lynda LaRouche

Honestly, I've never seen one irl. The only places I've seen support for her online are from:

  • Rightoids
  • Conspiracy nuts
  • r/stupidpol for some reason

what? reddit loved tulsi in 2015 when she was sucking bernies dick.

when she was sucking bernies dick.

Good thing she stopped. Imagine chapotards4tulsi 😬

This is why we need BIG WANG YANG

she's pro-universal healthcare, pro-choice, pro-union, anti-wall street, anti-surveillance state, what is it about her being anti-war that makes you people think she's a secret rightoid?

She's my favorite candidate unironically. I doubt I'll vote for her because she's not close to winning the primary, especially not now since the killary stans are after her.

I am sure that 0.8% of people who support her in the democratic primary, which is like 0.1-0.2% of the population, are going to be a sole reason democrats lose to Trump

I didn't even say dems would lose, though they probably will, just that these attacks are going to drive some people away from whoever the nominee is.

Just like the Bernie thing last time. They hack each other to pieces and show their true corrupt colours for the whole world to see, and then turn to each other for support when the dust settles. American politics make no sense.

that bernie supporters switching thing is a myth, the only ones who switched would have anyway even if the primary was a hugbox

I think there are a lot more undecided voters than you think. Not everyone has sworn allegiance to a political party.

Do I really have to explain this in the RADICAL CENTRISM homeland?

implying the crossover of bernie & trump voters is anything but the very ends of the horseshoe

Compared to choosing Hillary Clinton? Do you know how many people absolutely hate that bitch? She's been lurking around in the background of the world stage like the shady cold-blooded lizard she is for decades. I'd have picked Trump over her.

Its amazing how people conveniently forget who she is. She was the damn vice chair of the DNC. Some Nazi. She stepped down because DWS was fucking over her candidate Bernie.

it turns out that the dems were the real racists all along...... o.O

They are.

They like Mexicans because it's cheap labor and votes.

They treat blacks like children who dont know better and need their guidance.

Nazbol Tulsi.

Not quite hamburgers. Let me delve into my retarded thoughts on the pulse of the interwebs with a tldr.

Pol and T_d have had a ton of example of memes shaming their followers with cope type content, to stop calling tulsi based or even talking about her. This is the only time since trump ran I’ve seen behavior like this, they recognize she could swing center right folks over to the dark side. Also it’s not like she doesn’t hold most of the beliefs the others’ do, she has what trump had, the appeal of being anti establishment. Her being adamantly against regime change war sets her apart from all other primary candidates. I’ve even seen insane alt right spergs praising her bc they see this as being anti Israel. Idk but I wouldn’t want her to win the primary, I’m voting for warren or Biden. I donated to her, but she’s came out with some ridiculously far left positions, in the last year.

You're not wrong in claiming she has some center right support but she's not a threat to the right in this election whatsoever. The only outcomes possible are her supporters defecting to the right or voting for whoever the dem nominee is, there's no threat of the center right defecting to the dem nominee since it won't be her.

She will definitely be a threat in the future when the Republican party is struggling to find itself post Trump, especially if they slip back into their old ways, but this time around she's just a thorn in the dems side.

Yup I agree, I’m just saying if she did somehow become the nominee she would put up the best fight imo. She could pander to trump voters unsure of his antics. I can’t see any of the idpol style or socialist democratic candidates being able to do this.

Tulsi has almost no supporters.

Is most of this website teenagers, or did trump winning the election actually break some people's brain?

Ganymede AKA Deva is a middle-aged man, I've heard. Óvò

Belle is a mentally ill old hag as well. I've seen pics, even with the fent she's gotta be at least 40.

A surprising amount of political sperging online has been Boomers terrified that political norms are changing.

I wonder if it's just because most of them weren't online until the Obama administration.

He's around 47, as of this year.

Unironically both.


¿Por qué no los dos?

More just teenagers, but also the second one too

Haha holy shit /r/marchagainstnazis these fucking mongs are 75 years too late.


  1. No Nazi Scum. No neo-Nazis or their enablers and associated hate groups. No hate groups period. Nazis don’t need to self identify as such. Mods will make the assessment.

Nazis don’t need to self identify as such. Mods will make the assessment.

lol Reddit is a fucking parody of itself.

This sign aught to keep out those mean old nazis.

It's just a sub Belle "totally not a nazi" Ariel created to larp in

i was like "wow this guy is really trying to copy devravatas writing style" but its really obviously him still lmao

he says trumpjugend and everything

As if a devavrata could ever quit Reddit. It's all he has left.

It's understandable really. Her personal guru is a guy called Prabhupada’s whose views are “rape victims asked for it, Blacks are inferior and should be enslaved, Aryans are the supreme race, Hitler was right when attacking the Jews, and the “non-Aryan” majority of the human race are useless eaters no better than dogs. The preferred form of government is an absolutist monarchy. Racism is apparently an integral part of the ideal Vedic society, since “shudra” (the designation of the worker-caste) means “black”, which in turn literally refers to Blacks, a category which also includes Dravidians from southern India. . . .”

Incomprehensibly based

Edit: the same source also calls Narenda Modi a fascist lol. Corporate toady and nationalist, yes, but fascist??

Edit 2: 900 IQ takes only

“Omidyar, of course, also bankrolls Nazi fellow traveler Glenn Greenwald’s journalistic activities. The Civil Beat’s puzzling inability to locate any statements by Gabbard asserting that Chris Butler is her guru may derive from Gabbard’s and Omidyar’s mutual interest in promoting Modi’s Hindu nationalist/fascist agenda.”

Considering that she's not actually white I imagine this has more to do with thinking she would be the easiest candidate to beat than actually liking her.

I’m pretty sure their motive is primarily vote-splitting.

Wow some of them actually have brains. Is this the first time I've seen anyone get it properly? Yes the right is currently bernie/jill busting the left. Push candidates to split the moderates using memeology and when they fail since the primaries are rigged anyway, vote for trump out of spite. 10% of bernie bros voted trump. Mommy Tulsi is currently a cult favorite on the left. If she makes it to top 3 or 2 people will be bussy blasted beyond belief.

Delusional motherfuckers

Who wouldn't support this

I'd give Tulsi 4 fingers and watch her cum dribble down my hand and wrist

But where's the proof that's her?

Wake me up when her cum can dunk.

The Joo newspaper only worried about how Joo is perceived, fuck everything else... news at 11.

Considering that she's not actually white I imagine this has more to do with thinking she would be the easiest candidate to beat than actually liking her.

Yes, this has the be the only possible explanation. 🙄🙄🙄

It will be pretty funny to see these asshats have another meltdown in 2020 when the batshit crazy candidate they decide to prop up loses.

Locking this. The Borscht Brigade has orders to promote Gabbard, but they’ll have to do it elsewhere.

Good old devavrata, still going strong and fighting those internet Nazis even at 47 years old.

A true High General of #TheResistance. May he forever be enshrined in American history.

Hmm, Blumpf sucks, let's fix this by supporting an inexperienced, socially awkward one-term congressperson, with a completely unexamined background, from a weird tiny eternally blue state, whose political stances become INSANE when you look at them for more than five minutes.

All because she's hot. At least Sarah Palin was a governor ffs.

Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. Nazis love Tulsi Gabbard. Look for ... -,

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Jeez, op, put quotation marks around the title.

I will not kneel.