Supporting China to own the libs.

50  2019-10-21 by 2Manadeal2btw


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Supporting China to own the libs. -,

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I believe this is part of his negotiations with the fed to keep us prosperous.. remember the last time the raised rates he pulled troops from syria and everyone freaked out.. now just a few days ago the fed said they wouldn't raise rates for the next year and he does the jews a favor.. he's establishing trust with them and showing them he'll return favors. All part of doing business..

It's always the same excuse with China. "But whatabout other people?" Forget them, what about you?

Especially when they leave out the fact that China is a major world power doing this, and not some third world shithole

Miscuzi, butte France isa nota sheethole

fuck the french, it is a 100% shithole, paris shoulda stayed on fire

The protesters deserved it in frogtopia tho.

But the #1 world power has been doing this for almost a century and to much, much worse extents. 🤔 Laos, Nicaragua, Sudan, Iraq, the list goes on and on.

Imagine if China had an armada in the Caribbean and was interfering with ongoing Puerto Rico political debacles. That is what the US is doing in SEA/HK right now.

"But we're special!" Amerilard cope.

We’re talking more about internal policies, protests and riots, not foreign affairs.

Wow what a galaxy brain statement. So china's internal affairs are the concern of all other nations but Americas foreign policy can't be questioned? It's the exact opposite, if anything a nation has a right to non interference in internal affairs but it's foreign affairs are always naturally the concern of other countries. America is special though, special little snowflake America, a bunch of special rules for it.

I’m down to question American foreign policy, but not here.

Also following your logic Israel should do whatever it wants to Palestinians.

Lol. None of these were "foreign affairs" on the level of diplomacy and trade. They were the US military system destabilizing nations by interfering in internal affairs, or outright napalming the peoples.

Why do you think it's okay for foreign countries to interfere in your internal affairs?

Still foreign affairs and still completely off-topic.

Then why do you ledditors seethe so much over HK? Completely off topic and irrelevant to your distant lives.

Because I hate Chinese people obviously

Obviously, but HK are Chinese too.

Self hating Chinese


You don't get to control the conversation, sorry. You're going to have to explain your tunnel vision on the one issue that happens to affect your material interests. Stop pretending that your concern is merely to do with ideals and materials. If it were to do with ideals you would care about shit where your material interests were not on the line. But you don't. Proving that the Hong Kong protests are only the concern of the west, because it would serve their material interests to partition China. Stop lying that this is about ideals. You know it's not.

America didn’t systematically beat up the pussy hat protestors, not did they massacre students with tanks.

America has done bad things to its people, and does definitely oppress foreign nations, but it is still miles ahead of China in terms of rights and freedoms for its citizens.

Lol, there you guys go again

America great, China bad, upfrogs to the left, etc.

This but unironically

Thanks for being honest

I'm sure a retard like you would still give your left nut to live in a lower middle class suburb in flyover country

Lmao looks like I hit a nerve

Looks like you are jealous of the lowest rung of fentanyl Americans for having a better standard of living than you


How original you hack

I'm participating in a conversation in America, you're tunnel vision concerning certain actors you have material interests in is telling and reveals the non idealistic motivations behind your concern. Your trying to control the conversation to avoid a critical flaw in your argument, why don't we pretend that nothing in the world exists besides the country you want to attack right now? How dare you bring up something outside of my current interests? I'm sorry, the rest of the world exists, you don't get to control the conversation.

In fact it is America that always refuses to discuss its human rights records with deflections about how much better it supposedly is than others. Same thing with Israel, literally they tried to change the definition of antisemitism to enforce this, gotta go through a list of every country in the world in order of objective human rights and prove your not criticizing Israel worse. The west wants total control of the conversation.

Sure, talk about America if you want but don't pretend that it excuses atrocities elsewhere and don't try to draw false equivalencies between the Tiananmen Square massacre and the Uighur concentration camps when no equivalency exists. Deep down the sinoshills know that there is no defense of such policies and events so they aim to distract instead.

Imagine the chinese communist party actually representing a sovereign nation of more than a billion chineese. This is like saying if you dont like the democratic party your being racist towards white women

Hong Kongers are just self hating Chinese, you hate to see it. I'm amazed at the patience of the PRC on this. If Hong Kong thinks it can go back to be Britain's dogs they're utterly delusional. Sorry your Chinese just like the rest of them. I know nothing could be more insulting than comparing you, the illustrious dog of the whites, to your own actual culture and nation, but that's the facts.

I thought forsure this was gonna link to r/moretankiechapo