/r/EpicAirConditioners banned

307  2019-10-21 by TothB


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Imagine being so distant from mechanical comprehension that you have to make up fake part numbers to say how much you hate jews.

They deserve this ban for being so unacceptably unfamiliar with tools and machines.

Expecting zoomies to know anything about mechanical things


Thinking rightards not being genuinely retarded is worse than thinking leftards are not narcissistic and moral purist.

I'm pretty sure there is a correlation between having extreme right wing beliefs and being genetically inbred. Extreme beliefs in general seem to be a subhuman trait.

Wait till you find out the correlation between autism gay porn and video games.

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.

I don't need to find out 😎

Implying anyone in drama isn't mechanically inept

I used to thaw out frozen chicken on top of my CRT monitor, one time it leaked and caused a short circuit, so I took the monitor apart and fixed it by carefully soldering pieces of wire over the couple of burned out PCB traces.

I'm obviously very retarded as is evident from this story, but mechanical ineptitude is not a part of it.

I recommend using warm water next time

WRONG only use cold running water or thaw in the fridge over night.


I used to thaw out frozen chicken on top of my CRT monitor

Why would you do this??

It was the nerdiest thing I could come up with. Like, wow, I'm the alpha nerd now.

I'm definitely not the only one here who knows which end of a hammer to hit with.

I'm not. It's not like using tools is that hard (minus hammer drills)

It shouldn't be hard if you can use your brain, but for example I specifically instructed my old roommates to wait for me to get home from work to put my new entertainment stand together (Literally only needed a screwdriver) and they managed to break the top shelf while trying to figure it out without me.

You know what my roommates in college, all 6 of them, didn't know? That you could adjust the temperatue of the water heater. Yeah, they were scalding their hands in the kitchen sink until I went down and turned the dial a bit.

Excellent larp you uncoordinated goon.

Lmao how much do you suck as a human? Your reeing about anything remotely normal is funny but deeply pathetic.

Says the soy-goon pretending his spindly arms are capable of driving a nail.

Keep telling yourself how great you are "as a human" while you dream of murdering all the productive people and stealing all their stuff.

don't forget everybody: don't downvote the lolcow

Unless I say something about the Jews, then make sure to voice your tetchy butthurt "boredom" by smacking that disagree button.

haha that's true, you ARE very gay (will not be reading your posts from here on out)

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments. You're just boring.

thanks dude, I don't know if I agree that it's, "the biggest dick on /r/drama" but I am pretty proud of it. gets the job done ya know

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments. You're just boring.


capable of driving a nail

How much strength do you unironically think it takes to drive a nail? A child could hammer in a nail lmao

Yes, I do consider you more pathetic than a child, thank you for noticing.


Holy shit you think that's a great comeback. You know how I know you've never hammered anything? You seem to think it takesany strength at all you fucking nerd


Whose mad?

Your obsession with becoming emasculated by chemicals (which soy doesn't even do) seems to signify you have a tenuous connection to your own masculinity. You don't know what true power is, never won a brawl or build a strong social standing, so you lash out. It's fucking transparent. Get into a real fight man, know what getting punched feels like, know what punching feels like, what victory tastes like.

Then you might not be such a fucking scared and frightened wuss.

Lmao, thanks for yet another reminder that the left cannot meme.

Triggered, huh?

Not trying to meme. Just saying to your face how fucking pathetic you come across as.

to your face

Thanks for announcing that you don't know the difference between real life and the screen of your phone anymore you raving autismo.

Now tell me again how pathetic I am lmao.

Did you just knit pick a well known idiom and made it as if I made it literal? And then call me autistic?

Fucking lol. Man it just keeps getting sadder and sadder.

Did you just sperg out like a whiny high-pitched soy-sucking faggot?

Yes you did lol.

Lol there's only one weak as fuck whinny tard spergling in this conversation. Sucks it's you but you could... Yanno be a man or something. Would take work though.

I'm a woman you faggot, lmao.


Just cause my dick is bigger than yours doesn't mean it isn't female, bigot.

Lmao you're just so bad at this

I love when you stone-cold morons try to review me or award me marks as if it isn't just another sign of how flamingly asshurt you are.

Not as hurt. More like a dog playing with a squirrel... The rodent thinks they got a chance but I'm just having my fun

lmao, more like a coyote chasing a roadrunner.

If you wanna think yourself as a hungry canine with a serious problem of buying worthless stuff, sure.

What happened with you and a hammer drill?

Trying to bore 1.25in auger through a double rafter made of old oak while on a 12ft ladder that kicked back suddenly, probably an old nail, knot or metal plate. Almost twisted my wrists 360 and hitting me in the head but did buck me off the ladder.

In those situations you're better off doing it with a hammer and chisel and trimming it out afterwards if you have to.

Had to go through almost 8 inches of old colonial era building oak. That shit is pretty much concrete.

Mortising chisels babe

They'll be like 6 inches and skinny and you can attack from both sides.

Probably wouldn't have helped tbh. Plus didn't have it in the truck lol

Should have been using an impact driver, but otherwise hope you learned your lesson about that.

I once saw a guy who had his jaw broken under a very similar circumstance, shouldn't have had his face so close to the drill and should have been anticipating the possibility of lock-up.

A professional grade, powerful drill can easily overpower even the strongest man in terms of torque in a stopped bit/lock up situation, but impact drivers mostly eliminate that problem.

Lol I had it over head, to get more pressure behind the hammer drill. It ripped through all the single rafters like butter and I was kinda impatient. But old oak would just laugh at an impact driver, much less a inch and half hole through 8 inches length.

You're so wrong. Why the hell would you be using a hammer drill on wood? First mistake. Hammer drills are for brick, concrete and masonry.

Second mistake, a professional grade impact driver with an auger tip bit will just roar though any wood, even lignum vitae.

I guess you didn't know that.

And, using such a bit in a professional grade impact driver eliminates the danger of kick-back.


Old wood from colonial era building is way closer to concrete than wood in a practical way.

I agree and KNOW that old wood, especially old heartwood is way tougher/stronger than new growth and most modern lumberyard shit.

But, it's still no match for modern tools. The bit I linked, the Bosch Daredevil line chucked into a high-end professional grade tool still will chew right through even the hardest of hardwoods (with nails!) with barely a flinch in your wrist.

And you shouldn't even be trying to compare wood to concrete. Not practical at all. So different, in so many ways.

builders RISE UP

i fell off a ladder once. It was in an office in a high rise building. I fell out of the ceiling when my screw driver hit 460/3 trying to fiddle with the VAV controller and hit the fan motor connections. People freaked. Its funny in retrospect.

am literally hvac designer and part time metal fabricator

If the rightoid neets were handy, they wouldn't be rightoid neets

imagine being this mad about shitposting

Start a new sub about inclined planes and I'll come in and feature my rant about the fall of society coinciding with the inception of of thread deformation 1/4-28 12 point flange heads.

Or... get on my level and pull up a lawn chair.

thats the equivalent of that meme about left vs right memes its way too wordy

the beauty is in the simplicity of it

Goodman is kinda garbage. York is alright and I don't know a lot about Trane but they seem decent too.

R/drama did this

1m461n3 b31n6 5c4r3d 0f l337 5p34k 1n 2019

no one subreddit should have this much power

I've submitted prayer requests for /r/Drama every Sunday since we lost pinging. At this point we can't be stopped.

2019 /r/Drama: When radical centrism means a rightwing disposition in the comments and a ShitRedditSays effect on the website, everyone loses.

And that's a good thing.

we are so fuxking clever

Quick, update the list of countries MDEfugees have been banned from.

The 109 subbreddits

Remove CAbab

/pol/odomor when?

It's over for non messerschmittcels

Awww man. They were weirdly funny.

DAE WH-1T3 is better than N1G-G4R and JU? Haha so funni

The punchline is your assravaged seething.

As if you get to accuse anyone of seething lmao

no u

absolutely fuming, lmao









our sub

who the fuck do you think you're talking to?

Hold on, wait....

You're pizzashill, right?

Pizzashill is the discount me.

Oh, hi watermark.

not knowing who pol is

not knowing what an obvious joke is

I know exactly who I'm talking to, retard. You can't spend every day seething about how the Jew bankers put women in your video games or whatever and then act like you're above it all.

Our sub

If you think I'm an MDEfugee you're legitimately even stupider than they are.

The only difference between an MDEfugee and a regular seething rightoid such as yourself is when the menace immigrated to this sub

The only difference between you and a roach is that the roach has enough decency to avoid the light.

Mayos mad πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

he isn’t white, he’s a pajeet akshually

Sorry about your garbage-tier genes, maybe in your next life you can be part of the human race instead of one of its dusky-hued, violent imitations.

? The mayo ape is the most brainlessly violent creature put on this planet and has been since Adam was thrown out of the garden by (((God)))

it only got banned because people like you unironically got mad about it lol

The punchline is you.

The punchline is r/ThePopcornStand

The humour got good when random retards from all over reddit were brigading it and posting increasingly esoteric shit

I liked the one about beating his WH-1T3 air conditioner until it became non functional

That was hilarious

That was one of ours


why is lefty counter trolling so bad lmao


next tell me aoc is hot and actually trump is bad and we should all vote for communists instead

and then tell me to take pills and to go to sleep or whatever

israel doesnt send its brightest college students


People were having unironic arguments about racial dynamics in society in retarded pseudo-air-conditioner speak and it was fucking hilarious.

This but unironically

your dumb reaction is what makes it funny fyi, stop being baited so easily

What reaction? I found it boring and has the subltelty of a baboon jerking off on a printout of FBI crime statistics. Do better.

What reaction?

DAE WH-1T3 is better than N1G-G4R and JU? Haha so funni

that one

just ignore dumb stuff you dont like, if you obsess over it like a fag people will assume youre mad at it like ahs and lefty subs

Zoomers' first brush with cryptofascism 😴πŸ˜ͺ😴

Trust me bb me and cryptofascism have had some long, sweaty nights together

What's next, car models?

it is when you keep banning it like a fag

Goddamn stiffy you really are SEETHING about this

lol what i never even posted there

it was always clear ahs nerds would cry until it happened like theyve done with all the other versions, its what they do and the entire point

You just seemed mad cause you were spamming the same comments

theres always like ten people in this sub that need it explained

If they just used real AC components, no one would have been able to ban them. I mean how fucking obvious is it to say "my JU model is over taking the world"? Come onnn

Epic. 😎


Bets on what their next totes hilarious crypto theme will be?

I'm guessing monster trucks.

Probalby baking

Imagine all the Jew jokes they could make with this.

It would be banned to quickly probably

One. The same one.

Concentrated juices.


That would make sense, after all they love to use the "one drop rule" or whatever


I think they expect that to be banned quick, it’s just for a quick goodbye to the AC one. That’s my hunch anyway

dammit, it was kind of funny. Just the absurdity

This just in: Reddit admins show their dissatisfaction with poor working conditions by banning subreddit devoted to air conditioners.

lmao wtf.

...for harassment?

That seems like a dumb ban reason

The admins updated their content policy and now interpret harrassment much more broadly.

I would not be surprised if we see this used much more often moving forward.

I know they did, it's just dumb. Being racist and using code words isn't harassment. It's just being racist. Just say you banned the sub because it was a racist hate sub.

I reported the comment I'm responding to because it made me feel uncomfortable

wtf you post on /r/drama?

yeah, going back like 5 years now?

first time i saw you here im new ;_;

lmao youre such a sensitive homo and probably not even black

So this was not DarqWolff's sub?

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. /r/EpicAirConditioners banned - archive.org, archive.today

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The only reason I noticed is because I made my very first comment there just minutes earlier. Is it possibly privatized or definitely banned?

why won't these insufferable queers just go to fucking 4chan?

They don't go back to 4chan because there's no normies to redpill and/or annoy, this is all performance art which must have an audience.

Exactly. It's the same reason why the spazzy internet bullies of arr drama are still here despite how sterile, censored, and corporate reddit has become in the past few years - we need the seethe. Its just not worth shitposting for people who either don't care or already agree with you.

Imagine being mad about air conditioner shitposting. What an insufferable subhuman goblin you must be in real life. God you know what I take that back the admin who banned this sub is at least 4 million years behind you in evolution.

I'm not mad you're mad actually

This but unironically

well sweaty maybe if you weren't such a nazi you wouldn't be so mad πŸ™„πŸ’…πŸ’…


4chan doesn't want them either.

4chan doesn't want anyone. You just go there anyway.

Imagine thinking 4chan has standards, and that the line is basic ass JQ pushing trolls.

/pol/ is our containment board

Becaude then leftoids complain theres no rightwing drama being posted

Speaking of, theres like 3 other escape subs theyre fleeing to already lol

leftoids will complain regardless but at least on /pol/ you can unironically just call everyone a filthy jew without having to pretend to be talking about coolant and all that dumb bullshit

MDEfugees may be alt-retards but they're still Redditors. Even the /pol/acks can't tolerate them.


banned lol

4chan too scary, might accidentally see piccolodick

Just when I was starting to have fun with it. Had the rightoids seething

Womp womp

/r/familyman survives yet another round

because it's a good sub

And a good show!

family friendly and good for kids, very educational

It's a good Reich!

Don’t worry I’ll get us on AHS radar eventually

Is that a crypto sub? Am I too stupid to get it?

Its a good sub tho.

No crypto, it’s just a good sub

And a good show!

Admins forcibly install the C(UK) module

If you'd like to take it over please make a post in /r/redditrequest

The admins should give it to us to make it into a mayocide sub, but of course they don't believe in fun. πŸ˜’

jannies have no imagination, imagine if david-me had made a bunch of SRS / drama mods of KIA.

fuck it didnt last long

Rightoids cucked again. Will they finally leave the platform or will they try and sneak something else past the admin bulls.

God it’s so hard to be a white supremacist who’s incapable of not talking about it on Reddit these days