Terrorists of Reddit move the needle to 41%

142  2019-10-21 by collectijism


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AHS Trans Vegan Commie


I bet they're into zodiac shit too

Why does it feel like AHS seems to dictate what is allowed on this site anymore?

Cause they do

If they did, T_D would've been banned long ago alongside TiA and KiA. :v

And drama

plus cumtown

🙃 yaaaay. Just bully us, instead of you know trying to reduce the statistic. That will work right?

So far yes actually

Their mistake is thinking we want to reduce the statistic.

The CH4P0 model of air conditioner I have has a 41% failure rate 🤔. And those are manufacturer stats, coincidence..

Yeah the JU-88 is a far far superior unit. Just take into account the higher air flow from the much larger front hood exhaust

That’s true, but the B1-CK has the best bang for your buck. It may not be reliable but its power keeps you so cool during the hot ass summer

I dont know man i heard they bang your wife when your at work paying taxes for their welfare

When did we stop talking about ACs 🤔

The centrist take is that bullying is fine in small doses. The issue nowadays is that's just not possible. You can't escape your bully from school because you're on the internet with them. There is an anime called March Comes in like a Lion that really understands the underlying problems that come with intense bullying, and has a very good storyline about it

Sometimes you need that little jab at something odd you do, or you need to experience someone disliking you enough to go out of their way to hurt you. But there is a limit, especially nowadays

You really had to fuck it up with the weebshit now didnt you

I love this community and I have decided I don't want to hide who I am. We are all family after all

We are all family after all

Yes, but it's the Addams family.

So many ads for that shitty movie everywhere

I was thinking of the TV series, I remember gov tried to destroy their house, but couldn't because it was made of Uranium or some shit.

Yeah I know it was a TV show but the movie is stuck in my head and makes me want to die

The orignal movie with Raul Julia and Christina Ricci was amazing

I'd pay money to be born into that family, they're awesome

Lolz is the hand that is smarter than everyone else who has actual brains

There is an anime called...

GTFO pedo

Damn you burned me up with that one. I retract my statement entirely

there is an anime

stopped reading right there, fuck off weebshit

If that's how you feel, then I will respect you for it

There is an anime called March Comes in like a Lion

Lmao no one cares about the opinion of a weeb, eat a dick pedo

Okay, I apologize for upsetting you. I hope you can forgive me

necrotic meat cavern


Wow bullying people is bad not watch as i harass these loser incels so more can join their graveyard post

You ok? You press the lifeline button around your neck if it gets too much right? I worry about you we dont want to go to 42%

The fuck you on about you downie

The point is that straight-up bullying doesn't solve anything

No wonder theirs still nazis everywhere

please never fix ur english ur comments wouldnt be as funny if u did 🤗

Imagine a world where the buegouisey pretend to be speaking for the workers while spell checking them constantly.

prolletariuts rise up

Spell privilege check the burgieuosie!

You needed to be bullied by an English teacher

Do i not speak the kings english well enough to be a part of your worker led revolution?

You can lead the revolution back to my lawn trailer you missed a spot.

Grind the beans

It also helps to report to the news. Nothing gets Reddit antsy like bad publicity.

Imagine being a communist while you work with corporations and government to silence speech enacting the literal definition of fascism

Supporting censorship to own the transphobes

!inb4 some r slur comes by and screams "THAT ISNT CENSORSHIP REEEE"!<

Necrotic Meat Cavern is a pretty good band.

I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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Bullying nazis works bullying trans doesnt.

This is your brain on communism


this is your brain on boomer

Imagine a world where the false dichotomy of choice is 0 or 1. Red or blue. Ios or android.


It makes rightoids feel good

What is bullying trans people supposed to accomplish? At least, other than "lol suicide gottem"

Bullying is always and forever people using fear and intimidation to enforce social norms. The fact that there are no social norms anymore means we need much much more bullying.

Every person under the age of 40 should have a bully assigned to them and they should receive bullying commensurate to what they would have received in a decent and just society.

Every person under the age of 40 should have a bully assigned to them

Every person full stop. I've seen boomers who could use some bullying.

But who bullies the bullies? Do we just have a neverending chain of bullies? 🤔

The bullies are the people who were bullied into normalcy. It’s like this: we find one normal bully. They follow someone around for a year, making them into a perfectly normal bully like them. By the end of the year, you should have two normal people. They both get assigned to bully new people. By the end of the second year, you’ll have four normal people. They get assigned to others. It seems slow, but it’ll progressively get better

Every person under the age of 40 should have a bully assigned to them

Before communism took over their was a word for these i believe we called them “fathers”

your kids still call someone father, it just isn't you

Oh wow look another triggered cryptocommie

That's a lot of words, it kinda made me 🙄. Next time just call him a faggot and move on.

Every hour i add an adjetive. Plus gaysexhouston22 is like my slave he just goes around to every comment and post i make coping seething thirsting.

Do you genuinely believe this? Because every single person I know that has been bullied ended up more fucked up and generally deviant than they likely would have without the bullying.

I've been bullied and it just gave me a thicker skin. The secret is to not be a weak little pissbaby.

Sounds like the bullies did them a fantastic disservice by not bullying them enough.

Natural Selection and enforced eugenics will take care of them.

We cant let the weak rule the strong. Being bullied pulls the weak to become strong without it society decays as we are led by the weakest among us the most easily corrupted while our adversaries are a patriarchy that vaults the best among them. Eventually its Tyson fighting infants. And we are getting knocked out. Antibullying is directly funded by the chineese communist party as a means to destroy the west and turn us all into a giant world of slaves

I was literally bullied out of autism. I can speak from experience the value of bullying

Not posting on AHS is a good start.

Can't disagree with that òvò

Bullying enforces social norms and is needed

Prove it

lawlz is bullied more than anyone and hes becoming pretty normie

Your idea of “normie” is pretty fucked then. Lawlz has been getting worse.

Prove it’s not true, nerd

Burden of proof is on you retard.

Says who

At least, other than “lol suicide gottem”

Legit lolling at that

What is bullying trans people supposed to accomplish

A sense of pride and accomplishment

nothing sounds worse than slipping into a necrotic meat cavern

Where's the lie tho?