Foids lose again

199  2019-10-21 by boyoyoyoyong


Cyclist Rachel McKinnon, a biological male who presents as a woman

Google Image Search disagrees

I'd love the editors just to throw in "presents" as a female

Look at this guy with his big beefy shoulders and beefy arms squeezed into his grandma's pink cardigan, wearing her pearls. Do these guys just want to make a mockery of women?

it's so obviously a fetish

Canadian philosophy professor


I wonder if they know the notorious lobster lover Jordan Peterson

That's why he cosplays. Since he pretty much threw away success in academics by picking that field, beating women was the only way to experience success.

Day of the Rake when?

I was a pro cyclist and was essentially anonymous in the male ranks. I saw firsthand just how big the gap was between me and the women at the very top of the sport. It's not even remotely close.

An average amateur male racer would probably lose due to lack of training and experience when pitted against these women but they would still be pretty competitive. Any man with lots of training miles in their legs/above average talent would have a good shot at winning in the female peloton.

Cycling is a grueling sport in terms of the risks and how much time and effort you have to put into training and for men to sign up to compete against women has to feel so defeating for the women who worked so hard to get where they are.

I competed against lots of dopers but you could still win and be competitive with good positioning, strategy, execution, and training. Cyclings a lot more dynamic and skill-based than most endurance sports... but competing against a man as a woman would be pretty much hopeless.

basically if you were like the 500th best male cyclist in the world you can destroy a woman.

Cycling would have to be the sport with one of the biggest advantages to men as well, surely?

Tough endurance, hip and leg strength that women generally lack and heaps of cardio.

How can you have any pride in beating a bunch foids?

I was a pro cyclist and was essentially anonymous in the male ranks. I saw firsthand just how big the gap was between me and the women at the very top of the sport. It's not even remotely close.

I really noticed this when alot of the women around here try to get behind the fastest buck they can to beat each others QOMs.

It's pretty hilarious really.

I've unwittingly assisted many of times and I'm not even close to being the fastest dude.

All my medical records say female

Lets see that birth certificate champ

Them: S-sex isnt gender

Also them: I'm not a male bigot

Birth certificates can be edited you've got to get the picture day photos now.

set a women’s world record in the qualifying event.

Women's world record is set every time men's event is held.

News at 11.

lol imagine busting your ass training just to find out that a man will be competing with you. Might as well just quit if you know a dude in a dress is competing in any physical sport with you if you're female.


but people who oppose my existence still want to think of me as male .

The fucking galaxy brain take of people calling bullshit on your claims being in opposition to your existence. No one gives a shit who you are they just don't want you to cheat at bike racing.

The only thing about these troons that passes as female is their hysterial whining.

And now the GOP is making hay of it:

inb4 The_Reason_Trump_Won

This is why, unless Sanders gets the nomination, Trump should win.

The Democrats are bought by corporations no different than Republicans. As far as actual inequality is concerned voting D vs R makes no difference.

Culturally Democrats today are worse than Republicans. All the toxic shit you can find on the right, there's now a significantly worse mirror version on the left.

Any real athlete (or sane person) will tell you men need to stay in men only tournaments. The reason ftm aren't breaking male records is because there is an obvious unfair advantage.

Didn't one of them actually win a men's race from all the hormones they were on?

Boys make the best girls

This is how the patriarchy strikes back: infiltration

Girls make the worst boys

Norah ‘Reverse trap’ Vincent tho

This sub made me realize that TERFs are absolutely based and correct.

I'm not even a TERF, I'm fine with trans people and all that shit. That said, it's fascinating watching the trans movement push their luck every fucking chance they get, it's gonna be really interesting to see how this plays out in the next decade.

More people are coming out as trans and any MtF person of even minor competence can basically annihilate a biological woman in any sport. How are they even going to handle it when every single college scholarship and world record is going to trans chicks?

Forget about sports, how are people gonna handle it when the trenders give us our first “female” mass shooter?

Already happened.

its happened like a half dozen times. its like all the black mass shooters they just don t talk about it. one of the tranny mass shooters actually thought they had ghost powers like danny phantom.

Blacks kill each other in gang shoot out so w/e.


It didn’t. There was a school shooting involving a supposed MTF trans but it was actually FTM. or at least IIRC

As another said, ftm shooting.

Would Randy Stair count?

Who dat

Guy who was obsessed with cartoons, though he was a lesbian ghost girl and killed 3 people at his supermarket workplace.

Not knowing Randy "Queen Ember of the Ghost Squad" Stairs

Shameful Òvó

Went and googled him. He was first and foremost a weeb, by the sounds of things.

Wasn't there that gal who tried to shoot up youtube?

Tried. Never send a foid to do a moid’s job.

If you don’t hit a single target it doesn’t count.

Nasim had a name and she was born a goddess. 😤😤😤

Pizzashill 2020?


I was fine with trannies when it was acknowledged as a mental illness but now that they’re pretending it’s a normal part of your identity and the fact that truscum needs to be a thing honestly makes me hate them.

People who realise men and boys are based and correct? Dumbass.

foids being correct


I am afraid of men.

Like so many women I am afraid of men.

I am afraid of men because men are stronger and more violent. I am afraid of men because I have been a victim of male violence. I am afraid of men because men assaulted me again and again. When I was young they saw me as little more than a walking pair of tits and something that might be worthy of their dicks.

Now that I am no longer young and my tits have been chewed by babies and my ass is near my knees and my face has lines and wrinkles and grey hair they almost never see me at all. But I am still afraid of men. I fear their power. I fear men and their contempt in which women like me, past childbearing age are of no use at all. I am no longer a girl or a young woman but it is still men who frighten me as they always have.

I fear the TIM. Not because I am a terrible bigot but because he is a man. No matter the fee fees, the dress, the lipstick and the heels they are still men. They are large and scary because they are men. They deserve my fear.

To call this understandable fear bigotry and literal violence and Nazism is to deny the reality of women's lives and force us to deny our lived experiences. To call out women's fears and demand we put them aside is the every essence of male behavior. To demand that we deny our lives and how we have been forced to live them is to pretend not only that men can be women but argue women have no right to talk of our lives.

I am a woman. I have the right to my fears. I will not be called transphobic and told to shut up.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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As long as it isn't dick-cheese, long post bot.

fuckit, ill still face off against them

I challenge any drama posting male to 1v1 me in any sport or competition.

Look at that absolute chad.

that website is pretty based, while also acknowledging women do some niche things better than dudes.

Keep in mind that this is comparing high school boys to literal female olympians. That's where the absurdity really shows up.

mfw moids are better than foids even at being foids

Its always upsetting to see this bullshit and this bitch has the gall to be a cunt about it when all they did was take girl pills

Joke: competing while natty

Broke: taking testosterone as a male athlete

Woke: taking testosterone as a female athlete

Bespoke: taking estrogen as a male athlete, but doing so in order to compete against an all-female field

In my case, people literally say they support trans women...but not in sport

There can be no 'but'

We are either full and equal women, or not

He's got that right.

I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 👯 asian 🍜 ass 👌 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 💆become 🍘 a 🍙 riceline 🍱


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Imagine being such a pathetic failure as a man that you need to bully girls on bicycles to feel good about yourself, lmao.

He is.

i'll allow anything that will bring the foids down a notch or two

His Twitter is gold

Trannies make it very hard to tolerate them. What's sad is most trannies don't care about any of this and just keep silent, but you have loud retards like this that just discredit and embarrass them.

Let's face it the majority of trannies are leftoid autogynophiles now.

It's cute how they claim to be females who don't produce testosterone as a sign that they are really women when even women produce testosterone.

The disillusionment is palpable. 🤭

They also claim to have periods, so we're well beyond the "inmates are running the asylum" stage.

Wish my body could do this but with fent 😢


Talking from experience?

it's a chad move tbh

Whiteknighting for foids


there are trannies so obnoxious they somehow make me appreciate women

I love it "set a new world record" how many world records have been set so far by men identifying as women and competing in women's sports? There's a reason why in so many sports we separate it, people can cry and bitch all they want, but if you want any proof look at rugby. If we had coeed pro rugby and even college rugby, it would be a blood bath. They would have to make rules like section 9 making everything about giving women a synthetic advantage. The biggest school in my city, UofL can't have a wrestling team because they need a 4-1(?) Women and mens sports. I have known many people who desperately want to wrestle of that school, but can't. Anyway,

Jamme, jamme 'ncoppa, jamme jà Funiculì, funiculà!

I'm torn between laughing at the foids because the best women are men, and wanting to shit on Mckinnon so she'll get with the program and join the 41%. It's a tough world, and that's why I do both.

I'm a centrist, and this is my story.


Thank you for your service.

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


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Only elite athletes in peak condition can compete

in mens sports, which incidentally are usually open to women, but they don't stand a chance.