/r/toronto resident gatekeeper of all things bl@ck sets rules for slang use in Toronto

20  2019-10-21 by newcomer_ts


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just this once can I go in to say a racial slur? i promise it will be one word

Do people actually read Vice?

How else do I sharpen my skates?

Not anyone that I know slash care about.

Its kinda funny, cause the past few months particularly retarded leafs around here have been trying to parrot US political statements verbatim, and subsequently eating shit for it

There was a radio ad playing, warning that we need to vote Castreau back into office or else gun violence will go up - in a city where every single recent gun crime has been committed by illegal weapons. Hell, its nearly impossible to get non-hunting, semiautomatic weaponry here anyways

Every two or three weeks some sperg brings up reparations (lord knows why), only to get laughed at by the Indians/Chinese who make up like 70% of the GTA population

Our local radio announcer once fervently brought up white priveledge, only to be called "idiotic" by a caller 15 minutes later pointing fingers at wealthy immigrants of two certain ethnic groups

CBC, one of our previously treasured broadcasters, has gone so deep into woke culture that every third canadian you ask will be seething over them. Hell, one of our "prime minister candidates" is campaigning on defunding them

Expect shit to go down 4-5 hours from now after everyone is done voting

Look out for those mass shootings with those magazine capacity restrictions in place 🤣🤣🤣

So Indians and Chinese are what's keeping GTA (relatively) sane? What a world we live in.

As an immigrant myself, nearly every other immigrant ive asked so far has a hateboner for Trudeau. Doesnt help that most people come here from more conservative countries

We (my office borders Brampton, like 90% indian) were having a very awkard quarterly office lunch about two months back, til someone mentioned him; nothing has ever brought my coworkers together more than their seething hatred of him

East york/downtown are libleft as fuck tho

I don't know much about Canada, so I have never thought about that. Is it because Trudeau didn't pander enough to Indians and Chinese, or he is just dumb?

I personally don't think non-Western immigrants would be a fan to the liberal policies of the Western countries, but I thought they would at least tolerate it because parts of it panders to them.

Ironically, a lot of his pandering has been a double-edged sword of sorts. Legalizing weed put him on bad terms with Indians, giving quebec preferential treatment made Ontario grow weary; the enviro stuff / carbon tax has been pretty much tied to his name and party by our radio and news orgs, so Alberta (plus some SK areas) arent eager to see him return

Also NDP stole the "brave warrior against racism" bit out from under him, so the less conservative immigrants tend to prefer them over him now

So it's the usual "pissing everybody off by trying to please everybody" kind of story.

Sounds like Canada also has some awesome political drama. Maybe I should start reading Canadian news.

Wait why do the Indians not like weed?

I don't know much about Canada, so I have never thought about that.

No one really thinks about Canada friend.

No one outside Toronto likes Toronto

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. /r/toronto resident gatekeeper of a... - archive.org, archive.today

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