Jesse Singal drama, Chapter 297202680221583029305831144: There are persistent rumors about him sexually harassing transpeople via DM (sometimes spread by professional journalists), but nobody has any receipts whatsoever. There are cameos from Jeff Goldblum and CaseyExplosion, the woke Twitter sloth.

44  2019-10-21 by HadakaApron


What was the point of putting that big number into the title? You man should really take a reddit title course.

They won’t let me post a thread unless it has 300 characters.

Do the jannies have a picture of your bussy, and will send it to your family and friends if you write a short title or why do you care what the jannies let you do?

I have no idea why they imposed this on me. It seems a bit passive-aggressive, to be honest.

Is there a character limit for this type of post?

Yes, it's 300, and this title has exactly 300 characters, anyone who writes a title this long should just be banned for a day.

I'm retarded, I meant character minimum.

No character minimum.

There is a character minimum on the redesign using the Post Requirements tool. Drama jannies in a stroke of genius turned this on to weed out redesign-cels.

The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.


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I read that as Jussie drama and now I'm disappointed.
