Official Canadian election sneeding prelude

50  2019-10-21 by EasySchmitty


/r/onguardforthee is starting the cope early:

Edmonton here. A lot of us are doing our best. But we're out numbered by the pensioners, the rig pigs, the racists, the trump supporters (not sure why we have those in Canada), and the wall street wannabes.

UPDATE: First metacanada cope!

Newfoundland voting against Alberta's interests is the dumbest shit in the world. Do they realize what a tremendous benefit the energy industry has been to the Atlantic provinces? Tens of thousands were happy to get jobs out here. I'm serious when I say that a Conservative loss today will result in Western separatists being elected next election. You cannot understand this unless you live in Alberta.

Bernier lost, LMAO, these people really have a flimsy understanding of there own countrymen.

Yeah, further moderation is exactly what the CPC needs.

I mean they’re already all in on climate change, environmental regulation, boutique tax breaks, SJW nonsense, rampant immigration, and pretty well god damn well every other ‘progressive’ policy you can think of.

Fuck me. : /

Hehe, quality seething. Classic. Thanks fam.

Also lmao @ Leafs, they infest all of Reddit but I haven’t seen a blip of news about the election

Who will win?

Will /r/metacanada start lynching minorities if the People’s Party wins seats?

Will /r/onguardforthee celebrate re-electing Canada’s first POC prime minister?

Will Daddy attempt to invade and burn down Toronto like burgers did 206 years ago?

Will the resident serial killer of /r/drama Onichan or whatever his name was sneak onto another Indian reservation and get away with it again?

Onitan, and its likely that his reign terror will never end

He keeps getting away with it 😭😭😭😭

burn down Toronto

Unironically based if he did.

Would donate the max to his 2020 campaign.

Only of it makes you happy buddy

Any part of Canada on fire because of an action undertaken by an American is righteous and moral and worth contributing to.

🙄 oh you

Sorry buddy I know youre a leaf. I like you so you will be spared in the burgerfent raids of 2020.


haven't seen a blip of news

You didn't catch Trudeau's blackface scandal.

celebrate re-electing Canada’s first POC prime minister

And you have the audacity to call it blackface? 🤦🏼‍♀️Yikes. Folks, this is an example of POC erasure, which isn’t good praxis y’all. Your assignment is to view some Breadtube content (each video being on the shorter end of 2 hours) to educate yourself. 💁🏼‍♀️

Would give my firstborn son to anyone that burns down the cesspit that is Toronto

I'm calling it now. This is gonna be a royal 4-way fuckfest with no clear winner.

A result a radical centrist would be proud of.

Predicting that the independent Quebec party or whatever the fuck its called will win with a 60% majority

they are not quite there but damn good showing holy fuck

Aw you’re finally talking about your own countries politics!

Also enjoy more tradeau. Lol.

Life-fuel for manlet-cels

It's a liberal minority government, they're basically fucked. expect another election next year. Liberals know they need the pipeline to not ass fuck the Canadian economy but the NDP are going to completely stonewall them on it and prevent any cooperation if they try to push it through.

Trudeau is going to look like an even bigger pile of shit and if Sheer steps down and an actual popular leader gets chosen we'll probably have a repeat of 2010 where liberals get assfucked with a Conservative Majority and NDP opposition.

Radical centrist choice is voting Bloc Quebecois btw


It's cute how they flip red and blue around to pretend like they're so unique and quirky and not like the rest of the continent.

Now this is the boomer posting I come to /r/drama for.




Coming to America so you can live in Alabama might be the most retarded plan I ever heard of.

Oh fuck that’s so friggen good.

Stop using "sneed" or any derivation of it.

It makes you sound like a fool.

Unless you like or want to express yourself as a complete and utter moron, then, go for it.

No matter what your age, race, sex, gender, religion, level of education, it's bad


That's not an answer.

Just do better.

Automod (formerly) chucks you up if you have specific keywords in the title.

I don't give a shit about any other words, in this particular case, except for "sneed"

I don't like it. It bothers me a lot.

Do you care about my feelings? That word bothers me.


May I suggest lobotomy? It's gonna help you with this problem

its played out on /tv/

sneed harder faggot

Absolutely thneeding




Wish: minority Conservative

Worst case: majority Liberal

Most likely: minority Liberals

Now, minority Liberals will be total shitshow bc they will need NDP to govern and that means going of the cliff.

With that in mind maybe more Leafs will think two steps ahead and prevent that.



I just can't imagine anyone with a modicum of self respect voting for the goof who says peoplekind unironically.

You might as well play carnival music every time Justina speaks. He is the highest order of clown I have ever seen

I miss Jean Chretien. Even Layton wouldn't pull that shit.

So does this mean Scheer is stepping down as ccp leader?

Hopefully. That way we can get based McKay or Ambrose

Consider yourselves lucky. You guys get to watch the drama unfold from far away. I have to deal with this shit directly at work. It's over for federal-government-employee-cels.

Not saying you need to eat only salad or anything but what you've said is reactionary and stupid.


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The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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voted for the Christian heritage party cause fuck it 😎