Tfw you have a cohesive, pragmatic world view that definitely isn’t just a cope.

9  2019-10-21 by Slump_o


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What is that sub?

18 year old mayo and proud (admitted) virgin has a talk show about how much he hates nigs and joos

> Job: online Mayo supremist

> Surname: Fuentes

Hard (X) on this one


This actually explains a lot. Not sure why anyone would listen to him but yeah.

Nationalism (ethno not civic) is for insular cucks who cannot derive personal value from anything that isn’t their ethnic identity, you cannot change my view.

Nationalism: I don’t get bullied, Chad stops calling me gay, Jessica stops being a thot and lets me smash, I get taller, dad comes back.

Globalism: Black people say “this nigga peed his pants” when they see that I relieved myself in an unfortunate manner.

This really says a lot about society

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Tfw you have a cohesive, pragmatic ... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Nooo, how is there another air conditioner sub already??? Someone summon the power jannies. 😣😤

It takes less than two minutes to create a subreddit.

Christ. That’s 2 and a half fugee subs every 5 minutes.

TFW you try to slut-shame but you're so inculcated in leftist degeneracy that you do it to men instead of sluts.

Men can be sluts.


64% upvoted

I wonder who would be so upset by this?