A mother's warning: If you have white teen sons, listen up ...

232  2019-10-22 by Arbys_Official


Schroeder has suffered online criticism and abuse from those who virulently disagree with her.

Ah yes, disagreement with old mayofoids is known for being virulent and badthink. Or maybe they disagreed in a way that was virulent? Like, they started infecting other people with their viewpoint, which was obviously bad, because the point of all these other people is just to play a mindless role in some societal organ to serve some greater purpose that only Chairman Mom gets to decide. Those idiots are not supposed to start thinking for themselves.

hes just going to get better at hiding it and playing the leftoid image better. her trying to engrain her views into him wont work

This is why we need Sharia Law. When Generation Zyklon comes of age they will usher in a white ethnostate. I have already started learning Arabic and I suggest you all do as well. May Allah give us strength.

I've started learning Farsi and converted to Shi'a Twelver Islam. May Allah forgive you for being misguided and suckling at the teat of Aisha, kafir scum.

"I know my kids understand Hitler, but as I scrolled through his [social media] I saw more memes that joked about the Holocaust and joked about slavery,"

just wait till the jokes about you bitch


Is that Jenna Fischer

Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


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He was scrolling quickly, really quickly," she said. "It was so fast, and he slowed down, and I saw an image of Hitler and I stopped him, and I said, 'Wait, is that Hitler?'"

She might point something out and then tell her boys, "These alt-right guys were trying to trick you. Like they think you're dumb and you're not. You're smart."

Is he really that smart if he was going to fall for it in the first place?


Did he know what they were doing and truly wants to be alt right?

Either way the mom is delusional

Lol this is just going to make them go alt-right to rebel.

Her triggered stuff made me want to pull one.

Wait, is that Hitler?


Wait, are you Hitler?

“Yes, but ironically, mom”.

So when did woke moms replace tipper gore and banning rap and metal moms?

When millennials started having kids.

These are gen xers. No self respecting millennial mom is going to have a teenage son. If they did they're the teen Mom types that wlnt be the sort focused on whether or not their sons say kek.

Millenial parenting is going to make Biting Beaver look like an ideal mother.


Remember, only a radical centrist can actually believe in free expression. Anyone else only believes in free expression when they're not the ones with cultural power.

Drama fights for your freedom, thank a local dramanaut today!

So centroids are just resigned to knowing they'll never have any kind of power at all?

Rad can and centrists aren't the same, please don't imply anything this offensive again or I'll inform bart_tard and the cyber police of your transgressions.

They never went anywhere. They are always here. Just now it's a different song and dance. Except this time we wont have RATM, TOOL and Eminem making music shaming these foids. Now all those washed up millionaires agreed with this foid.

I listened to an album the other day in which the great poet Maxo Klean candidly confesses to home invasion, and, among other things, appears to mock an opposing gang member who's bro he killed ("Go dig your homeboy up, I bet he can't say shit / And if you lookin' for me, I be with them Forum Park Crips (Ayy, ayy)"). FYI irl he's fighting federal RICO charges, at the moment he released this album.

We pretty much reached the limit long ago with regards to music and I feel there's not much they can do to shock us. I'm nostalgic for the days when Marilyn Manson was somehow able to make himself the national bogeyman by dressing like a tranny and saying he wanted to destroy Christianity. If someone tried Mansons act today they'd get a high five from a fast food joints corporate twitter account and be invited to the local pride parade.

At least satanic panic had the excuse of making Jesus upset.

This retarded new mass hysteria is both godless and pathetic.

"They've studied the way that our young men interact online, and they have looked at what these boys need," she said. "And they have learned how to fill those needs in order to entice them into propaganda."

LMAO, maybe stop neglecting your sons in favor of your mommy blogging career u retard.

Or u know, stop crying that someone else cares about the children u don't.

Alright, who is the Chad bull who replaced your beta dad as a father figure?

Sam hyde duh

My dad is unironically great, as is my mom. I love and respect them both and they mean a lot to me.

Sorry you come from a broken home or w/e.

Loving your parents is actually one of the first signs you’re alt right

It's just one short step from not hating your parents to not hating your race.

I heard on NPR that kids that love their parents are twenty times more likely to vandalize a synagogue. Those just aren’t numbers you want to play around with.

And the absence of father figures is the only thing keeping black kids from turning alt right. Turns out dead beat dads were the real heroes all along.

Imagine using the term "father figures" because you've subconsciously accepted that their actual fathers are worthless.

What do you mean "subconsciously?"


The heroes we need, but don’t deserve

Their moms do provide tendies 😋

orphan cope

Wait, is that Hitler?

Look at the big brain on... Joanna?

lmao - can these people get any lamer than this

SJW: stands for "social justice warrior," a term used to mock civil rights activists

God help me, Boomer leftists are somehow even more insufferable than boomer rightards.

If you don't pay attention to their online lives, the white supremacists will.

Is this the new satanic panic?

civil rights activists

HAHAHAHAHA yeah the 300 pound foid isn't just some mad eggcel

You are severely underestimating boomer conservatives.

The state I live in is 80% boomer conservatives. I've seen an unending supply of self-congratulatory and delusional signs, posters, bumper stickers, etc. proclaiming their heroism in future battles against the libs, but this is right up there with them.

The state I live in is 80% boomer conservatives.

I am shocked

Idahocel represent.

oof, get to a coast bro

Nah I can carry a gun concealed without a permit and take fentanyl in tablet form on the same day. I'm cool.

god bless america

Why would you even need to concealed carry in Idaho, is a moose going to rob you or something

Because it's a state with untamed National Forests the size of Ireland that contains a significant number of predators.

It's also a state with a significant and growing number of Californians.

May I propose the luxurious gulf coast of Mississippi? One of the largest man made beaches ever made, it used to be a swamp, it still wants to be a swamp, and it hates this form we've forced on it. Explore the local habitat, like flesh eating bacteria breeding wildly in the stagnant warm, cloudy, sediment filled water, swim in the brackish muck that's cut off from the Gulf of Mexico by barrier islands. When it's not actually closed due to aforementioned flesh eating bacteria. Explore our vibrant casinos that developed like festering sores to feed on our crumbling economy after decades of neoliberal rot. Seemed like a good idea back in the 90s when it wasn't literally legal everywhere due to neoliberal stagnation, now we have a tough time competing with NOLA and fucking Shreveport and every other gas stop. There's always the fucking mill, the military bases, and meth labs I guess.

Anyway great place, you should visit.

I'm from Mississippi and I'm honestly not sure if I know any boomer from my home town who didn't vote for Trump. Besides the black people lol, black people are like the only liberal old people down there. An old, white liberal from Mississippi is like a fucking unicorn.

Among the younger generation it's a lot more mixed though actually.

I'm always just kind of amazed the sort of posts the boomers share though, they'll literally believe anything in a chain message, there's almost no limit to what completely obviously fake shit they'll reshare. I try to limit myself to only commenting on this when they're sharing something that literally might be dangerous to their health, which is surprisingly often. You have to concentrate on keeping your boomers alive and not blow your load contradicting everything so that they just get annoyed.

You have to concentrate on keeping your boomers alive

What's the fun in that?

These are Gen Xers

Leftist boomers are usually either well-meaning but out-of-touch champagne liberals, spend all day yelling at the TV types, or old school worker's rights activists and veterans who are kind of unhinged but really interesting to talk to

Have you still not figured out that "boomer" now means "anyone over 30" you fucking boomer?

Boomer is a state of mind, you are a boomer if your retirement fund is worth more than 2 years wage.

or struggle with any form of technology

Snally I want to put a baby in you so bad. Last night I came to the thought of you until my penis was aching and in agony.

what is it with you and wanting to impregnate snally?

not wanting to inject your baby batter into her still fertile womb, making her responsible for making that her body carries a part of you into the world

no swollen Snally nips


aight, imma head out.

making her responsible for making that her

What the fuck are you trying to say?

I get so hard thinking of Snally that I can't think straight


You forgot the hippies trying to re-live the 60's that go to Burning Man

Lib boomers also near universally think that "Nice try, Boris" is the most epic comeback of all time.

Jessica Yaniv is pretty much MLK tbh

These are my sweet gentle boys

There is always a but at the end of that sentence

they have learned how to fill those needs in order to entice them into propaganda

Her son is gay?

If they were on estrogen they would not have the aggressiveness required to commit violence.

Maybe the parents should be the ones filling their needs. And I mean that in the least sexual way possible.

And I mean that in the least most sexual way possible.

If you were raised by her would you want to spend anymore time than you had to with a foid?

This is why we have taken the proactive step of banning zoomers. By doing so we can prevent their exposure to our cryptofascism.


Their clueless parents won't restrict their brain-melting social media access so we have to do it for them

The sooner they get banned from drama the sooner they can find their way to endchan.

Other terms she tells parents to listen for include snowflake; kek, a form of "lol" that sometimes refers to an ironic white nationalist 'religion'; cuck; chad; femenoid; beta; "Blood and Soil," and the numbers 14 or 88, for their association with Hitler and Nazism.

The fucking escalaton lmao. Snowflake and kek in the same sentence as 1488 and blood and soil. And she's not even got the right terminology. Whomst the fuck uses "femenoid?" It's femoid or foid.

SJW: stands for "social justice warrior," a term used to mock civil rights activists


I think she means well but Jesus Fucking Christ she is so far out of touch she's gonna do more harm than good. If you tell your kid that saying "chad" makes them a Nazi, they're going to decide that maybe being a Nazi isn't so bad after all.

Like how troons calling everyone TERFs makes more TERFs lmao.

Look at her fucking problem glasses in the picture lmfao. Could she look any more like a satanic panic wokemarm stereotype?

No, but I’m sure she would try if you gave her a chance.

Make sure your kids don't notice things

She's making aut-right memes so much more appealing to them.

I'd still fuck her TBH

Even after all the dogs?

Meh she already shoved out that giant shithead of a son, you know it's not going to be tight already, can't really complain you didn't know what you were getting into

Her own fault for not aborting the mayo menace while she could

A drama user needs to fess up. Who does this mum belong to?

I keep my parents up to date on all the slang that the cool kids use, so it couldn't be mine. 😎

I’m mortified that ((they)) pushed this story to my phone in the form of a notification.

Uh oh. They've got half the drama vernacular defined in the article.

Get on the euphemism treadmill you slackers. If CNN can figure out what words mean then we're falling behind.

Maybe if you hugged your boys more when they are just little ones they would be normal when teenagers.

I think she's pretty milfy, I wanna go betabux on that torn up vagina ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It's so odd to see these clueless news segments treating internet culture as some kind of safari exhibit, that has to be unveiled carefully to normal members of society by their ordained traditional media outlets, when the internet culture has basically become the culture. It's something you would sort of expect to see in the 90's, "Oooohhhh this is the WORLD WIDE WEB Billy, the INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY, you can go anywhere, just try not to get trapped in the NET!" The traditional media outlets, are the zoo creatures these days.

I hope all your mothers watch this.