Reddit powerjanny gets cancelled by Woke Twitter

189  2019-10-22 by KaaraRaven


Girl-esque gothic creature. Enby trans femme lesbian, erotica writer and Marxist owl

why are they always lesbian? are they scared of dick?

They're straight dudes with a fetish for being a woman. So they call themselves lesbian.

this is what i really suspect

You suspect it because its true

Somebody's on the fast-track to detective!

Next cold-case on the docket: why do so many women lie about having been sexually assaulted?

Easy, they fucked an uggo and their friends made fun of them for it

Next cold-case on the docket: why do so many women lie about having been sexually assaulted?


I think there's also a bunch of transbians who are basically incels with a grass is greener syndrome. The more of a sex pest they are, the more likely they transitioned out of desperation.


Lesbians born in a man's body

Why are they all commies? Are commies the only one that accept them?

its because they have literally been cast aside by society and are attracted to authoritarian ideologies that promise them a seat at the table

Is that why most furries are either commies or fash? It really explains a lot.

They're commies because they're mostly have fake disabilities and they believe communism is the only way all of them can not work but also have a successful society

Ironically, communism isn’t anti work. People would legit spend either the same or more hours working under communism. Weird how it attracts anti work people.

That's because 100% of people who support communism don't know what communism is.

I don't know what it is but the REAL it hasn't been tried yet, I know that for DAMN sure

The T-34 won't fix by itself, tovarish.

Any good society would have them ground up into fertilizer so they have to go for bad societies.





Also no.

That's not how any of those things work. Its bio is a fucking word salad.

It would be like me saying I'm a bisexual straight man. Like, wtf it doesn't work that way.

Not their own for obvious reasons

blahditty blahditty blah truscum blah blah

Call people with gender dysphoria “scum”

“ÒwÓ binary transfolx are so unaccepting of me 😠”

The trender cries out in pain even as he strikes at you.

Excuse me bigot, but in 2019 straight men are the most oppressed of all the LGBTQSM.

Since I'm truscum, I'm just going to wear it like a badge of honor.

Cause it's just a incel who wants some gussy.

No, but one is enough.

what's the 18 with the slash symbol mean?

There should be a rule that if you moderate more than 5 subreddits, you automatically get euthanized.


Nice, I’m gonna survive still.

Honestly I have a very low key job where I can fuck around on online most the day. Modding 5 small subs wouldn't be hard but the large ones would be impossible.


It's for the best, really

Your comment got removed, by the way.

I'm safe... On this account.

Never a good thing when I recognize a Twitter handle. This is an Official Grand Poobah of Trans Twitter. All that's missing is a patreon to support the tweeting.

Wow. Check out those AD twitters. The significant other appears to be a high grade fujo, just going off the posts. Plus. Doll fetishes. I'm going to peg the odds of a longstanding gendertf/feminization fetish at 87.9% and the odds of DDLG at 62%.

And The Prince is in the comment chain. Do you think he remembers us? Lookit that copypasta barfy gave him. I never would've guessed that PK was an altright agent.

Looking forward to the gory aftermath after all these new-age type scam artists go bust

A while back a community of trans had a scam on a donation site (Patreon?) where each kept donating money to each other to artificially inflate their numbers (without paying the fee IIRC).

Finally the site threw down the kibosh, and the community flipped out.

I wish I could find the story again.

Also, I thought you were banned?

Admins unbanned them pretty quickly.

i've been perma banned on this account three times

For what? And how did you get them reversed?

Admins can’t tappy the Trappy.

Mom, why should we pay the black transwomen? What have they done for us?

I only pay Black homeless men and Thai trannies

If they could only be a hard-working t-thot like u

I dunno. Given the shit Greta Gustava got away with? It doesn't seem to be decreasing.

But god, yeah. That would be great. It's going to be like all the Laurelai accusers coming out of the woodwork, except times thousands. All the people who got ripped off, scammed, fucked over spilling their shit. Gory doesn't even begin to describe it.


C'mon man.

Daddy Dom, Little Girl.

Oh. Ew

I thought @payblktrnswomen had to be a satire account, but nope. Go get that money I guess

I should really set up a patreon and milk money from these losers. :v

So what's with your flair anyway? Is it like your fursona or some shit?

It's a raven! :>

Andy from /r/mylittleandysonic1 may want to meet you.

I can't believe that sub is still active lmao

It's the only MLP free speech safe space left after /r/sexwithhorses got b&

What is that?

mlas1 pasta here (remind me to post it tomorrow)

Post it tomorrow

Welcome one and all to /r/mylittleandysonic1 (MLAS1)! If you found yourself here, you may be asking, "Where am I?", or, "What is this place?". Well, that is a little harder to explain then my vocabulary is able to do good, so feel free to make a post about it! Everyone has their own opinion on the matter, really.

What do I think this place is for? Well, it started off as a joke, but quickly became somewhere where people could come and just be themselves. If you have an opinion on something, great! Just remember, so does everyone else! Post anything you like, talk about whatever comes to mind, but Tag your NSFW posts!

Also flair your submissions with link flair if they are furry, yiff, scat, contain spoilers, or are designed to induce feels.

If a post is marked NSFW then it's contents (including comments) should be considered NSFW as well! Tag it!

What in the hell

We're the /r/drama of horses.

I guess

If Woke Twitter is stupid enough to pay them just for being born a certain color and identity, I don't blame them.

They don't say no if someone's just giving money away

Live by the woke, die by the woke.

Lmao if you're gonna try and put that human paraquat on us maybe leave off the part where they only have 11 posts and 0 karma.



Lol I thought that was about me


11 posts

Salaam, This tweet was detected during our social media engagement campaign. I am sorry that you did not enjoy your visit to /r/drama. It is requested that you provide additional details by which we may improve the accessibility of our service. Best regards, /r/drama moderation.


PK sighting in the comments lol

Whoa, this could get spicy.

Justcool’s response sums up my feelings but about all of them.

Noticed his message too.

Bottom of here for anyone else wondering.

Oooh merari is like belleariels arch nemesis, Someone dm her the link

You know she will capitalize fully on this with lots of buzz words to make herself look like she's a trans activist. She even put "no transphobic comments" on her sub's rules, and it's so out of place you can tell she's just trying to win points.

She even tried to pull the "I think you're a sub collector" when she was arguing with him to act like she wouldn't mod 200 subs if she got the opportunity.

Lmbo I remember that, the hypocrisy cringe! Did you see her get canceled, for asking why they don’t just arrest this new extremist environmental communist group, she wasn’t aware of? She got shut down quick. 😂 I got a post dunking on merari for being anti Semitic in BPT right now, but I need a better place to post it than WRD. Any ideas 🤔

lol I stick to rrrdrama cuz the rest of reddit sucks for meta fun.

It's amazing how she tries to use buzz words to win points and she's so transparent she gets called out as an idiot. This could turn into some good drama, cuz she's vindictive and will go after him.

Okay I made a drama post for it.

Idk if she will though, she’s gone full bot lately. 🤞🏿

where's the drama post

you can tell from the thumnail that this is a "dramatically sensitive" person

Enby trans femme lesbian

this is a straight male with extra steps.

not even. it's a straight male with half an extra step before lying down on the sidewalk and taking a snooze

if it said "pronouns: he/him" it would be a work of art

Clean it up janny

Everybody in that thread belongs in the oven

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Reddit powerjanny gets cancelled by... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers


Why are so many power jannies losers in their 40's?

I can get teenagers getting hooked up on shit (and plenty of teens probably mod like 1-2 subs) but dude find a better hobby if you're in your 40's, carving, gardening, anything but being an internet cop or a capeshitter action figure collector.

Why are so many power jannies losers in their 40's?

fat former stack engineers/sysadmins living off of their disability checks? like angrydm with his caretaker gf

like angrydm with his caretaker gf

Tell me more

oh he's long gone now. an old anti-gamergate lolcow who modded a bunch of anti-KIA subs. one time his girlfriend/nurse wore "gamergate color" socks (purple and green, for some reason?) and he slapped her and berated the shit out of her (allegedly)

I used to milk him into sperging all the time and then he just vanished. Is there a link to the drama on the GG socks?

Idk. I never saw it first hand. I only heard about it after

I can't imagine putting up with that crap. I'm 45 and have ceased to care about 99% of the BS you see online.


Holy shit do they go on and on and on.