r/menslib discusses ways of introducing soy into your childโ€™s diet.

95  2019-10-23 by Ghdust2


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They locked the thread :(

People must have been having unapproved thoughts ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I wish I weren't already a nazi so I could become one in response to breshark and delta_baryon's insufferable whitemalephobia. I guess I'll just have to be a double-nazi from now on in honor of them.

Pol can I interview you for my.podcast

being a Nazi

Lmao imagine not being Cathbol. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Imagine not being being an Eco-EthnoAnarchoMonarchist

Eco-terroirism is a part of the Cathbol beliefs. Read more Tolkien.

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


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I would kindly like to remind everyone that being a Nazi is not an understandable act of youthful rebellion, but an existential threat to Jewish people, people of colour, LGBTQ people, and anyone else whose right to exist isn't recognised by their worldview. The people who marched on Charlottesville carrying burning torches and chanting "Blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us," were and still are dangerous, violent extremists, not lost little boys who just need a cuddle. They killed people that day and they are still killing people.

How virtuous of him to say, omg ๐Ÿ˜‡ Nazis are bad, I had no idea before

tfw I'm an LGBTQ people and I genuinely consider myself to be in more physical danger from wokies than nazis

Yeah cause there is like a few dozen actual Nazis roaming around and like 20 million wokies

There are no actual nazis roaming around. Stop believing them

There are no actual nazis roaming around. Stop believing them

polinvictusrisen 16 points 7 hours ago I wish I weren't already a nazi


It's the "roaming around" parts that's doubtful, due to physical reasons.

๐Ÿค” true

20 million wokies

Definitely not that much. They're just wealthy which is why we hear about them more.

leader of the bloodthirsty, queer-bashing alt right neo nazi white supremacist movement: a cointelpro homo obsessed with fashion and optics, loves karaoke night and knows the lyrics to every depeche mode by heart

average wokie: wants to import muslims and supports 7'3" trans women hitting lesbians who don't suck girldick with baseball bats

I doubt the number of nazis in the world is in 5 digits.

They always include Jewish people while at the same time hating Jewish people just as much as the fake labeled โ€œnazisโ€.

I think that we're not always good at this. I've written at length here about how social media and the internet are specifically bad at having nuanced conversations, but I also think there's an undercurrent of shame that can run through them. Even and especially places like here where we're trying to be constructive and trying to talk about healthy masculinity, there's a trailing "hey, just BE BETTER, moron!" that can be built in.

Shits is always crapping out this nonsense on cuckslib before going around the rest of reddit being an insufferable fucking douchebag. Is it some kind of long term troll?

I hate that I can recognize TiT's writing..

No, it's not a myth. It is something really do. The reason why they chose something so innocuous was exactly so they could discredit people who called it out, by claiming they'd fallen for a hoax.

They use the OK symbol to mock you for falling for their hoax you moron

It's essential that we as parents do more than just listen and watch for racist or sexist buzzwords and memes

memes are banned in my house

These soydads are raising the next generation of Owen Benjamins

Eew imagine thanking titcj for his comment peak reddit.

For a men's discussion sub, they sure spend a lot of time talking about women.

Uh uh. You are not gonna sit here and dismiss the very real threats and attacks that white nationalists have exacted over the years even outside of Charlottesville. If you care so much about "division", then start taking Nazi threats seriously and stop them from trying to create an ethnostate and calling for the genocide of people.

And for the love of god, do not do that typical reddit thing of throwing Daryl Davis in people's faces just because you like the optics of a non-threatening black man being super chill and nice to the people that want those that look like him dead when most people do not have the luxury of doing what he does.

lol it's cool how they hate the one black guy most well known for changing racists' views more than anyone else

Commie trash and feminist woketards just want labels so that they can actually hate people without appearing not morally acceptable.