Never forget, 110 subs and counting.

405  2019-10-23 by 2Manadeal2btw


F for my people

We just wanted to grill for God's sake!

this, except it is funny, and you’ll never β€œwin”


I is totally funny.

Thanks for the tiny image, dumbass.

r/boomergrill banned

Not this time, gramps.

You can take my subreddits, but you can never take my grill.

S to spit on graves

jews banning stuff = jews getting kicked out out countries for eating child foreskins

jews jews jews baby dicks jews jews biting on succelent baby dicks jews jews jews why do jews get all the baby dicks jews jews jews it's so unfair jews jews jews the system is rigged jews Jews JEWS


truly we must purge the MDE menace.

You definitely aren't white knighting for babydick suckers because you sympathize with them

That's impossible, because you're too busy dreaming about sucking babydicks to sympathize with anybody about anything.

Actual footage of you right now.

Please stop raping.


Pol are you the resident MDEgenerate?

I'm the only good, interesting, and correct person anywhere on Reddit. Congratulations on having found me.

Goddamn, I wanna fuck you in the ass so badly 😍

Will you settle for eating my ass while I shit all over your face?

Counter offer: I will eat the booty, hold the poo. Final offer.

We have a bogan and a leaf who are indigenous to this community and are a part of the ecosystem. I don't know exactly when Pol showed up but it seems to be an invasive species.

Pols been here for years, I once found my way into a thread from like 5 years ago and he was commenting lmfao

he was someone else before, it's really obvious which old mde lolcow he is but the name escapes me at the moment

I think his first account was poltard, or something like that? Or was there one before that?

Pol is one of our resident rightoids. He is needed to bring balance to our Great Autism.

It's almost like I have bookmarked a bunch of stuff bookmarked that I know will apply to tards like you.

You know what's even easier than bookmarking internet links to defend against constant allegations of child molestation that follow you everywhere?

Not preying on children, you twisted piece of shit.

Even straight up pedophiles gave us Roman Polanski. What has neo-nazis given us except more fat obese wheelchair warriors?

you're both equally insufferable.

what im saying is its always the jews

It's cause you think about us all the time 😘

Oh good, my broker is here. I'd like to buy some more rightoid seething futures for November 2020. 🀭

Stop doing things and I'll stop noticing


That's not fair

It's jews and chicom


Imagine using this an affectation when you're some retarded zoomer who doesn't even understand where the term comes from. πŸ™„

pol's so old he's not a boomer, but just barely

Imagine gatekeeping hating chinese communism because you're a commie simp piece of shit.

Then stop raping children you boomer predator.

Was it 4chan?

I'm really sorry for you that you don't have any connection with male relatives from back then. I don't know what it's like to be raised by a single mother, so all I can say is that I'm really proud of what you've managed to accomplish in spite of that.

I'm sure your stepdad Tyrone was a great father to you, but did he ever serve in the war?

Sorry you can't read as well as coming from a broken home or whatever, but that's still no excuse for being a child molesting old chickenhawk piece of shit.

Please stop, then spend the rest of your life apologizing to society and whatever God you choose to believe might forgive you. <3

If there's one thing the right and moderate left can agree on, it's fuck China.

It must be hard to maintain a bigger victim complex than a group who had half their people genocided

i mean the holocaust obviously didnt actually happen though so im not sure what your point is

The MDEcel cries in pain as you penetrate him

How do rightoids not understand a forum can ban you if they run ads and dont want a bunch of manlets talking about the reason why no gf wants their chode is the jewish feminist conspiracy.

Its like when someone gets upset the public library kicked them out when they caught them masturbating to a anatomy book.

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Never forget, 110 subs and counting... -,

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Anyone got a visual chart?

It all started with that pedo sub getting banned and all the Libertarians rising up.

They only put up with is bc Thuh_Danahld! Dramas time is a coming!

Let's just make a promise not to start talking about tennis gorillas and I think we should be fine

r/the_darnold is the new hotness.

There's like 150 MDE evasion subs that were banned

Just think, in 2016 FPH was screaming that Reddit would start banning all subs that were not advertiser friendly.

And they got called drama queens for that.

Yeah because rightoid neets are definitely a demographic that has a flexible spending budget

in 2016 FPH

I think that was 2014 or 2013, with gamergate somewhere in between then and 2016.

Shout out to /r/millionshekelextreme, the kosher version. F

It was either that or /r/billionshekelextreme, I forget.

Maybe it was neither.

Billionahecklesupreme and the number sub were great

I think it got banned too.

The first one was our kosher one. BS(Supreme) was just a backup MDE sub.

MSE may be dead but it's modmail still lives ❀️

wow, they banned CringeAnarchy? Didn't even know

also don't say nothing of value was lost. fatpeoplehate was a gem shining in the night sky before they killed it

Newfags, OUT!

r/YouCanSayNigger though

Where is r/antifa? That was a fun one for a while.