Foids btfo

51  2019-10-23 by MikeStoklasaBackup


Getting more based everyday. How will redditors continue to cope?

I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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Thumbs up snappy


I’m concerned about the curve.

That's cause you ain't never felt one 💦

And it looks like he’s still intent on burning bridges.

With the lowest common denominator of movie-goers. Capeshit is literally the Reddit of the movie industry.

Capeshit is literally the Reddit of the movie industry.

I think you're actually giving Reddit way too much credit with this comment.

People like Capeshit, and it actually turns a profit. It's nothing like Reddit at all. Most of us only use Reddit because we hate ourselves.

He is building bridges with me

Yeah for real

Based AND Redpilled

He is literally not wrong its just pandering to simps

That haircut and those glasses

Do these people to out of their way to look like stereotypes? Óvò

They go out of the way to gain social points from their peers, so yes. If all the people you choose to associate with are dweebs, you're probably going to be a dweeb too.

Volcel if you wouldn't

Lol how is what he said controversial, he even said if the story calls for a female lead why not?

They need to remake The Last Temptation of Christ, but instead if it being about Jesus having to resist the temptations of worldly sin its about Martin Scorsese having to resist the temptation of going along with Hollywood nonsense