Incel trolls the fuck out of contrapoints lmao.

169  2019-10-23 by 2Manadeal2btw


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I have friends who are virgins and interested in being in relationships eventually. None of them are incels

Every time lmao

"Only the people i dont like are incels, the people im friends with are just involuntarily celibate"

"Incel is just a state of mind dude, just work on your personality"

if their friends have so great personalities why aren't they fucking then?

Honestly it's the worse advice you can give to lonely men. Considering personality isn't some shit you can work on at the gym.

I would say find non toxic online spaces like /r/menslib for a healthy alternative.

That's like giving a suicidal guy a rope

Come to drama we are sub of peace

I'm surprised they didn't go the "have you ever considered that you're an egg? uwu" route.

I feel like this guy is very neutral at the moment. Maybe someone could point him the way of arr drama?!

Egg comes first

You want /r/drama to radicalize this impressionable young centrist?

Radicalize him as a Cathbol more like.

not TransCatharism


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Incel trolls the fuck out of contra... -,

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If this guy is not trolling, then I can't notice sarcasm.

Calls inceltiers an "incel sub" lmao.

I recognise his username from /r/Braincels and /r/Celouts.

I don't think he's trolling if you look at his post history. It makes it a bit sadder but just as funny tbh.

The guy is serious? He just stopped being an incel one day? Like I can just put down the computer and go outside just like that

I think that it's just really subtle trolling. The guy is probably an actual incel but he's just fucking with these people by making them debate labels.

That's it. He posted in the formerly-existing incel subreddits. He didn't just stop being an incel. Very likely just trolling them.

Not a troll just a mentally unstable person.

IT is still an incel sub, it puts you in the headspace

I can only read so many versions of "We don't hate incels for wanting love and relationships, it's just that they're all ENTITLED n shit"

Like just admit you hate incels for wanting love and relationships and call it a fucking day, jesus christ.

they hate incels because incels are pathetic lonely losers - easy targets to make you feel superior. if it really was the misogyny, they'd also spend all day mocking rappers, or men who beat their wifes, or whatever.

but you can't really feel superior to the guy who not only sings that "bitches ain't shit" but also gets more pussy and makes more money than you'll ever do, can you?

it's cause incels are near the bottom of the social hierarchy. of course ugly, unmasculine, short men are going to be made fun of, have trouble dating and won't be able to stand up for themselves. They don't want to admit that some straight men (white or not) can be at the bottom of the totem pole.

There's also the fact that most of our great-great-...-grand aunts who didn't have an immediate strong negative reaction to low status men didn't have any grandchildren and therefore weren't our great-great-...-grandmothers. And since most feminists are women and have this instinctive reaction honed by millions of years of revolutions, incels never had a chance.

It's the main problem of modern progressive movement: on one hand, they pursue a noble goal of liberating us from the chains of nature, including our nature, but on the other hand the pointing out things and claiming that they are actually natural and therefore good is the conservatives' favorite fallacy, to which progressives reflexively react by denying that things are true. And you can't really liberate everyone if you deny that most chains actually exist and have to be consciously worked around.

incels aren't entitled they are pessimistic and say they 'accept their fate' which is what their blackpill is about.

Why do all of these dumbasses claim incels are "entitled" then?

To frame them as being as unsympathetic as possible, so they can tell themselves how they are good people for hating them.

Poe’s law has that thread in its iron grip