Some of Joe “dude weed lmao” Rogan’s more rightoid fans aren’t sure how to react to Snowden’s episode.

3  2019-10-24 by Ghdust2


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Some of Joe “dude weed lmao” Rogan’... -,

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Snowden is such a peice of shit hypocrite.

How so?

He had a moral obligation to call out the US for unethical surveillance but runs 5o Russia's open arms. It's one of those things that is nobel in itself but fucked up in the end.

It's hard to to make judement without knowing all the details, but there is definitely more to the story than at face detail.

You have to wonder if the only reason he did it was if Russia got wind of it and promised him something to go out in the open. There's only like 3 countries you could do something like this and put it in a bad light, and he picked number 1.

I always figured that was due to Russia being an adversary of the U.S. So of course Russia would be fine with providing him safety at the expense of making the U.S look shady.

Even if it is more shady then that like you say, exposing shady shit is still a good deed, even if Snowden was a spy or whatever.

Like I said, the deed itself is good. But it is fucked up trying to take the moral high ground and fleeing to a country 10 times worse for the same shit.

It's a sad state of affairs that Russia benifited more from his actions than the rest of the world did, on top of that fuck being protected by them.