What’s worse: Weebs or mayo foids 🤢

41  2019-10-24 by Ghdust2


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. What’s worse: Weebs or mayo foids 🤢 - archive.org, archive.today

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Imagine having an entire sub seething about moids not writing m’ladies well

Yeah but anime written by women is even more depraved. Like yuri on ice which basically translates to gay on ice. It's about a bunch of gays who do ice skating competitions as the theme of the show but the characters basically rape each other in horniness multiple times.

Dude yaoi is such a weird ass genre full of rapey gay guys trying to fuck and women love that shit

Tbh rapey stuff is half of "Women's Choice" category in porn.

I should look up statistician pdfs on women and rape fetishes that's probably a scientific article somewhere.

Dude women love rape everything, 50 shades, yaoi, porn, everything

Meme gender

wow you know a lot about this gay ice skating rape cartoon stuff

It won a lot of awards. Wait till you hear about the anime of the pretty boys who swim that's designed for women audiences.

What'z worse? Moids pretending to be foids so they could troll and white knight others are worse.

I checked around, there's no way that the biggest sperg in that thread is a woman cis or trans. Plus xir is a 28 day account and hates anime, but has an anime character as a profile pic? Come on.

Like every girl sub its full of guys pretending to be girls for points

That whole thread is anime-style fap material filled with MILFs and young boys.

Both groups feign serious discussion pretty good.

Foids are worse than everything else

Imagine being a weebs that so into white knighting that you deny facts about a woman's body lmao what a fucking loser

Titlets btfo again

do mayo foid weebs fuck real dogs or just pine for fictional dogs they know they'll never be able to fuck