If you don't take women seriously you are an incel or a rapist

121  2019-10-24 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


Lol, literally all of these are just whataboutism except the ones that are even stupider than that and pretend economics is as dumb as offbrand religion.

The issue I'm talking about is if you're saying that straight men are the same (or even largely the same) in regards to to their view of astrology, you either have to be saying all men were born the same day at the same moment (since time of day supposedly influences things too in the astrology world), or you have to accept that men behave this way regardless of their sign; which means their sign doesn't influence them, which means astrology has no influence on them, which proves their point.

Unironic nuclear level take in the comments.

16 times women proved why male comedians are paid more than them

jfc, surprised at the bantz on buzzfeed comments

ya astrology’s not backed by science but neither is religion and at least the stars don’t oppress women & the gays

NASA just received a radio message from Sirius, and it says, "Tell that bitch to shut her whore mouth."

As a straight white man who thinks astrology is bullshit i dove in ready to get rekt. DID NOT HAPPEN. Most of them just made me feel bad for whoever wrote it.

I did do a double take at the one promising sex for talking about the moon rising or some such nonsense. Are """e-girls""" really that easy?

I like the one about how her getting called an e-girl means she should insult people and that she gets buttblasted because everyone memes on her retarded newspaper religion and prefers rape jokes. It’s a good bit

Is there a (non-racial) group of people with a lower average IQ than astrolotards?

everyone forgets the reduce in reduce, reuse, recycle


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I can just tell a Virgo wrote this.

I am offended.

Virgo vs Chadggitarius

Ariens master race coming through

No match for the fish people

I once owned an Ariens walk behind. Can’t say I’d recommend it.


When will women stop radicalizing men by saying stuff like this?

Stochastic terrorism strikes again



I don't know seems to me we've been taking foids way to seriously for way too long

Tell me something I don't know

I am a scorpio, but am very passive and prudish. Explain that astrologycels!

Conspiracy theories are just astrology for white guys

So how is this "clapping back" at straighties. It just shows astrology is retarded.

Ignoring the fact that many conspiracies turned out true. Being skeptical is not a crime you astro-tard foids. Lol stop talking about juicy smoolyee he's not lying.

is gamergate a russian psyop? just asking questions

Gamergate was a bubble waiting to burst forever. People were sick of politics changing or censoring how different forms of media were expressed. It just turns out gamers were the ones who wouldn't take it sitting down. Even prior to gate happening I was wondering what was taking so long.

i agree, foreign organizations were manipulating gamer discourse for a while

Likely the Japs, in all honesty. While before slapping anime tits in a game was generally seen as tacky, now you can count on wokescolds to bitch about it 24/7 for free marketing for otherwise obscure JRPGs.

who wouldn't take it sitting down


Idg why straight men are so against astrology you know how much pussy y’all could get if you told a bitch “oh I’m a Sagittarius sun Gemini moon Leo rising” or some shit

I've had this happen lmao. Some girl dated me because apparently our star signs were a good match, it was sweet. Then she started clashing with my family and was just like 'Oh they're Tauruses' we just don't get along.

Like that was it, she made no effort to change because the almighty star signs had decided her fate.

Dumped her after a few more weeks crazy antics, lesson learned.

Girls like this are either completely adventurous and wild in bed, or completely blah in bed.

And OP better tell us which type she was

Yeah she was very kinky 🤤🤤🤤

The stars have aligned tonight, which means you’ll be getting butt fucked

his driving makes your stomach upset

This is BS, everyone knows higher revs = wetter gussy 😎😎😎

I love teaching men about astrology and having them go from ‘astrology is bullshit’ to ‘wow that’s so cool’ like yea it is u dumb bitch

No, he's 100% just trying to get laid XD

It's nice to know that no matter how devastatingly stupid your beliefs or ideology, unpaid Buzzfeed staffers will defend it on the basis that white men are evil, white men sometimes believe true things, therefore retarded bullshit is good ackshually.

Astrology would be one of the best things for 4chan Nazis to co-opt. Imagine if the next 👌 is ♊

Astrology would be considered an existential threat to the reigning belief in dubsology.

16 times women proved why male comedians are paid more than them


Lmao literally the only joke wamen have is the dicklet joke whenever someone calls them out for believing in horses in the sky. The foid cries out in pain even as it strikes you

So close to self awareness.

This is the comments. Buzzfeed’s entire audience hates them

“I’m not into astrology.”

“That’s what every Sagittarius says.”


OK I swear to God if I go on buzzfeed again I'm probably going to start being unironically sexist as fuck.

I don’t get most of these and buzzfeed is a Murdock rag

Also why is tall girl the author?

Good morning I hate women.

As do most good-hearted people...and most women, to be honest.

Most of these are utter self-owns, like comparing astrology to something retarded that moids believe in.