TIL that Pizzashill is Kazkhstani

364  2019-10-24 by MikeStoklasaBackup


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. TIL that Pizzashill is Kazkhstani - archive.org, archive.today

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You mean Kazakh

And no, effeminate """intellectual'"" men have absolutely zero overlap with the Kazakh people. Back when i lived there, kids got beaten for so much as uttering "Actually..."

Somewhat off topic, but I discovered that, of all things, it's very frowned upon and controversial for men to wear shorts in Azerbaijan. Like, that country has a lot of real problems to deal with, but somehow men wearing or not wearing shorts is a hot issue.

its pretty amazing looking at countries like that which are gonna go fucked so hard by global warming and its not even a top 10 issue. Africa gonna go full road warrior

Um, I spent a week in Baku this summer and I changed into shorts at the first opportunity because it was stable 30°C in the shade every day, 24 every night, how does anyone think that this is a pants temperature?

OTOH I've noticed that there's a shitton of productuve age men sort of hanging out everywhere during the day, so they probably have some retarded social structure enabling them and also as a side effect producing retarded takes like that you shouldn't wear shorts.

I seethed a bit at the fact that in a supposed Muslim country I can see five 24/7 places where I can buy wine and hard liquor in 5 minutes walking distance on google maps (pretty nice pomegranate wine especially), while back here I have to keep the 10PM deadline in mind. On the other hand, those places are like old soviet stores, really shabby. On the third hand, still good alcohol available.

I seethed a bit at the fact that in a supposed Muslim country I can see five 24/7 places where I can buy wine and hard liquor in 5 minutes walking distance

Ah, yes, but can you find any kind of normal store which opens before 9 or 10 AM? lmao that place is weird in some respects. Like being in the middle of nowhere in the mountains and you can still get dinner at a 'restaurant' thing (more like someone's house/estate they make food at) even at like 8-10pm.

I'm not really opposed to later start times, it seems like a nice life to drink tea and have breakfast leisurely in the morning, but going there from a western country you just expect people to be ready to go by like 8am and then you get informed you can't start until like after 9 or 10.

I've noticed that there's a shitton of productuve age men sort of hanging out everywhere during the day, so they probably have some retarded social structure

It's odd, they appear to have a very business oriented social life, but not in a very fast-paced sense.

Ah, yes, but can you find any kind of normal store which opens before 9 or 10 AM?

I'm OK with all of that because I don't really wake up before 10AM and all you early bird people are weirdos coping with insomnia or something. Like, if anything, one of the two things that made me dislike the place we lived at was that the breakfast ended at 11:00, this part of Western culture they should not have adopted.

The other one was that the toilet was full of piss when I checked in and I had to fix it by figuring how it works and turning certain valves. I usually don't expect to have to do that when checking in into a hotel. On the bright side, the room was huge and you won't believe how cheap.

What about cargo shorts 🤔. Asking for pizzashill

anything above the ankles is haram, but funnily enough, nobody there wears traditional islamic dress (except the rich saudi/emirati tourists). The society is pretty secular, they're just weirded out by dudes wearing anything but slacks or jeans.

Almost like social conservatives are retards.

You see that shit in poorly managed workplaces all the time.
