
172  2019-10-24 by ManBearFridge


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/r/BigDickProblems sends our regards 😎😎😎

Unironically yes, do you know how hard is it to find good XL condoms?

Is magnum not enough or something? It's in every store.

No magnums here 😭😭😭😭

Fuckin' ricecels.

Most condoms are the same length it's the girth that changes

My girth changes when I see you 😘

mysizes are pretty good

Lmao r/MensLib is a parody of itself. Especially with the post about not being gay if you suck dick.

Just have a bigger dick you pussies, EZ

Someone should copypaste the advice they gave to that incel trole from earlier. About maintaining the positive mindset, avoiding toxic places, and so on.

Dude dicklets lmao

Tampon sizes are not for different sizes of vagina - they are for different flow levels. All women (who have periods) have heavy, medium and light days

All people who have periods*. Some of us are men, and some are nonbinary.

You're totally right. My apologies! I'll correct the post.


And then one day...


The absolute state of menslibbers. 🤭

Some men have periods brother

and some women have dicks sister

Wonder if he is a chaser

We need another world war.

While funny the filename is meme.txt and uh that bothers me

So, cue the inevitable insecure jokes and links to elsewhere on reddit.


when you know you're a micro-dicked manlet so you try to defuse any fun others might have making fun of your micro-dick manlet status

It's like a precope

Kind of smart actually. Poorly executed though

most of the discussion surrounding mens apprehension to use condoms is "lol, look at all these selfish men who dont want wear condoms, they put their own pleasure above the health of their partner."

More like "look at all these dicklets who cant fit standard sized condoms" lmao

On a more personal level it can be humiliating to buy a pack of condoms that are marketed as standard only for them to be too large

And here weve arrived at the reason behind it all 🙄🙄

Jesus Christ, I didn’t think this was an actual problem because they all got vasectomys.

What kind of pencil noodle are these guys working with?

They don't want to get STDs from their girlfriend's boyfriend.

This has to be bait. Some losers are in there saying they have to custom order small condoms...

Apparently /r/MensLib are curries

Curries seem to either complete pansies that would be at home in menslib or tribal "women are property" tier sexists.

Well yeah there's a lot of east asians and poo in the loo immigrants bringing the average down. Most of the biggest dicks come from south America or africa. Black populations stay stagnant and mexicans don't have much different dicks than whites. Therefore it's slowly going down due to the mayocide.


Menslib honestly outdo themselves time and time again.

Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. /r/MensLib - archive.org, archive.today

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I recently went to the holy land and when I bought condoms there they were so thin in circumference I could barely fit them over the tip. Israelis must have some micropeens.

That's just the ones they sell to goys so you aren't suspicious that your gf is getting HEEBED while you are there.

Getting a condom caught in one of those open wound neovaginas sounds kinda dangerous. Girls can just fish it out. Dudeginas seem like they would need some kinda emergency dilation.


As funny as it all is, I hope the world can go pretty condomless eventually.

Even as a woman i hate them, I wanna feel you and I want you to feel me.

I'm just super careful with who to get with and take BC

as a woman


No necrotic meat cavern

So you kept the 🦄? Based troon

Holy shit that was an unexpected self esteem boost this morning. Mostly because I'm not them.

It's over for dicklets. Good thing I'm volcel r-right?