LGBT minus T, LGBs are uniting against gender Extremism (The Ts)

195  2019-10-24 by WeWuzKANG5


Gays are too busy getting laid for this nonsense lol

Other than shitposting about it, yes.

You're invited next weekend by the way. You don't have to be gay, just able to take a fist and not have a problem with being called a faggot by a man with his hand around your balls.

That sounds like a good time tbqh

Based and easy availability of prime bussypilled.

Damn straight we are.

lmao what an actual cacophany of screeching wokescolds in those replies. i love it.

It spills over into trans-furry land so fast now and they get so fucking mad.

I'm bookmarking that MalachiteTiger as a potential cow. His feed is almost chapo levels of awful.

I lied, I guess.

I did not log off. Nothing good came of this course of action.

Support LGBT creators. It's fucking hard for us to tune out the hostility and let it go long enough to get into a flow state sometimes.

lmfao, good find

I'm cheating. This works with literally any LGBT drama. Find the furry avatar image or username, click, enjoy a good half hour of incredibly woke stupid by someone much more pathetic than even your average dramaposter.

Furry anime trans Nazbol dramacow when

I will go to my grave regretting my failure to screen capture the support channels on various LGBT Tech and Furry Slacks/Discords on November 5th 2016.

Many T movement ideas contradict LGB ideas. I’m surprised it took this long for the split to start happening.

If gender is a social construct and has 0 relationship with sex the entire idea of sexual orientation falls apart

If gender is a social construct and has 0 relationship with sex the entire idea of sexual orientation falls apart

The idea of gender dysphoria falls apart as well.

Conversely, "gender is a social construct" is a rallying cry of TERFs who don't realize that there's a noticeable delay between seeing someone present as a gender and getting very sexually attracted and seeing their actual genitals.

Both sides are drooling idiots that make culture war sounds without giving any of the shit they say a five minutes worth of honest consideration.

Truscums can mix with the rest of the rainbow conceptually. They don't deny sex exist, they just want to be foid/moids.

Holy fuck, what's with the hundred of retarded gifs in replies?

Sassy GIFs are the purest form of reasoning, above even smug anime girls

Hi I’m a lesbian woman who also happens to be trans am I allowed to join or am I not allowed despite being L as well as being T

once upon a time it was a joke to say you're a male lesbian. It still is just not everyone is in on the joke anymore.




It's about time

This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


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The tweet

This is an historic moment for the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual movement. LGB Alliance launched in London tonight, and we mean business. Spread the word, gender extremism is about to meet its match.

It's confused:

Hi I’m a lesbian woman who also happens to be trans am I allowed to join or am I not allowed despite being L as well as being T

Then there's this:

Nice to know that despite trans and non-binary people doing all the heavy lifting for the movement for decades y'all gonna just try and drop us as soon as it becomes politically inconvenient ✌

The comments are a veritable goldmine, I wonder if gender critical is finally going mainstream?

Hot take from that 4chan guy:

TERF WAR!!!!1!

non-binary people doing all the heavy lifting for the movement

Did Non-binary people even exist in the eighties and nineties?

They didn’t exist even 5 years ago

You're not wrong. My ex went to school with a girl in 2014 who depending on the day presented as male or female. Before that point my ex and I had spent 4 years traveling the USA, meeting hundreds of drifters, hippies, hobos, weirdos, (shudder) Boomers, etc. and had never even heard of that kind of thing.

wrong you obviously didn't hang out in the right circles

"right circles"

In the current sense, no. Tumblr hadn't been invented yet.

Do they even really exist now?

Well as a larp yeah.

What about people with both tits and a penis? Òvò

That's just normal trannies tho.

It's sort of an inbetween, no? If they go all the way and get genital surgery then it's just swapping sides sure, but what about proud dickgirls?

It's not a sort of thing. Here's how I see it. I trans man believes he's a dude because "he" has body dismorphia about "his" vagina. Feels like he should have a dick. Same thing but the reverse for trans women. "Non-binary fags feel no legitimate body dismorphia. Their is no Non-binary genitalia. Most trannies are dickgirls, they keep their dicks.

Makes sense. Identifying as non-binary is the easiest way to claim that you fall under the LGBT+ umbrella without actually having to commit to anything, but I figured that people that are happy having a mix of male and female physical traits may not fully identify as either. It's not so much dysphoria as it is a preference, I guess.

It's all meaningless (but entertaining) bullshit at the end of the day. :>


That is not how you spell A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G.

Honestly if you're like full on Chevalier D'eon who physically had both, you have the right to call yourself whatever you want.

Their is no Non-binary genitalia.

What if I have a pimple on my taint that develops into an abscess?

Then we mock your (obviously) terrible hygiene.

It's okay as long as you top.

I do <3

Those are Thai ladyboys right? Why weren't they made the face of the movement instead of Jessica Yaniv?

Jessica Yaniv shouldn't even be the face of Jessica Yaniv, much less the face of any sort of movement that doesn't involve bowels.

The white patriarchy has no limits, modern "trans lesbians" might as well be conquistadors.

What about people with both tits and a penis? Òvò

Fatty manboobs don't count. 😎

You shouldn't larp as a bird that's way smarter than you.

Corvids have neither the time nor fortitude to learn about this confusing bullshit >:v

To be fair they are doing a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to sabotaging their own goals.

Of course not

Lawlz started the non-binary movement in the 90's

that movie is fucking iconic

I’m playing with Ween!

They don't even exist now.

non-binary people doing all the heavy lifting for the movement

They can lift more because they're biologically male it's not a fair comparison tbh.

that take is actually unbelievable

I don't care about any of this but that objectively makes the LGB point for them. the T's make everything all about them

Nice to know that despite trans and non-binary people doing all the heavy lifting for the movement for decades

That's quite a claim for someone who dresses like (and strongly resembles) a handicapped goth-girl's purse chihuahua and isn't old enough to remember when AIDS actually killed people.

I’m a lesbian woman who also happens to be trans

A man in drag?

trans and non-binary people doing all of the heavy lifting for the movement for decades...

nobody even knew that you people exist a decade ago lol

Thought that was a guy 🐴 👞 theory confirmed