Women only make 70 cents for every dollar men make. Therefore they should be allowed to hit and run.

104  2019-10-24 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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Wtf what kind of incel would block a woman in. DAE he was trying to rape her???

Redditcels will defend any woman as long as she's moderately attractive and teary eyed.

She looks like a compilation of gas station clerks I have seen at the same podunk place for years.

They start out chipper making 12 dollars an hour then quickly latch onto a deadbeat with at least one spiderweb tattoo and a lowered asian car.

My wife and I like to keep a safe distance but speculate about that revolving door lifestyle.

Maybe she'll drive through the wall and have crazy bug-eyed sex with him if he defends her virtual honor hard enough. :v

It's gotta be a mayo woman. Them bitches milk their tears the most

If she’d been a man she would’ve gotten a fist to the face and it would be posted on /r/justiceporn and the comments there would be equally retarded

Remember when that black guy shot the female cop and BPT on actual twitter defended him lmfao cope

You forgot the part where he had his hands up and police fired dozens of bullets into him shortly afterward. Oh yeah he didn’t drop the gun apparently even though the video didn’t show this, we’re just going to assume the version of events that allows us to get what we desire.

Pretty typical when describing “police involved shootings” tbh. It is really creepy and disturbing the way you people refuse to make any reference to killing or death when describing events in a crime, if police shot at a guy and killed him that’s an objective part of the story isn’t it? No the “threat was neutralized”. Christ that term gives me the fucking creeps, I would be much less disturbed if you would hold a blood ritual and dance like normal. You’re like little children, if you don’t say the bad things they’ll go away.

You forgot the part where he had his hands up and police fired dozens of bullets into him shortly afterward.

Oh no, police shot a person who shoots cops.

I'm so mad.

Police killed a hero


Which of your useless university professors did you pay to program you to say that?

Could you please type that again but without the cop dick in your twink butthole this time?

lmao go suck the dick of a nigger murderer while chicom rails your ass you gommie.

I said take the dick out of your ass not put another one in there. My man's got a giant bussy!

Sorry I can't understand you with all that nigger dick in your mouth and asshole, it sounded something like, you love nigger murderers and hate America?

PS Forseti5 was the only good one, faggot.

I think it'd help if you cancelled your BLACKED.COM subscription for a few months. If you're this obsessed with black dick you might as well take hormones and head out to the nearest housing project.

Btw aren't you a Paki? I thought you got droned after you disappeared for a while.

😴 I think it'd help if you cancelled your COPPED.COM subscription for a few months. If you're this obsessed with cop dick you might as well take hormones and head out to the nearest precinct. Go on, you know how much you want Daddy's baton up your faggoty asshole.

Weak attempt at a no u. Must be cause of the low IQ from all the muzzie inbreeding.

😴 Keep sucking Cop dick and loving it, faggot.

attempted murder of cop, still hold gun after 5 people say drop the gun, don't, die

Amazing, your gymnastics are

It's a shame that women even make 70cents, should be 20

They should be slaves, but I will settle for twenty as long as it comes with repealing the 19th.

Should be zero amirite

The mayofoid cries out in pain as she strikes you

Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Women only make 70 cents for every ... - archive.org, archive.today

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