In shocking turn of events, Republicancels that stormed closed door impeachment proceedings actually had permission to attend and decided to LARP instead.

109  2019-10-25 by ponzishill


Anyone with two functioning braincells could tell that this whole “protest” that house republicans did was pure political theater. Have to admit tho, it sure did work given how much rightoids have been eating it up.

Literally everything being done in the legislative branch right now is pure political theater.

Look at the legislation passed in the last year. It is hilariously awful.

The legislative branch is too busy doing a CIA larp to actually legislate.

If only we could return to the vigorous days of 2010-2016 when congress worked so hard to get things done.

You'd have to go back a lot further than that. Congress has been shit for a while.

You're probably 18 and uneducated in history so it makes perfect sense why you can only think back 9 years.

That was literally the most unproductive congress ever, mayo defence force has managed to consecutively lower the bar for decades.

I expect better of this subs frequent users than to miss such obvious sarcasm.

Uh, yeah. He's saying the 2010-2016 Congress was bad too, as if I implied the current Congress is what ruined everything. I'm telling you it's been shit for atleast half a century and is just progressively getting worse.

You should expect less. We're even more retarded than the lurkers.

And the theater director is Lindsay Grahamnesty. That dude talks a good game, yet his lack of any meaningful action isn’t shocking. Gotta admire the faggots ability to survive, politically!

Not hard for them to eat anything tbh but shit was hilarious

pure political theater

Just like this closed door impeachment "inquiry"?

The democrats don't have the balls to do anything real cuz they know that costs them the house in 2020.

Republicans might as well join in on the larp.

Republicans changed the rules in 2015 to allow a closed door inquiry you retard

and senate democrats changed the rules for confirmation to only require a simple majority, didn't stop them from bitching about gorsuch and kavanaugh

welcome to politics, bitch.

Also you missed my point, which is that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry, because the democrats have no balls.

Edit: lol after doing some research, that talking point you're parroting is complete horseshit. Republicans made no rule changes regarding impeachment in 2015.

Larp larp larp.

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. In shocking turn of events, Republi... -,

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You can't turn something into a circus without bringing the clowns.

are clowns organized labor now? fuck off commie

literally what are you talking about?

what are you talking about? you’re the one calling for a clown-strike bozo. “a circus isn’t a circus without clowns”? suck a Bolshe-dick


That would either be the funniest or most boring picket line ever. Like would they picket in clown make up and do tricks with their picket signs or would they not do any clowning at all because they're not working?

At the end they all get into the same VW bug

They do live in a society after all.

So Republicans have decided to protest their very own impeachment rules they help create? Great what else is new.

They said in a press conference that they were protesting the secrecy of the hearing and would not leave until it was made public.

Lmao, sorry you consider open honest government a "larp"

There are set in stone legal rules that say a witness being talked to like this can't be public lmao, rules they, themselves, signed into law.

This is all turning into a shitshow that has never been seen before.

No, it's not. It's quite literally all within established rules.

The judge noted that the “initial level of inquiry” in the impeachment questioning can be “done in secret,” like the witness interviews during President Nixon’s and President Clinton’s impeachment proceedings.

No, it's not.

There's no legal precedent for the nuances of what is going on. Not even going back hundreds of years.

It's different from when Bill said "It depends on what the definition of 'is' is".

Yes, there literally is. The witness interviews early on for both Clinton and nixon were secret, exactly as he says:

The judge noted that the “initial level of inquiry” in the impeachment questioning can be “done in secret,” like the witness interviews during President Nixon’s and President Clinton’s impeachment proceedings.

You're going to have to accept you're just repeating talking points you heard other idiots spew.

Perhaps I misinterpreted your original point, and maybe we are on the same proverbial page.

It is ok for the legislative branch of an elected three party goverment to hold closed door investigations into potential wrongdoing by anyone.

However, this particular situation raises questions and has future reaching considerations that are somewhat nuanced and do require some re-writing of law.

And removal of a complete moron from a position who could be thought of as the leader of the world's biggest superpower.

Donald Trump has been known for, as far I can remember (at least as far as 25 years back that he starting to be laughed at in the field of high finance) the last 30 years as an utter moron, a grifter, a piece of shit human being amongst people in the high finance community, law and just generally had paid any attention to how the world works.

He's a known loser to anyone to has more than 2 neurons that fire together, idiot and now ...... the former world's reigning superpower and greatest gift of aid to the entire world has become a laughingstock because of him.

Now call him Daddy.

Shut up nerd

When are you two going to jerk each others microdicks to seal this marriage of pure autism?

We should just go back to mob rule and witch burnings at the public square smh

Apparently Republicans do because all the proceedings are being done using rules they put in place, almost like retarded authoritarians get fucked by their own shitty laws they planned to use on hillary or literally any dem president.

open honest government



He said as the Demoncraps conduct a witch hunt behind closed doors.


Based neoboomer

can u roleplay ur comment 4 me if this thread was abt demoncraps doing this?